What would constitute proof of God's existence?

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jonthecatholic's picture
What would constitute proof of God's existence?

I'm a Catholic and believe in God's existence. I have several friends who are agnostic/atheist and their reason is, they haven't found evidence for a God to exist. My question to atheists is this:

What would evidence for God look like if one did, in fact, exist?

Someone proposed a voice coming from the heavens, or a priest levitating during the mass. I find both rather absurd but I'd be open to knowing what your thoughts would be on this question.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Well off the top of my head;
jonthecatholic's picture
Okay. So I'm assuming you
LogicFTW's picture
I don't want to answer for
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jon the Catholic - Would you
MCDennis's picture
Are you suggestion that a '
Bovski's picture
Are you saying god can't
Sky Pilot's picture
Jon the Catholic,
jonthecatholic's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Commonly accepted definition
jonthecatholic's picture
You got that right. I do have
MCDennis's picture
Why ''must'' there only be
MCDennis's picture
Why ''must'' there only be
jonthecatholic's picture
Well, for one, a perfect
MCDennis's picture
That's not true. Why must
daddyhominum's picture
A god must be capable of
Randomhero1982's picture
For myself it would take
jonthecatholic's picture
What would that look like?
MCDennis's picture
A floating pen would be cool.
jonthecatholic's picture
I thought that that was cool
MCDennis's picture
You didn't even attempt to
Randomhero1982's picture
I would imagine someone with
chimp3's picture
I do not seek proof of gods.
xenoview's picture
jonthecatholic's picture
As much as I'd want to answer
Daniel's picture
I dont actually have an
jonthecatholic's picture
I see. So the fact that he's
MCDennis's picture
Nice straw man argument here
jonthecatholic's picture
So please explain it to me.
mykcob4's picture
No jon you have it completely
CyberLN's picture
I don't know what it would


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