What would constitute proof of God's existence?

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mickron88's picture
"Ghosts, like deities seem to
sodette's picture
jonthecatholic's picture
Lol. This has got to be the
Sheldon's picture
No it isn't, that's a silly
jonthecatholic's picture
Lol. This has got to be the
Tasnim's picture
The first question ask to the
Sky Pilot's picture
Tasnim Mohammed,
Sheldon's picture
Your deity is as much of a
jonthecatholic's picture
I think you’re falling into
Tasnim's picture
I'm sorry to say this but it
Sapporo's picture
Anaxagoras knew more than a
Sheldon's picture
Stop with the spamming, and
Tasnim's picture
Brother @joc if you believe
Sky Pilot's picture
Tasnim Mohammed,
sodette's picture
The burden of proof for any
Tasnim's picture
Logical proof
Tasnim's picture
Got more questions call 877
Sapporo's picture
This appears to be self
Tasnim's picture
Nothing promotion but
Sky Pilot's picture
Tasnim Mohammed,
algebe's picture
I can't say what it would
arakish's picture
If you were to TRULY think
Sapporo's picture
If I said I was omnipotent,
arakish's picture
I have an invisible,
Tasnim's picture
algebe's picture
@Tasnim Mohammed: Those who
sodette's picture
Those who argue for the


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