What would constitute proof of God's existence?

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LogicFTW's picture
While my current main point
Randomhero1982's picture
Jon - In regards to the
nimbledaemon's picture
Sorry for reviving a necro
Sheldon's picture
"What would evidence for God
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sheldon
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: Zeus
Sapporo's picture
The only way you could prove
bigbill's picture
In all likelihood god can be
Sapporo's picture
1) isn't a proof because
bigbill's picture
Well the universe has a cause
LogicFTW's picture
Ugh, Kalam cosmological
Sapporo's picture
@faith in God follower
Sheldon's picture
"Well the universe has a
Sheldon's picture
Once again for billy then.
Dave Matson's picture
bigbill's picture
God made mathematics he is
Sapporo's picture
Your proofs that god exists
Sheldon's picture
More bare assertions. You
Dave Matson's picture
bigbill's picture
You are only a fallible human
Sapporo's picture
That is your opinion. It is
Dave Matson's picture
bigbill's picture
Only one is true that is
Sapporo's picture
I didn't say only one could
Sheldon's picture
He never said one could be
Dave Matson's picture
bigbill's picture
And who is innocent in the
Sapporo's picture
Why is a sin to not worship
bigbill's picture
it is a sin not to worship
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Where the fuck is that 10,000


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