When was your epiphany?

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Johnathan Graham's picture
When was your epiphany?

Just a little humor to bring you in, unless you're using the term epiphany with the definition of insight. But, in all seriousness, when was your realization that whatever theistic religion(Focusing on Westerners, but anybody is welcome to share) was false? My realization was when I was a freshman in highschool and started exploring controversial topics like politics and religion. I use to just identify as a Christian, but didn't understand why I did. I "believed" blindly but to just fit into the social norm. As I started to explore more and more, I realized that it was just a bunch of hogwash. I slowly just weened off Christianity and identified as an Atheist. Of course, I lost some friends, gained some enemies from a simple label which was sad. But it opened me up to reality and helped me live alot easier knowing that I looked at it logical, and made a decision. Now, I study buddhist philosophy, love looking at Buddhism. I identify as a Buddhist, but thats another complicated situation.

So, when did you finally relinquish yourself from your theistic religion, or atheistic religion. What were the consequences/gains? Please share your stories, I'd love to hear them.

Have a great day. Oh Mani Padme Hum.

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cmallen's picture
1545 hrs, 12 February 2011,
Jordan's picture
I was raised with the idea I
ImFree's picture
Geology class in college.
Travis Hedglin's picture
I pretty much never believed
Mitch's picture
I began to arrive at atheism,
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9 11
Nyarlathotep's picture
When I realized that the
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It was within the past 6
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Pitar's picture
At 8 years old I was
Darkhenoc1's picture
I finally understood the

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