When will the world get it? Enough already!

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mykcob4's picture
When will the world get it? Enough already!

Modern science, technology, have given us so much. Advancements in medicine and so on have extended life expectancy. So why is it so hard for the world to shake the myth of a god? Maybe it is the way the world came to believe in a god in the first place.
Long ago the person that could determine the seasons could predict the best time to hunt, to plant. The best predictors became the leaders of their clans. They turned to the stars to gain this vital information. Thus the stars were gods, but also any emotion about their little clan was also rolled into that prediction. Defining the clan behavior. This was real power, a heavy responsibility but also real power. Thus that single person spoke for the stars (the gods) and essentially had the whole group do what they wanted them to do.
Now in it's time it was beneficial to listen even obey the person that could read the stars, but alas everything gets perverted and misused! This is the story of religion. There never was a god. Only the cycles of the galaxies and planets orbiting the sun. So all human societies have been under the authority of some sort of religion. Since humankind has been around for almost 1,000,000 years and homo sapiens almost 100,000 years, religion has ruled over humankind. Like evolution, these religions have evolved into wild and ridiculous forms. And the desires of the harbingers of these religions have long outweighed the original purposes of religion itself. Century after century of campfire stories about old leaders has turned into "prophecies" and tales of supernatural feats. None of them are true, just stories. So the indoctrination into a religion has started long before you were even born and depending on where and to whom you are born determines which wacko belief you will belong to.
But the belief in a god isn't necessary any longer. Long ago people could predict the seasons without a high priest, so all that was left was the desires of the few in charge with the threat of a god to lord over you. The threats and the rewards for your conformity your unquestioning obedience your voluntary slavery are in a word ridiculous. Heaven, Hell, absolute nonsense. Any sane person could plainly see that fact. But religions, believers are so adamant about these things that your very life can be threatened if you don't obey.
In ancient Greece, they did come to their senses once when they invented the "hero". This was the first challenge of the gods' authority. It was a realization that humans determine their own fate. It was the incubation that religion, gods, are figments of human imagination. It was the birth of democracy and Liberalism. It still has not come close to eradicating the myth of a god but at least it did happen.
I really don't know what it is going to take or if it will even happen before humans wipe out each other in the name of their god. It's clear that believers are never going to be responsible and just prove their god. Maybe if every child was never exposed to the god myth until they are old enough to understand that it is just a myth. Maybe if they were taught about religion like mythology is taught. Of course, religion will never stand for that. They will keep brainwashing children as long as they can claim that "god is good for them." Of course that hasn't prevented one crime in human history but instead has caused things like slavery and genocide among other heinous acts.
I say "Enough Already"! The god thing has gone too far and on way too long. It may have been useful 100,000 years ago and that is up for discussion, but certainly has no use no value now!

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Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP
Occam's picture
I agree completely.
mykcob4's picture
I like what you've said Occam
Sky Pilot's picture
People, as a group, want a
mykcob4's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Mykob
Tin-Man's picture
XyberEX's picture
Sad, but all too true. The
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Thanks for the kind comments.
David Killens's picture
I grew up on air force bases.
AJ777's picture
When will humans finally
Nyarlathotep's picture
AJ777 - The religion of
XyberEX's picture
@Nyarlathotep I think he
mickron88's picture
"The religion of atheism"
Tin-Man's picture
Sic 'im, Q! Sic 'im!
mickron88's picture
"Sic 'im, Q! Sic 'im!"
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
More ridiculous then having
David Killens's picture
When will humans finally
Tin-Man's picture
mykcob4's picture
Here we go again with you
Tin-Man's picture
@AJ777 Re: "The religion of
Sheldon's picture
I thought lying was forbidden
mickron88's picture
spot on sheldy..very well
AJ777's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Andrew Schlafly is a well
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
That is him!
LogicFTW's picture
Sheldon's picture
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