Who does this planet belong to?

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Travis Hedglin's picture
"I agree with you on the
ThePragmatic's picture
- "they could burn them at
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I have mixed feelings about
CyberLN's picture
Given the legal system in SA,
Valiya's picture
Very well said TRAVIS... i
Siobhan Moyna's picture
Have you also forgotten how
Valiya's picture
cmallen's picture
"What I don't get, is why the
CyberLN's picture
Or they are afraid they will
cmallen's picture
Oh yes, fear of beheading,
Valiya's picture
Nothing is farther from truth
cmallen's picture
Yes, I would. It's what I've
Valiya's picture
you don't seem to know
cmallen's picture
Holy smokes, Valiya has just
Valiya's picture
i take your interpretation of
cmallen's picture
Very perceptive. And you did
Valiya's picture
i will :)
cmallen's picture
Very true, very true.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If any religion allows such
maming's picture
here we go again religion of
Danny Craft's picture
No amount of sickening evil
Spewer's picture
"Who does this planet belong
mysticrose's picture
It seems that Islam is a
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Yes, imagine that. Of all the
salafi's picture
all the planets belongs to
cmallen's picture
Why is it that anytime there
salafi's picture
islam is a religion of peace,
salafi's picture
islam is a religion of peace,
Nyarlathotep's picture
heh, not sure if serious...
CyberLN's picture
Beheading people over a


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