Who does this planet belong to?

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I appreciate your honesty,
Johnny Moronic's picture
Why do you need this planet
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
I certainly hope that dudes
Valiya's picture
Hi Travis
mysticrose's picture
I don't think that Muhammed
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Well, I said Muhammed
Valiya's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Religious insanity strikes
Valiya's picture
Joseph Stalin an atheist
ThePragmatic's picture
The Atheist Atrocities
ThePragmatic's picture
Stalin had a political agenda
Valiya's picture
Oh...so you seem to know
ThePragmatic's picture
Please, point out how Stalin
Valiya's picture
Please get my point straight.
ThePragmatic's picture
Peace be upon you, brother
Valiya's picture
Are you advancing any
ThePragmatic's picture
You asked me: "now if you say
Valiya's picture
So you are saying that people
ThePragmatic's picture
Strawman and generalisation
Valiya's picture
It would do much better if
ThePragmatic's picture
I never asked you to comment
ThePragmatic's picture
No, I don't think islam is
Siobhan Moyna's picture
Atheism has killed less
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Lol, Valiya, you just proved
Valiya's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
"Before Sunday’s assault in
Valiya's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
I am just sharing information
Valiya's picture
Oh ok
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Valiya, there are tons of


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