Whoa! How cool is that? zuzu is now tesfey

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arakish's picture
Whoa! How cool is that? zuzu is now tesfey

zuzu has changed to tesfey.

that is so cool...

wonder why though...


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zuzu67's picture
i found a tin foil hat in my

i found a tin foil hat in my house, im a new person now ;)

David Killens's picture
Why did you feel a need to re

Why did you feel a need to re-invent yourself?

zuzu67's picture
I'm using the name I use in

I'm using the name I use in many forums. Many atheists know me with this name. I have made many atheists speechless, their only defense was to call me a "conspiracy theorist". Also, I have been dissected by many atheists who saw my flaws and made me speechless. So it goes both ways.

Sheldon's picture
Why would atheists need a

Why would atheists need a defence? Why would anyone need a defence against you? All you've done is flood the forum with unevidenced flimflam claims, superstition and woo woo and bare assertions is all you've offered. Every you're asked for evidence you either make or link another claim.

Not one word worth reading from you so far.

We get two like you every week lately. They rant and preach huff and puff a little, then leave after a few days.

Someone lasted a couple of weeks, but only because he only had one claim and just kept repeating it over and over impervious to all objections of course. All of them as closed minded as you appear to be.

David Killens's picture
But ... why?

But ... why?

mickron88's picture
"Many atheists know me with

"Many atheists know me with this name."

do anyone know this guy?.....

arakish's picture
Not really. Not until he

Not really. Not until he came here and made a complete ass of himself.

Besides, I think he has shown the door. Hopefully it didn't hit him on the way out.


mickron88's picture
what is new with these

what is new with these passbyers huh?... do we have any filters for this kind of people?..

just kidding admin...you're doing a good job putting them here....hahah, got a good laugh when they're around..
hey arak...how are yah? hows the branch doing? saw some new folks here...

*deep breath* nice of you to hang around..the air is more sweet when your around..

arakish's picture


I am doing fine. Still recovering from the two surgeries a couple of weeks ago.

And I have missed you being around with those amazing quips you throw out.

Hang around longer this time. Oh, and if you want to see what that tesfey has posted, then look in the Noah's Ark thread. Actually, just look at the threads tesfey started. It was frustrating, but also fun.


mickron88's picture
yeah.. i took a peek on that

yeah.. i took a peek on that thread...at first look it was ok..but no i wont go back to that thread no more...

it takes your soul with you and contain it with BS...

thanks arakish..yeah..i'll try to hang around long enough to read all of the post that i missed...
nice talk arakish...

arakish's picture
Anytime, bro. Anytime.

Anytime, bro. Anytime.

If need be, you can also PM me. I have gotten in the habit of checking for PMs every time I come here.


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