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"Ours is not to question why. Ours is but to do and die."
Me :(
.... Emm... Cee... Aye!!!... It's fun to stay at the...
@Tin: Aaaaaa Rrrrrrr and Play!
Why do eagles fly so high
To eat their fill of prey they kill?
Why do sun beams burst through clouds
and hit the ground without a sound?
Why do children laugh and play
within a haze on rainy days?
Why do questions asked aloud
make people hide and run inside?
Why do we do what we do
when we do what we can do?
(Edited to correct some iambic pentameter.)
Must kill tin man, must kill tin man, Must kill tin...snort, gasp cough, cough...damn, that was the weirdest dream.
@doG: Yea...... I get that same dream all the time. What really helps is a big stick and one of these. (See Attachment) Just beat the hell out of it and you will feel much better.
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Being a professional mechanic, I have sympathy for mechanical objects. Thus I beat on this:
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@Cog Re: Pillow
Awwww.... Where did you manage to find my high school senior pic? They really got my good side in that one... *smiling with pride*...
TIN: RE: smiling with pride? Isn't that the same thing as Gay Pride?
@Cog Re: "smiling with pride? Isn't that the same thing as Gay Pride?"
Almost. Just without the flashy rainbow sticker.
Tin: I've got some rainbow stickers if you want one.
@Cog Re: Rainbow stickers
Hmmm... Better make it two. One for my front bumper and one for my rear bumper.
@ Tin -Man
A rainbow stickered codpiece?
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@David K. Re: "A rainbow stickered codpiece?"
Well, that would definitely give a whole new meaning to, "Stand in support.".... *chuckle*...
@Tin: Put them in a bottle this morning. Tossed them into the ocean just after lunch. Keep your eyes open. They should be there shortly.