Why the Christian God is Impossible

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beneames's picture
There's no hell.
Spewer's picture
"It makes sense that Jesus'
beneames's picture
Yes, the message was for all
beneames's picture
I'm not claiming that any of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Sacrifice is a big topic. It
beneames's picture
"your research in these
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Lmale's picture
Hypothetical say the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
hmm I think you are
Lmale's picture
Ok i was not clear sorry i
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
sry my mistake, it was 32
Lmale's picture
Lol bit of a difference there
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
beneames's picture
Whoa. Slow down!
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"but AFTERWARDS was explained
beneames's picture
You either have a completely
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I did not say it was a fact,
beneames's picture
Changing people's minds or
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Changing people's minds or
beneames's picture
Oh I see where you're getting
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
beneames's picture
Nope. According to those
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You are making millions of
Spewer's picture
"How would you bring peace to
beneames's picture
Thanks for that philosophical
Spewer's picture
I like the BMX comparison.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I liked your short analogy
Spewer's picture
"I feel it was too kind..."
Lmale's picture
Thats brilliant.
beneames's picture
Yep, that really was


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