why do you not believe in God?

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ In Spirit
arakish's picture
@ In Spirit
In Spirit's picture
arakish's picture
In Spirit: "What do you read
In Spirit's picture


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Tin-Man's picture
David Killens's picture
Yea, it definitely wasn't
Sheldon's picture
"It made direct contact. "
dogalmighty's picture
I don't believe in your god
In Spirit's picture
Hello. This is my first day
Sheldon's picture
If you believe in a deity,
arakish's picture
And adding on Sheldon's reply
In Spirit's picture
Sheldon's picture
Do you believe in a deity or
In Spirit's picture
Dear Sheldon. It's a shame


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arakish's picture
In Spirit: "It's a shame that
terraphon's picture
@In Spirit
In Spirit's picture
David Killens's picture
I am an atheist and do not
Nyarlathotep's picture
In Spirit - My options in
WrongVerb's picture
Because that's the way I was
jzb.404's picture
Islam and Christianity were
Randomhero1982's picture
Strange that these particular
toto974's picture
And completely inefficient
Randomhero1982's picture
Indeed, so he is either
toto974's picture
I have used this argument
J3SUS-FalseMessiah's picture
For one thing ServantofAllah,
Tin-Man's picture
@J3SUS Re: "Allah/Muhommad
terraphon's picture
I'm sure this has been said
arakish's picture
Terraphon: "... but I'll add


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