why do you not believe in God?

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ In Spirit

@ In Spirit

Respect is earned. Your posts did not earn anything but derision. Which you got.

So, you have no evidence? just a hypothesis? Has it been tested ? Or are we talking personal conviction here?

I was a career musician for 30 years, then an actor, and finally a writer until I retired. I am married to an artist.

arakish's picture
@ In Spirit

@ In Spirit

Nah. The only thing going over our heads is the stupidity when one simply spews a non-ending, non-breaking thread of text as demonstrated below (and more for you to read after).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis in lectus sed elit semper pharetra et at lorem. Aliquam enim lorem, suscipit a mattis ut, interdum nec felis. Sed auctor est nec dui porttitor auctor. Mauris in feugiat lorem. Sed ornare sagittis mauris in rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas laoreet, lorem id pulvinar lacinia, justo dui mattis nulla, in varius dolor purus id libero. Quisque id metus dolor, et mollis sapien. Praesent accumsan mi ac justo malesuada a semper massa bibendum. Sed ut pharetra sapien. Nulla magna ipsum, dapibus ut accumsan nec, volutpat sit amet turpis. Praesent sed enim ut turpis pulvinar facilisis vitae quis nibh. Etiam convallis quam non enim dignissim cursus. Nunc bibendum posuere mauris, quis elementum tellus vestibulum eu. Curabitur eu sem odio, id euismod purus. Maecenas vulputate lacus non diam aliquet pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse sollicitudin, risus eget vehicula sollicitudin, quam ante vehicula orci, id aliquam risus augue non augue. Integer at massa ut metus pretium sodales porttitor id urna. Phasellus dui nisi, egestas sit amet eleifend non, tristique id massa. Aenean a urna velit, porttitor aliquet enim. Praesent vestibulum magna vitae lectus ultrices dictum ullamcorper risus fermentum. In at aliquet quam. Etiam vitae arcu eget enim elementum ultrices nec nec justo. Sed semper molestie justo, et placerat neque accumsan quis. Proin eu diam sem, placerat consequat diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut posuere enim ac neque imperdiet auctor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec eget orci condimentum dui tempus lacinia. Quisque sed nulla eros, quis sollicitudin augue. Aliquam euismod ligula in tellus cursus semper. Aliquam dignissim sapien ut quam dictum consequat. Quisque placerat quam eget arcu aliquet eget tristique nibh consequat. Nam sit amet sagittis dolor. Etiam mauris felis, facilisis vel venenatis eget, varius non enim. Sed cursus elit vel leo volutpat bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut ut mi quis erat posuere semper. Duis quis nibh sit amet ante placerat dapibus. Nam at orci a libero rhoncus luctus eget vitae purus. Integer ut sem vitae ligula molestie blandit nec non tellus. Vivamus in velit velit, in ornare libero. Nunc sapien orci, tincidunt at malesuada vel, luctus at orci. Praesent nec tortor ut urna scelerisque blandit. Proin pellentesque libero in turpis placerat sagittis. Donec eu mauris dui. Maecenas consectetur velit a libero tincidunt cursus. Nam lacinia vestibulum lacus, id sodales odio pretium nec. Aliquam sed vehicula magna. Vestibulum accumsan mattis erat, nec accumsan dolor aliquam in. Nam eget sapien eget diam vehicula posuere. Duis ullamcorper semper augue, ut hendrerit mauris molestie ultrices. Mauris suscipit tellus eu turpis faucibus posuere. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quis dui risus, vitae aliquam magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed placerat suscipit viverra. Curabitur interdum, lectus ut faucibus sollicitudin, orci est ultricies nulla, hendrerit feugiat odio orci id augue. Praesent quis tortor sed dolor laoreet dictum. Cras a orci sit amet leo luctus sollicitudin. Nullam volutpat, augue id tristique pharetra, odio purus lobortis erat, id mollis quam orci non mauris. Proin at neque eu nunc dapibus varius vel ac nisi. Phasellus sit amet consectetur sem. Mauris mollis malesuada nunc, eu aliquam erat pellentesque vel. Cras dapibus imperdiet leo vel elementum. Mauris et odio vel dolor volutpat auctor. Cras sollicitudin blandit libero, vitae accumsan massa convallis quis. Curabitur eleifend odio orci. Ut consectetur, lectus eu convallis pharetra, lorem metus mollis neque, et luctus eros ipsum at diam. Phasellus tempor mi nunc. Donec dapibus lacus et sapien aliquet eget sagittis urna aliquam. Duis nec pretium nisi. Phasellus ac scelerisque eros. Aliquam mauris nisi, laoreet a varius non, mollis in augue. Curabitur ut libero vitae nunc commodo pulvinar vitae ornare risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed placerat aliquet enim, sit amet placerat ipsum laoreet vel. Aliquam eget mi quis nisl feugiat aliquet. Vestibulum pulvinar congue tristique. Curabitur sodales rutrum augue, sit amet vulputate neque ullamcorper vitae. Cras magna nisi, convallis sed convallis quis, laoreet a tortor. Integer id erat ac ante bibendum auctor vel vitae leo. Cras elementum mauris et nisi semper vestibulum. Donec cursus tempus velit, eget consectetur turpis adipiscing vel. Etiam lorem leo, viverra imperdiet gravida vitae, ultrices sit amet ipsum. Cras auctor, tellus ac aliquam tincidunt, lectus arcu dignissim enim, nec interdum nulla nulla eu metus. Nam mauris metus, mollis cursus tristique vel, molestie eget erat. Fusce mollis felis ac tortor posuere suscipit. Nulla dictum imperdiet tincidunt. Quisque nec lorem eget erat molestie venenatis id ut augue. Mauris quis fringilla ligula. Integer viverra auctor sem dictum rutrum. Suspendisse sed odio ac elit auctor euismod. Maecenas ipsum enim, venenatis eget blandit vitae, auctor vel nisi. Proin nibh neque, mollis aliquet viverra eu, elementum vitae eros. Integer auctor, purus vulputate elementum mollis, libero arcu viverra erat, non consequat nisi metus vel tortor. Sed viverra neque id ligula cursus ornare quis sit amet augue. Mauris est odio, ornare quis porta in, tincidunt id enim. Quisque eros mi, pellentesque a aliquet eu, venenatis non tellus. Maecenas nunc turpis, dapibus sed luctus vel, blandit sed orci. Ut vel metus diam. Phasellus tempor pellentesque massa at pretium. Mauris augue turpis, viverra vel bibendum dignissim, aliquam vitae lacus. Vestibulum sed leo diam, vitae facilisis tellus. Sed bibendum mauris sed dui tempor a scelerisque magna consectetur. Pellentesque gravida diam ut metus elementum convallis sit amet eget ipsum. Pellentesque sed nibh neque, ut auctor diam. Aenean mattis sapien sagittis sem ultrices laoreet. Suspendisse eu lacus nisl. In dignissim, elit quis adipiscing aliquet, mi velit vulputate nisi, ac pharetra tortor felis quis neque. Nunc vel augue mi, vel scelerisque tellus. Donec lacinia, nibh a rutrum congue, nunc dui fringilla est, eget laoreet mauris odio nec nunc. Vestibulum non urna neque, vel lobortis urna. Sed dictum, massa eu porttitor ultrices, velit metus aliquet massa, eu posuere nisi massa nec est. Mauris nunc justo, malesuada sed rutrum a, interdum a felis. Cras egestas dui eget risus consequat et euismod elit laoreet. Sed eu urna enim, vel hendrerit mauris. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas id metus mauris, vel vestibulum mauris. Proin consectetur faucibus porttitor. Cras varius ornare turpis vitae egestas. Cras vel faucibus arcu. Mauris ultricies facilisis augue nec hendrerit. Quisque in sapien quis est egestas pulvinar et ac purus. Etiam sed metus sit amet nunc semper porta non at purus. Aenean congue, massa sed vestibulum interdum, magna ante luctus nulla, et tempor mauris eros eu mi. Morbi placerat libero ut nibh gravida non vestibulum turpis elementum. Suspendisse nulla dui, sollicitudin in posuere ut, consequat non quam. Pellentesque congue rhoncus dignissim. Etiam ante sem, dignissim sed molestie a, rutrum id urna. Pellentesque auctor, massa vehicula congue eleifend, eros odio vestibulum nulla, in vulputate augue diam id mauris. Vivamus vitae sapien erat, id auctor velit. Curabitur sollicitudin hendrerit cursus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec dictum massa ac augue tristique eleifend consequat diam lobortis. Mauris eu leo sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam ac turpis sed orci feugiat ullamcorper sit amet non erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent a sem ut ante dictum pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce vitae risus odio, quis cursus nulla. Nam facilisis euismod vehicula. Proin in dignissim dui. Nullam convallis sagittis ligula, eu adipiscing leo ultrices at. Donec vulputate eleifend ante, sit amet malesuada urna dapibus quis. Quisque lorem lectus, fermentum vitae mollis porta, tempus at dui. Phasellus at malesuada velit. Phasellus ligula eros, ornare volutpat vulputate sed, sodales quis elit. Vestibulum quis tellus eu arcu rhoncus faucibus. Nulla eu porttitor leo. Vestibulum mauris quam, luctus vel pretium vitae, pulvinar vel quam. Sed quis cursus est. Maecenas dignissim, elit sed dapibus condimentum, neque orci sollicitudin odio, quis lacinia augue eros eu mi. Nam ultrices sapien vel ante sagittis vitae bibendum eros hendrerit. Praesent in augue arcu. Cras ut ipsum a enim posuere semper. Maecenas adipiscing, eros eu rutrum interdum, nisi mi euismod ante, eu dapibus augue mi nec arcu. Proin sem felis, gravida sit amet porttitor sit amet, pulvinar ut quam. Pellentesque tincidunt scelerisque rutrum. Maecenas fringilla posuere tellus, vitae consequat ante iaculis a. Donec a molestie dui. Vestibulum ac tellus nec nulla mollis aliquam eu at nisi. Ut nec nulla eget turpis accumsan ullamcorper. Ut nec ipsum at leo pharetra consequat at sit amet neque. In arcu diam, porttitor a ornare eget, mattis eget ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean tincidunt augue vitae velit fringilla vel euismod nulla pulvinar. Mauris eleifend lobortis ligula in fringilla. Pellentesque laoreet egestas sem id adipiscing. Curabitur ligula purus, venenatis ac eleifend eget, malesuada nec arcu. Cras sit amet tempor odio. Maecenas dapibus, nibh ut molestie posuere, leo ante ornare quam, vel ornare odio ante eu turpis. Duis eu varius velit. Proin id ipsum purus, ac consequat eros. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras quis porttitor orci. Nam quis elit at justo mattis condimentum ac non ipsum. Aliquam elementum mauris vitae dolor imperdiet bibendum. In quis risus nec orci molestie sodales eu ac lacus. Sed et lorem risus. Suspendisse a libero vel nisi tincidunt varius. Nullam venenatis rhoncus tempor. Nulla facilisi. Mauris pharetra, tortor ac ullamcorper euismod, lacus diam congue orci, et vulputate eros dui interdum sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam pharetra, enim sit amet mattis fermentum, urna dui porta ipsum, quis pellentesque neque risus eu dolor. Mauris sed arcu urna, quis bibendum neque. Sed congue est luctus ante rhoncus aliquet. Sed facilisis adipiscing quam nec placerat. Sed pulvinar eros in augue dignissim lacinia. Duis risus dui, feugiat a fermentum non, luctus sit amet lorem. Etiam pellentesque, orci eget aliquam iaculis, libero enim fringilla urna, ac interdum ligula odio non mi. Proin nec elit sem, sed dapibus augue. Donec sit amet euismod dui. Donec consequat leo vel lacus facilisis tempus. Curabitur nibh est, bibendum in tempor non, vehicula eu lacus. Ut faucibus rutrum diam, non viverra magna molestie sed. Fusce ultrices nulla quis risus dapibus luctus. Proin ipsum sapien, tincidunt eu eleifend vel, luctus in lorem. Suspendisse rhoncus magna diam, sed faucibus nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam erat volutpat. In ac dolor ipsum. Ut sed erat vitae felis cursus iaculis. Aliquam ornare, elit ac porttitor faucibus, odio dolor imperdiet ligula, a volutpat urna tellus nec quam.

Generated 20 paragraphs, 1817 words, 12,055 bytes of Lorem Ipsum. Paragraphs undone for demonstration purposes by Arakish.

However, you seem to have finally learned what a PARAGRAPH is. Will miracles never cease? As exampled above, see how disconcerting it is to look at a pure vomiting of text?


In Spirit's picture


What do you read then? It definitely cannot be books

By the way, what you wrote is extremely close to a dialect i know that I can make out some of the gibberish words and meaningless sentences. Learning is never boring.

There are many ways to teach a person. For the students out there in the real world I hope you are not a teacher.

arakish's picture
In Spirit: "What do you read

In Spirit: "What do you read then? It definitely cannot be books"

Actually it is books. Just books you have no ability to comprehend.

"There are many ways to teach a person. For the students out there in the real world I hope you are not a teacher."

Too late. I do teach a class once a month at a local school.

"By the way, what you wrote is extremely close to a dialect i know that I can make out some of the gibberish words and meaningless sentences. Learning is never boring."

Proof you would not have the mental faculties to understand any of the books I read. Did you not see the first sentence after the example showing your incapability to write cogently?

"Generated 20 paragraphs, 1817 words, 12,055 bytes of Lorem Ipsum."

I did not write that text. I used a Lorem Ipsum Generator.

Go back to school yungun. This time around don't skip so many classes.

Even Tin-Man has shown himself to be far superior to you when comes to intelligence.


In Spirit's picture


And you think that this Generator has not inadvertently used real words from other dialects...back to the drawing board Pegasus.

Why do people keep responding to me when they say I have no mental faculties? What's that Forrest Gump? Takes one to know one?...lol

My my my, for people professing to be atheist, some of you here have the same distasteful characteristics of religious zealots?. Not so different after all. Oops did I just say that?

You are all better and smarter than me. Praise the wisdom of these fine speakers. I think they wish to be worshiped as well. Oops i did it again.

Time to move on to some other Post. Too much repetitive babble just like the religious fanatics repeating the same quotes. Darn it I said it out loud this time...lol

I am 30 years old, I don't have a job and I live with my parents.
My name is George Costanza...lol
She's not smarter than me is she?...lol

By the way...the best writer I've seen here so far is Tin Man. No one here comes close to his original and professional style.
He's even better than I am and that I can acknowledge...something most of you can't do ....acknowledge that is.

Tata see you around the flat earth...lol


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Tin-Man's picture


Eh, looks like Latin to me... *chuckle*..

David Killens's picture
Yea, it definitely wasn't

Yea, it definitely wasn't Klingon.

mangghom DaS tuQ SoSlI' Hoch

Sheldon's picture
"It made direct contact. "

"It made direct contact. "

I don't believe you, what evidence can you demonstrate to support this claim?

"This great Spirit of Love is unlike anything you have read or heard about."

I don't believe you, how can you possibly know what I have read about, that's an asinine claim.

I hate to deflate this massively egotistical bubble you're creating, but we have seen many such grandiose and grandiloquent claims on here, and never once do they go any farther than the bare claims itself.

Have a great day.

dogalmighty's picture
I don't believe in your god

I don't believe in your god because there is zero objective evidence of his existence. Why do you believe in him? You must believe in things without evidence obviously. Not that I really need to know anything from you...considering you are not someone worthy of trustworthy information.

In Spirit's picture
Hello. This is my first day

Hello. This is my first day on this site. My options in joining were Atheist or Religious. I didn't know which to click on because I am neither. That may sound confusing but you will understand once i reply to your question. I automatically assume that you are speaking of the God mentioned in religious books. I don't believe in that God. I don't believe in any God that this world preaches. I used to believe in that God until the age of 33. Then I chose to call out to the Great Spirit of LOVE and told it that if it exists it is obligated to make direct contact with me because this world is full of lies and manipulation and books are too confusing and interpretive and that it has no right to judge me if I am not led to the truth. From that day forward it has become a relationship of direct contact. It has showered me with many powerful gifts that are to be used only when I am called to do so to help others. I will not get into the big list of gifts but I can tell you this, we all have these gifts, it only showed me how to access them. Unfortunately most people are not aware of this. This Great Spirit of LOVE is non judgmental, calls no one to war on it's behalf, does not lie or manipulate anyone, unlike the God we read about. This is why I don't believe in the God of THIS WORLD. Now I have to ask, why do you believe in your God?

Sheldon's picture
If you believe in a deity,

If you believe in a deity, any deity, then you're a theist. If you don't believe in ANY deity or deities then you're an atheist.

It's not a complex concept as atheism is simply the absence or lack of theism. In terms of belief they're mutually exclusive positions. You cannot by definition hold neither position.

In terms of knowledge you can maintain agnosticism on any claim or assertion. If a claim is unfalsifiable I would disbelieve it as unfalsifiable claims by definition can't be evidenced. I would also be agnostic about such claims.

Agnosticism is defined as the belief you don't and can't know anything about the nature or existence of a deity. Thus it's irrational to believe something you admit you can know nothing about. It doesn't only apply to deities or a deity either, but to all unfalsifiable claims.

Now, what objective evidence can you demonstrate for your belief(s) or for any deity?

arakish's picture
And adding on Sheldon's reply

And adding on Sheldon's reply.

Here are some definitions I have used all my life, or at least the last 40 to 45 years.

  • Agnostic – This means nothing more than "without knowledge." I am agnostic in there are many things I do not know. Thus, I am without that knowledge, thus agnostic. I cannot put this any simpler.
  • Atheist – If translated literally, this means "without god." However, in today's terminology, atheism actually means "a lack of or disbelief in any claims of any deity."
  • Anti-theist – This one, in my definition, means exactly as it says; anti- = "against," theist = "belief in one god." Or better, "against belief in any deity." I prefer this definition because it still does not require the "burden of proof" on my part. Just because I am against the belief in any deity, does not mean I to prove it. Very similar to the atheism definition.
  • Anti-religionist – This one is exactly as it says: "against religion." Again, the "burden of proof" is not mine to prove why I am against religion.

Any are free to steal these definitions if desired. No attribution required.


In Spirit's picture

Don't we humans love labels. We seem to be lost without them but labels are also a trap. In creating labels and definitions for them we put everything into neat compiled boxes. Example: If i say "God" everyone opens up that one box. What if that box is missing pieces and has pieces that don't belong in that box, then the premise on which we begin is unstable. Every language we created is insufficient to explain our thoughts, the place where all forms of communication stems from. I have always believed that the best book of knowledge ever written is a book of blank pages. But unfortunately we are human and language is the best we came up with but ultimately a faulty one. Not all (choose any one label) have the exact same beliefs. There are always differences. Perhaps you are under the impression that I believe in a deity. The great Spirit of Love I have come to know is not a deity. It is not even our creator. Surely if we found aliens somewhere out there and highly more advanced, I would never say they or their leader is my deity. A deity according to your labeling techniques requires worship, does it not? This spirit I know does not require any worship. It is my best friend just as you envision and experience your best earthly friend. I use the word Spirit to describe it only because my language does not allow me to define it's real essence. As for the objective evidence you seek from me about this amazing entity,....well you would have to hang around with me to see it for yourself just as my closest ones had the amazing opportunity when they are with me. If you prefer the scientific method, then it is your obligation to test my claims in the manner which I had mentioned and come up with your own conclusion based on your findings. Have a great day !!

Sheldon's picture
Do you believe in a deity or

Do you believe in a deity or not?

Can you demonstrate any objective evidence for your beliefs or not?

Please do try to employ a lot more brevity in your answers. The more vapid rhetoric and verbiage you employ the less likely I am to tread what you are posting, and I simply disbelieve all claims offered without any evidence, as you have done so far.

In Spirit's picture
Dear Sheldon. It's a shame

Dear Sheldon. It's a shame that this digital age requires people to read no more that a few lines. Anything more than that and you get bored. If humanity was based on that we would get nowhere and school years would be but a few months.

If by deity you mean as defined below then my answer is No
What I believe in is nothing more than some entity with great wisdom and knows more about us and this planet than what is being fed to us. Think of it as my mentor.

result for deity

a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion).
"a deity of ancient Greece"
synonyms: god, goddess, divine being, celestial being, supreme being, divinity, immortal; More
divine status, quality, or nature.
"a ruler driven by delusions of deity"
the creator and supreme being (in a monotheistic religion such as Christianity).
noun: Deity; noun: the Deity


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arakish's picture
In Spirit: "It's a shame that

In Spirit: "It's a shame that this digital age requires people to read no more that a few lines. Anything more than that and you get bored."

Only when the text is written by a bore.


terraphon's picture
@In Spirit

@In Spirit

"Hello. This is my first day on this site. My options in joining were Atheist or Religious. I didn't know which to click on because I am neither."

There's an "other" option...

My word.

I can't be bothered to read the rest of this rambling vomit of unformatted, run-on, word-salad.

In Spirit's picture


I'm checking out of this post so I'm saying my last goodbyes.

Your response matches your intelligence. Why would you waste you time responding with gibberish to something you couldn't bother reading? That's rhetorical in case you need direction.

What a bunch of bullies pretending to be gods. Ah how the children express themselves in times of glory.

Tally Ho Ho Ho

David Killens's picture
I am an atheist and do not

I am an atheist and do not believe in any god.

But I have found that midget porn raises my ... umm .... spirit when I am exposed to so much love.

Nyarlathotep's picture
In Spirit - My options in

In Spirit - My options in joining were Atheist or Religious.

That isn't accurate. You were given the option of atheist or non-atheist.

In Spirit - I didn't know which to click on because I am neither.

If you are not an atheist, then you are a non-atheist; in the same way if you are not a hippopotamus you are a non-hippopotamus. Then you were asked what your beliefs were, and presumably you didn't find one to your liking so you choose other.

What more do you want?

WrongVerb's picture
Because that's the way I was

Because that's the way I was born, and I've never been presented with a rational reason to think differently.

I say "think" because what I, or anyone, believe is irrelevant when it comes to describing how our universe works.

jzb.404's picture
Islam and Christianity were

Islam and Christianity were spread by "colonialism" and it would be logical to consider how gods like Zeus or Ra were created. Perhaps the famous Gods of today were created in the same way.
Why did Allah stop sending messengers? Why did Jesus choose the people of Israel to proclaim his divinity? Why not the native Americans /Africans/Chinese? Why did all Abrahamic religions come from the Middle East? Why were all messengers/prophets men?
Why don't we see persecuted men claiming they spoke to God these days?
God could be real, the chance is 50%. We cannot prove or disapprove his existence.
But if he is, why did he make Muhammad the last messenger or why did Jesus come and leave? Why leave us in a dynamic, fast-paced world with scriptures that do not make sense which include, punishment, reward, tactics of war, stories that defy the laws of physics (splitting the sea). Forget gravity ! It says that some people came back to life.
That is completely [100%] irrational.

Randomhero1982's picture
Strange that these particular

Strange that these particular gods such as that of Islam or Christianity and so on...

Never turned up to the Native Americans? The Aztecs? The far east i.e. Japan....

It's almost as if these religions are confined to localised areas and are spread by their believers...

It's almost like... it's all completely bollocks...

Strange isn't it?!

toto974's picture
And completely inefficient

And completely inefficient for a supposedly all-knowing and all-powerful god.

Randomhero1982's picture
Indeed, so he is either

Indeed, so he is either completely inept or the unrelenting made up drivel of archaic idiots.

toto974's picture
I have used this argument

I have used this argument with a girl that I know... No answer from her.

J3SUS-FalseMessiah's picture
For one thing ServantofAllah,

For one thing ServantofAllah, why the hell hasn't anyone else on here thought to ask you why your username is loyal to ALLAH aka ServentofAllah??? Seriously, people aren't paying attention around here are they? Allah/Muhommad/Mohommad is the Muslim/Islam equivilent of Christ Jehovah and Christ jesus, and you're gonna let this dude roam around on your forums asking questions? Should be limited to REAL atheists only right? Seeing as how you are the Atheist Republic right, SO WTF????? And I don't believe in God because the times I tried praying to him as a child, scared, little, not knowing any better, and desperate for answers, he never came to me or helped me. And because I know several other people who had issues of a 7 year old child with cancer, who died after the whole family prayed endlessly for his recovery and, women who were extremely loyal and quote "holy" who begged and begged to conceive just ONE child, wanted that kid more than anything and prayed to jesus/mary endlessly, even catholics I've known who gave offerings and participated in holy rituals for this for 3 years straight and got nothing after 37 years of trying to conceive, nothing but negative pregnancy tests, while their neighbors up the street who were 17 and 22 year old whores, who were unmarried, and some who were on drugs when they conceived, popped out 3 kids back to back.

Some of these women gave their kids up for adoption while others used them to get a Welfare check and they're doing just fine right now with no problems, eligible for several welfare services like SNAP, WIC, and so on. So tell me, GOD is real. While there are children in Africa starving half to death that only acknowledge christ because of the ministries who visit them with food, medicine, etc. forcing their religions on them but, normally, these people are left to starve without the interference of AMERICAN missionaries. Exactly my point. People care about people, NOT god cares about people. Which is what it means to be a TRUE atheist!!!!

Tin-Man's picture
@J3SUS Re: "Allah/Muhommad

@J3SUS Re: "Allah/Muhommad/Mohommad is the Muslim/Islam equivilent of Christ Jehovah and Christ jesus, and you're gonna let this dude roam around on your forums asking questions?"

Howdy! Welcome to the AR! Nice of you to join us, J3SUS. Thing is, this is the Debate Forum. Everybody - atheists and theists and everything in between - is welcomed to join in and bring up topics for discussion/debate. After all, wouldn't be much debating going on if every person here agreed with each other about everything, would there?... *chuckle*... However, we atheists do have a place where we can "escape" and carry on conversations without theist interference. It is the Atheist Hub. If debating theists is not really your thing, then you are invited to zip on over to our Atheist Hub and do some chatting in there. Plenty of good folks here. See ya around.

terraphon's picture
I'm sure this has been said

I'm sure this has been said repeatedly in this thread but I'll add in my $0.02.

I was a believer...for decades. Certain events in my life cause me to start questioning many, many things...religion was one of those things I began to question.

After a lot of introspection, thought, study on various religions, spiritual beliefs, non-religious philosophies, etc., I came to the determination that there was no good justification for my belief in "god(s)". Then I went on a search for that justification because I, like many (I'm sure), was uncomfortable with simply hanging it all up and becoming a dreaded, outcast, heathenistic atheist.

Well, I searched...and I searched...and I searched...and when I was done searching I searched some more and when I was sick to death of searching for any little spark of truth or shred of evidence which justified a belief in "god(s)", I searched some more.

Here's what I found:

While doing all of this searching I was, at the same time, refining and sharpening my use of logic and reason. As that happened, I got further and further away from seeing any justification. The more I researched and the more I applied those skills, the more it became obvious that there is no known justification for those beliefs. That there is nothing demonstrable...That there is nothing testable...That there's simply nothing there, at all...at this time.

If there's nothing there which justifies the belief then the belief is without benefit. If it holds no benefit, it has to be let go.

Maybe someday that will change. Maybe, someday, someone will find some evidence or even some irrefutable proof that "god(s)" exist. If that happens I will look at that evidence and if it is sufficient to justify the belief then I will, without hesitation, believe. Until then, I'll live my life the best way I know how. I'll make my own decisions based on their individual merits. I will live in such a way that I would like everyone else to live and, in the end, I'll know that I did the best I could because it was the right thing to do...Not because some "higher power" told me to.

arakish's picture
Terraphon: "... but I'll add

Terraphon: "... but I'll add in my $0.02."

Bold text above. You might want to put that into terms theists can understand. Very few are able to comprehend mathematical statements like that. ;-P

Just saying...



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