Why don’t Atheists believe in God?

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David Killens's picture
Oh geez, those Thunderbolts
toto974's picture
I think we may have a troll
LostLocke's picture
I have to agree. Especially
Tin-Man's picture
@Talyyn Re: Troll
xenoview's picture
David Killens's picture
I moved it's status from F to
arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man Re: "Think I'm
arakish's picture
@ Talyyn Re: &ldqou;Troll”


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Foe4500's picture
No what you have is an
xenoview's picture
So your the only one that has
Sheldon's picture
"No what you have is an
Sheldon's picture
1) Why don’t Atheists believe
xenoview's picture
I don't believe in God,
arakish's picture
@ OP
algebe's picture
@Foe45: Why don’t Atheists
Grinseed's picture
Reading a lot of claims
NewSkeptic's picture
gupsphoo's picture
Why don't I believe in God?
arakish's picture
@ Foe45
Grinseed's picture
So glad to see you.used the
arakish's picture
LMAOWF Yeah, I still ain't
Kataclismic's picture
Why don't you believe in Atum
Sky Pilot's picture
rickgreenley2's picture
There are a variety of
Askinator's picture
It's an old thread but it's
Bob44's picture
Because believers need to


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