Why is God NOT real?

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ChildofGod's picture
not trying to be rude or
Zaphod's picture
Oh Gawd!, here like in many
CyberLN's picture
I'm with you on this, Z. I
Zaphod's picture
LoL, I was just thinking of
CyberLN's picture
Surprisingly, its origin is
ChildofGod's picture
and if you believe that i am
ChildofGod's picture
no i just find it really
CyberLN's picture
1. I am not mocking gawd.
Snake's picture
I don't believe in God
SonOh1's picture
There is no purpose in
ChildofGod's picture
true but if you believe that
ImFree's picture
What if Hitler had made a
ImFree's picture
Your non-existent god
ChildofGod's picture
He doesn't approve of those
ImFree's picture
If a child in India is killed
ImFree's picture
Yes he does...you don't read
ChildofGod's picture
The verses you just listed
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Child of God, do you believe
ChildofGod's picture
I never said He was
ex-christian_atheist's picture
The bible says that God is
Nyarlathotep's picture
say goodbye to objective
ImFree's picture
Doesn’t matter, as long as
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
ChildofGod, you have to
ChildofGod's picture
But it does, you just look in
CyberLN's picture
CoG, I've asked this before
ChildofGod's picture
and like i said before, no im
CyberLN's picture
By community high school, do
ChildofGod's picture
Public- Mesa, Arizona
Lmale's picture
Then explain how you are so
ChildofGod's picture
I am not ignorant in science,


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