Your god is extremely narrow/selective

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LogicFTW's picture
Your god is extremely narrow/selective

The incredibly narrow and selective god argument (for lack of a better name) I am sure someone already has come up with a way better name for it. Feel free to tell me about it :)

--------------The "Too long did not read" version of the narrow god argument------------------

If the universe in time and size was reduced to a beach that was 75 years old:

God did everything he did in the bible to 5% of the surface of a single grain of sand on that beach. And god did nothing for 75 years before doing anything on that grain of sand, at least that is worth mentioning more than just passing in the bibles/holy books, (other than start the process to create it,) until the most recent 8 minutes of the beaches 75 year old life. 3 minutes to fit in all his action, and 3-5 minutes to sit back and watch. (Depending on your major religion's holy book.)

Furthermore, all he did only applies to 3% of the human population that lives or have lived on that grain of sand. The other 97% only pissed god off for getting it completely wrong and according to many religious interpretations are doomed to suffer forever for it, instead of paradise forever.

These extremely narrow and small numbers are actually incredibly generous on my part. It is almost certainly far, FAR narrower then that. (Especially on the grain of sand vs beach thing.) I could argue its a single grain of sand on all of earth, 1 minute of the beaches 75 years so far, and only 0.1 percent of the earth's all time human lives.

-----------------------------The details if you want them------------------------------------

Current scientific evidence/knowledge/consensus puts the universe at 13.4 billion years old. So, if we took the various major religion's holy book's as proof of gods interaction, nearly all the major religions had major "god interaction" for an incredibly narrow slice of time. 90+ percent of the holy books only talk about all this god interaction stuff for a couple hundred year time span.

Lets give these holy books even more benefit of the doubt. We will say 1000 years (VERY GENEROUS really) but this just highlights the scale. Big numbers are hard to understand for anyone really, yes, us atheist too. So we have to put this on a scale we can begin to understand.

13.772 billion years divided by 1000 years = 13.772 million. taking an average human lifetime to scale to numbers we can sort of understand, 75*365*24*60 = 39,420,000 minutes. divide 39.420 by 13.772 = 2.86 minutes for a human in his entire life time is 1000 years the universe has been around. We will round up to 3 minutes, being even more generous. (Plenty of generosity to give on this point because it is so powerful/extreme.)

So in human terms, you live to a ripe old age of 75 years. All that time you do nothing but created the heavens, allowed life to grow on this particular planet etc etc. Got alot done. But all of that was just setting the stage for humans, "gods children" Now you are 75, not a big deal you will probably live into your 100's (The universe is theorized to live this long based on current estimates.) maybe more, maybe less give or take a dozen years. But in this tiny 3 minute span you suddenly get VERY busy. Everything in the bible is well covered in this tiny 3 minute span compared to 75 years of just sitting back. You then take a 3-4 minute breather,again doing nothing too out of the ordinary, and we are where we are now, in the present.

(Btw if you think the universe is only ~6000 years old, I do not want to argue with you, you are ignoramus personified.) This argument also shows why some religious people insist that all of creation is only 6000 years old, because 13.4 billion years is a crazy amount of idle time.

Remember how generous I was with the numbers that is an extremely narrow slice of time.

The next part of the narrowness argument. The universe is big, so impossibly big it impossible to imagine. Let's say the universe is a big as the earth to bring it down to semi imaginable dimensions. Here again is where I will be extremely generous for theist. We will make earth the size of a single small grain of sand (in reality it would be far far smaller than a grain of sand.)

Ya know what, all the grains of sand/earth on the planet is still impossible to imagine. I will concede another couple thousand factors of scale. Because again this argument can still be easily made even having the real scale be so far off from the actual scale. Just imagine a beach with all its grains of sand. God creates that entire beach, but he only cares about a single grain of sand on that beach. And on that grain of sand he does everything in that incredibly narrow slice of time, on only less than 5% of the surface of that particular grain of sand. All of the various major religion bible history takes place on 1 grain of sand, during 3 minutes of his 75 minute life span.

Narrowness number 3. Christianity is the largest religion by. We will ignore the fact that within christianity it is very divided on many major details. But lets say this god is fine with that, as long as they got the major Christianity detail right. That still only comprises maybe 3 percent of all the people that ever lived or currently alive. Remember huge chunks of that number were people that said they were christian but rarely practiced religion or thought of god, but god is fine with that too, just say your are Christian on human created polls, does not matter if you are good or bad and all of god's creation was worth it.

So we got Christianity's god, today's by far largest religion in a time that has by far the largest population of humans on earth.
God Created an entire incredibly complex beach, but only cares about 5 percent of the surface of 1 grain of sand. He waited 75 years to do everything in 3 minutes, and he only cares about the 3 percent of the human population on that beach, the rest can literally get tormented for all of eternity while that 3 percent gets to go to paradise.

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Sky Pilot's picture


You keep forgetting that you have been brainwashed by an ethnocentric Middle Eastern Jewish religious fairy tale. Your brainwashing has been so complete that you simply don't seem to be able to relate to anything without thinking about how it fits into the fairy tale. Sure, you may not "believe" in any of it but it holds you prisoner.

Some people think that the world is 6,000 years old because they use the fairy tale to calculate its age. And then that idea is reinforced by things like this = NISAN, 28, 5777. - The Jerusalem Post newspaper's online edition

You have been exposed to the fairy tale all of your life, every day in one way or the other. There are churches on every corner, religious movies, preachers on tv and the radio, articles in the media, actions by politicians, friends, family members, other influential people. You spend hours on internet forums discussing it. You simply can't get away from it.

Humans believe all kinds of things without the slightest thought about why they believe those things.

The idea of a biblical type deity might have made sense when people were dumber than tree bark. Such things can be dismissed today because we understand intellectually why they are illogical. But we are still their prisoners emotionally. It might be better to start asking questions about how such beliefs control our actions.

LogicFTW's picture
I have been so completely

I have been so completely brainwashed I am a unwitting prisoner when I am discussing why I reject all major organized religions on a debate forum? I am unable to relate to anything at all w/o thinking about its implications to middle east jewish religions fairy tale?

Bold claims, seems you know a lot about me, that you see this prison that I do not. Curious, what does that make you in this scenario? The brainwashed that lets others know they are brainwashed? Some super enlightened guy that is so kind to make me aware that I am brainwashed?

I mentioned the 6000 year old thing in my post.

I actually had much less exposure than most on these middle east religions then most people, but I do agree it is oppressively everywhere.

I agree on the rest of your points.
I also feel you went completely off topic and did not talk much about the original topic at all. Although I still appreciate the reply even if it sort of comes off as: "I am a blind fool rattling the walls of a cage I am not aware of" according to you.

SBMontero's picture
@LogicForTW: Great reasoning!

@LogicForTW: Great reasoning!


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LogicFTW's picture
Thanks for the compliment.

Thanks for the compliment. This is the first topic that I have started on these boards. Originally it was going to be a reply else where, and I decided to start a new thread with it instead. As I hoped it would spark interesting debate.

LogicFTW's picture
I am a bit surprised none of

I am a bit surprised none of the other theist that frequent this board beyond John 6IX Breezy have commented on this. Perhaps they are busy right now. Maybe none of the rest have a good rebuttal? Yeah that is a friendly challenge :)

To me, as an atheist, this "narrow/selective god" is one of the most powerful reasons I am atheist. As a child I began to question Christianity that my parents were vaguely followers of, (at the time,) because of the whole: "how can this religion be right and all the other ones wrong?" This was later reinforced by realizing all these religions rely on the same kind of evidence, (a book, a few word/thought puzzles, and the fact it is widely practiced/believed in.)

And then later I find out the story of all the major miracles/wrath of the bible was incredibly selectively narrow band of time in this eternal god. And then that the location of all the stories in the bible is incredibly selective in space. (5 percent of the earth's surface, in all of incredibly enormous known universe.)

These thoughts lead me to the conclusion that the various major religion gods are very selective and operate in a very narrow time band/location. If god is eternal, all powerful and everywhere, why is the accounting of god ,(in the bibles, and other holy books,) paint him as so selective?

The rebuttals I expected were along the lines of: "god works in mysterious ways". "God has a plan that is unknown to us," (no kidding, keep up that line of thought!) Ya know, the nearly bullet proof armor theist scholars have built up that can explain any counter evidence, any action, any logic/reasoning flaw. The same nearly bullet proof armor that could be used for any other religion.

jamiebgood1's picture

Newsweek did this article about the Bibl. explains so much of its origin. Original language was copied by people that weren't fully literate and some that didn't speak the language. Seems Newsweek agrees with Charlie on that one.

Sky Pilot's picture


Thanks for posting that link. I agree with about 95% of it.

jamiebgood1's picture

I looked up you name Diotrephes because I imagined you some brilliant historian or rain man and I was so happy to find this.
Diotrephes is mentioned in one passage of the Bible, in the short letter of 3 John. In brief, Diotrephes was a self-seeking troublemaker in an unnamed local church in the first century. We know nothing of his background, other than he was probably a Gentile (his name means “nurtured by Jupiter


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Sky Pilot's picture


You're sharp.

One thing you will notice in the biblical stories is that the main fictitious characters have user-friendly names. All of the minor characters have names that could be considered legitimate names for the time periods. The Jesus character got the name Jesus around 1630.

LogicFTW's picture
Disney picked up on that as

Disney picked up on that as well, for the most part, especially if they make their own stories instead of borrowing from others.

jamiebgood1's picture

Thats very manipulative. I never notice that.

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