duel posting of same subject, spamming

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mykcob4's picture
duel posting of same subject, spamming

Pathway machine created a thread:
Now because they have utterly lost the debate on that thread, he/she
has created another:
It's the same fight/debate, will yield the same result.
It is essentially spamming.

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
mykckob4, there are many

mykckob4, there are many reasons why someone makes 2 different topics.

One of them is to get attention, another is that he is contributing something new to the table.
You reported him in 2 different topics yourself for those 2 reasons(i presume), would we consider you spamming too?

Please don't make new topics on the same subject in the Site Support forum, just add to the same one.

Keep this forum short of topics as much as possible.

CyberLN's picture
Myk, you are under no

Myk, you are under no obligation to comply with the instructions in the post above.

I understand your irritation with pathway machine. However, I am not banning him. Banning is used very judiciously...per the wishes of the founder of AR.


mykcob4's picture
I don't advocate banning. I

I don't advocate banning. I was just bringing it to your attention.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Did i saw something wrong

Did I say something wrong CyberLN that you feel the need to insult me in this manner.

If so spit it out.

What is so wrong in asking to keep this forum with less topics as minimum.= don't make "same subject topics" so admins have less confusion when helping out?

what is wrong with that?

He is under no obligation to do many things, and I did not say he was, but I asked him nicely to avoid it please.

"Myk, you are under no obligation to listen to CyberLN usual nonsense and baseless accusations."

How does that feel?

Is it fair for me to say such a phrase?

NO it is not, since we know he is under no obligation to do anything and I did not support my claim that what you say is usually nonsense.

Unless you explain to us here and now what is wrong with what I gently asked of him, you have no right to accuse me of obliging people to do things.

You are not banning him not because AR wishes it , but because he is not spamming CyberLN
As i said before, Myk did not present enough evidence to support his claim for spamming.

You cannot ban him for that reason.

it seems he brought it to our attention, which i think is a bit offensive to PM.

He should have asked instead of accusing someone.
It is not nice to accuse people in a forum you beryl know the rules(if any)

You cannot ban him for that reason.

Sir Random's picture
Jeff, here is not the place.

Jeff, here is not the place. Take it to the debate forum. (Admin, let me know if I'm overstepping my boundrys. And no Jeff, that doesn't mean you)

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
This is not a debate, he

This is not a debate, he cannot be banned for spamming unless evidence is presented.

"Jeff, here is not the place"
This thing is related to forum administration, it is the perfect place in my opinion.

and yes i will let you know if you sprout nonsense just like I would to anybody.

you won't make me shut up about it.

Sir Random's picture
No need to go aggressive. I

No need to go aggressive. I didn't ask about nonsense. I asked about the boundary's of my position on the site, of which you have no grounds to point out. If anything I said was nonsense, I do apologise.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"(Admin, let me know if I'm

"(Admin, let me know if I'm overstepping my boundrys. And no Jeff, that doesn't mean you)"

Are you saying that i cannot let you know if you overstep your boundaries?

If yes

You are wrong and i stand by what i said, you are also allowed to inform me if i offend you in any way.
i won't try to shut you up.

if no

I apologize for misunderstanding you.

Sir Random's picture
No I'm just saying I feel the

No I'm just saying I feel the admins would be able to better describe it to me. If I do overstep my boundary's, please, do not hesitate to let me know. But even then I will ask for clarification from the admins. If they agree, fine. If they do not, you are overruled. That is what I meant.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You can feel what you wish.

You can feel what you wish.
Do you need a description to know that accusing people of something is rude, especially when they can read this.
How would you feel if I asked the admins to ban you just because i think you are spamming?

It was rude and he did not support his claim with sufficient evidence.
Although i think that PM left already, we should treat people better than this.

"If they do not, you are overruled."

It is not a matter of who has more power.
It won't change anything.

it is a matter of who is right and who is wrong.

It really does not matter if god himself came here and said that this is not the place to ask for evidence for a claim, he would be wrong.

"That is what I meant."
yea what you meant is offensive and disrespectful to my right to point out my opinion in the matter even if it is the proven logical truth since you are indirectly claiming this place is so corrupt that regardless of the truth the admins are always right.

Insulting proposition to say the least.

Sir Random's picture
I will admit that I probably

I will admit that I probably could have worded that better. My apologies.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
apologies accepted and

apologies accepted and forgiven, and I apologize for my behavior but me and CyberLN do not see eye to eye on many things.

Like now, using the excuse of host not wanting to ban people instead of the truth is something i cannot tolerate.

If he was spamming, then yes we would agree to ban him, but he is not spamming.
It has nothing to do with what the host of the forum wants.

The host of the forum is resistant on banning people, that is true, but that only means we need to be more patient with people who break the forum guidelines.

He did not spam, he did not break the forum guidelines as far as we know.

You simply cannot assume he did and say we need more patience because the host said so.
It is insulting to PM and to the expected justice on the forum.

If he did the same Subject on 3 different topic, I would have been with mykckob4 since it is considered spam if the same argument is repeated on more then 3 times.
Since he replied in the first one though, the first one does not count.

Spam happens when a guy does not reply back to the comments but repeats the questions/claims/etc....

Sir Random's picture
OK I conced to you. I was

OK I conced to you. I was rude, and I am sorry for that. It wasn't my intent, but if that's how it happened I'm sorry.

Sir Random's picture
I suppose I should have

I suppose I should have thought more before jumping to conclusions.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I congratulate you for your

I congratulate you for your maturity in handling this misunderstanding.

you have my respect.

btw i like Naruto too :P

Sir Random's picture
Yes. Finally ,someone else

Yes. Finally ,someone else who likes it. Very hard to find. Unless you go on the fangirl forums (shivers) no thank you. I'll keep my non fangirlish sanity.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I like stories/movies.

I like stories/movies.

Naruto has a nice one

did not even know that there were fangirl forums lol

Sir Random's picture
Thousands upon thousands of

Thousands upon thousands of them :/

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I read the manga of naruto

I read the manga of naruto too.

Sir Random's picture
OK, now that you've said that

OK, now that you've said that I have to go watch/ read some Naruto to get my inner fanboy out, lest it appear here.

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