
Two Fears That An Atheists Have

As my first blog, I want to create a motivation to those who were new to the Atheist belief system. I will tell you my story and opinions on how to face your fears of joining Atheism such as: why do you  feel such strange feelings when you are a first-timer, how to deal with it, and what are the other fears that an Atheist possesses.

“Miracles” in the scriptures don’t verify the scriptures

Many religious people claim that there are miracles, scientific or prophetic, in the scriptures and those miracles prove that their scriptures are true. They say that, despite their understanding that the same books have serious logical and scientific errors.  Actually, there is no miracle in any of the religious scriptures. No sign of anything but stupidity and barbarity. Yet, let’s assume here today that there are miracles in the “holy” scriptures and try to understand if they are enough to become a believer.

Ottawa Throws its Doors Wide Open to Religions

Three days after the first-anniversary commemorations of the attack on the Grande mosquée in Quebec City, the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage presented to the House of Commons its report entitled, “Taking Action Against Systemic Racism and Religious Discrimination Including Islamophobia” for which it received its mandate in March of 2017, when Motion M-103 condemning Islamophobia was adopted.
