Absolute proof of Super Intelligent Creatorship!

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Kevin Houston's picture
The Pragmatic Dragon, it's
algebe's picture
Well it would take a book to
Alembé's picture
Hi Kevin,
Kevin Houston's picture
Alembe. Does not, athiest's
Nyarlathotep's picture
Even the Institute for
Kevin Houston's picture
Algebe, I know that you can
algebe's picture
@Kevin Houston "how the wind
Nyarlathotep's picture
Nyarlathotep - That post
Dave Matson's picture
Kevin Houston,
xenoview's picture
@Kevin did your god create
Kevin Houston's picture
Your parents simply used
chimp3's picture
I have read physicists
Kevin Houston's picture
Then you believe in the big
xenoview's picture
Several asian myths about
Pitar's picture
Always entertaining.
Kevin Houston's picture
Yea, and common sense ain't
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
He's talking about you!
CyberLN's picture
Kevin, you said, "What
Kevin Houston's picture
Fair enough, CyberL. That
xenoview's picture
Dave Matson's picture
Kevin, your stuff isn't even
Endri Guri's picture
But of course, how would've
Kevin Houston's picture
Sir, I agree that the vast
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kevin Houston - Why don't you
Kevin Houston's picture
Nyarlathot. Perhaps you didn
xenoview's picture
So you have it right?
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Kevin Houston
Kevin Houston's picture
What's there to confuse? Big
Dave Matson's picture
Kevin Houston,
Alembé's picture
Hi Kevin,


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