Alternative World History

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trustyoursources's picture
Great refutation. Everyone

Great refutation. Everyone here just dismisses it but fails to provide any evidence what so ever to back up why they think its wrong. Maybe just maybe its because its right or other wise wouldn't a forum full of skeptics have more to say then a 3rd grade one word response of "NO!" or "WRONG!" I hate to sound like a school teacher but please elaborate.

Nyarlathotep's picture
trustyoursources - Everyone

trustyoursources - Everyone here just dismisses it but fails to provide any evidence what so ever to back up why they think its wrong.

Why should they since you ignored the couple of examples I listed?

trustyoursources's picture
Sorry I totally missed those

Sorry I totally missed those I will look at them right now.

BAACKJD's picture
I think the forum members

I think the forum members tend to elevate their game AS NECESSARY.

trustyoursources's picture
Fair enough as long as you

Fair enough as long as you know I am here for serious discussion and that I also am open to have my mind changed on this History is not cut and dry like religion. Unfortunately there is no divine writer of history.

BAACKJD's picture
Alright, I'll bite.

Alright, I'll bite.

So, you genuinely believe that JFK was the president during WW2? I'll start with that.

trustyoursources's picture
Thank you for giving it a

Thank you for giving it a chance. Ok so the official time line has the events of WWII mainly in 1941 to 1945 the most radical accounts might include just a year or two prior to that in the story of WWII, "the build up if you will". Most people think of the war as Allies vs Axis power however I disagree and I tossed all that into the garbage can and started my research from scratch. I came to believe that WWII has actually lasted from 1940's all the way till present day and is still going on now. I believe that world war II and the cold war are one and the same with the space race as being the crucial deciding factor thus far. Now you might say the cold war is over so wtf do you mean the war is still going on now?! The reason I say this is because the cold war never ended South and North Korea never signed a peach agreement and we are all still technically at war. So in that sense while most of the key events have been settled the war is yet to be over.

Now that I gave that background you can see how JFK was the president during World War II since its timeline is Early 1940's to present day.

Nyarlathotep's picture
trustyoursources - Now that I

trustyoursources - Now that I gave that background you can see how JFK was the president during World War II since its timeline is Early 1940's to present day.

This contradicts your video. Numerous places in your video make it clear that JFK was the president during the 1940's (which is of course laughably wrong).

trustyoursources's picture
He was president during the

He was president during the 40's from what I understand. I do not believe in the official story at all on this.

trustyoursources's picture
I believe the US had made a

I believe the US had made a series of revisions to their text book starting after his assassination and the date of his presidency slowly crept up and up and up.

Nyarlathotep's picture
trustyoursources - I believe

trustyoursources - I believe the US had made a series of revisions to their text book

Textbooks don't just disappear (I have text books that are about 100 years old). You shouldn't have any trouble providing us with one that disagrees (with current ones) on the dates Kennedy was president. I won't hold my breath.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Wow you can't even keep your

Wow you can't even keep your own bullshit straight. Just a few minutes ago you defened your inclusion of JFK (as president) with WWII by defining WWII as lasting past 1945. But now you defend it by saying that JFK was in fact president around 1945 (with a conspiracy theory). Your shit isn't even internally consistent. Get your (bullshit) story straight before you try to convince others!

trustyoursources's picture
Everything is consistent

Everything is consistent check my last reply

trustyoursources's picture
There are innumerable

There are innumerable calendars, Jewish, mayan, roman, chinese, etc dates are man made they are not divine not a law of nature just a way for government to control the population and production. Obviously they knew which date they would ultimately settle on so any text books that they let people keep would have displayed it. But you cant always keep your school text book a lot of the time they stayed in class especially way back when. Also its possible I got the date wrong I just made my best guess when I researched this from scratch remember i discarded the official story and there are a lot of gaps in first hand sources and even those arent always reliable. Aks yourself this if I got the date wrong does it change anything about my over all argument? No it still holds so this honestly does not matter.

Nyarlathotep's picture
trustyoursources - Everything

trustyoursources - Everything is consistent check my last reply

No it isn't. You told us that the reason JFK was portrayed as president during WWII is because you defined WWII as lasting past the 1940's. Then you turned around and told us that JFK was president during the 1940s. So even if we assume everything you say is true, we still reach a contradiction. You are either trolling or are mentally ill.

trustyoursources's picture
I am saying I guessed the

I am saying I guessed the date of JFK's actual presidency based on available evidence and while idk the exact with date absolute certainty I do know one thing for a fact he was president during WWII

mykcob4's picture
Okay, it is apparent that we

Okay, it is apparent that we have a troll on our hands. Isn't it amazing that as soon as Friedmanite is booted, we get mysterious monk. When he gets booted, we get trustyoursources. They all have one thing in common. They use propagandist You Tube videos as evidence. And all of those videos are very dubious and are not even remotely close to factual. My guess is that Friedmanite is now sock puppet attacking us for "revenge" for not agreeing to his fascist version of libertarianism. It also looks like he is becoming more psychotic.

trustyoursources's picture
Wtf are you saying my real

Wtf are you saying my real life voice voiced the video over I am not who ever that person is. Also how is talking about facts during WWII is some how viewed as negative is this not the debate part of the forum?

trustyoursources's picture
I have yet to hear any sort

I have yet to hear any sort of argument from you. If my work is so bs how is it that you can't come up with a single point? All you are good at is character assassination and idk how you learned to debate but ill give you a hint that does not get your position any where.

mykcob4's picture
I started to do a point by

I started to do a point by point critique of your little revisionist history so-called documentary but it became way too lengthy to continue. So instead of leaving a partial post, I deleted it.
Nothing in the video is anyway near factual.

A documentary film is a nonfictional motion picture intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education, or maintaining a historical record.

So your You Tube video is NOT a documentary. What it is is a poor attempt at attention just like your post on this forum. You clearly have mental issues.
I am not interested in "debating" with you. Debating with the insane is worthless AND pointless.
BTW your grammar mistakes are like none other than Friedmanite. They also closely resemble mysteriousmonk. I am quite sure that if I traced the source of your IP address it will be the same for you, mysteriousmonk, AND Friedmanite!
Never the less you are a troll. So you can stop pretending that your video is serious, OR that you are a scholar OR a professional documentarian.

trustyoursources's picture
So summing up what you are

So summing up what you are saying. You sat down and started attempting to "debunk" my video but then gave up after trying and thats your argument HAHAHAHAHhaha typical atheist logic. Great job so convincing. Go ahead trace my ip but youll be disappointed.

ThePragmatic's picture
I'm very hesitant to look at

I'm very hesitant to look at this mocumentary... those of you who have dared watch it, is it safe? I'm afraid I will loose IQ points watching it and I don't have that many to spare.

trustyoursources's picture
I promise it wont hurt to be

I promise it wont hurt to be open minded.

ThePragmatic's picture
I do concider my mind to be

I do concider my mind to be open and I'm quite sure that I scrutinize my on convictions and opinions more than the averege person.

But, to steal a quote that I can't remeber where it came from:

If you open your mind too much, your brains can fall out.

trustyoursources's picture
There is no harm in a bit of

There is no harm in a bit of skeptisism friend. True skeptics examine every angle. If for nothing else you may find entertainment value in it. Hope you at least give it a chance.

BAACKJD's picture
Trustyoursources (TYS)

Trustyoursources (TYS)

You seem insistent on questioning forum members for not intelligently discussing your YouTube video. Let's pretend for a moment that someone showed up on this forum claiming to be a documentarian and had a link to a video claiming that Hitler was not a man, but an apparition made purely out of donkey farts. Your video is the equivalent of that and you should feel fortunate that folks here have been as generous as they have. Then again, you're just a troll and this is all a farce anyway.

trustyoursources's picture
That is a fair criticism Im

That is a fair criticism Im sorry I just got frustrated when it was dismissed so easily but I get it its radically different from the text book take.

Matt007's picture
Textbooks are outdated.

Textbooks are outdated. Everything is online now. Online sources are easy to update and they get updated immediately.

trustyoursources's picture
Yeah revisionism is a lot

Yeah revisionism is a lot easier now a days.

Sky Pilot's picture
This is too funny!! Why is

This is too funny!! Why is anyone taking the video seriously? It's a joke. It's just like the biblical stories, which are all jumbled up. If you made a video of them you would get the same results.


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