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LogicFTW's picture
Did you even read what
Sky Pilot's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Was not saying schools become
Daniel Wilson's picture
When reading the preamble of
LogicFTW's picture
When they wrote the 2nd
Sky Pilot's picture
CyberLN's picture
Diotrephes, you wrote, “The
LogicFTW's picture
I know quite a few gun owners
Sky Pilot's picture
mickron88's picture
that's what bloodbath vicious
Sheldon's picture
There is no research linking
Daniel Wilson's picture
One of the many questions I
mickron88's picture
they'll just say, "we'll just
LogicFTW's picture
Don't forget most of them
Sushisnake's picture
howejm3's picture
Chaplains from the Billy
algebe's picture
Those people have suffered
Sheldon's picture
They never miss an
mykcob4's picture
So What jesus follower? All
Daniel Wilson's picture
When they care enough to do
Zaya Zahin's picture
Check it out . Freedom https:
mykcob4's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Its rubbish. Poorly written,
Sheldon's picture
Quelle surprise. It's
algebe's picture
bigbill's picture
Well guns are not the problem


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mykcob4's picture
Sheldon's picture
Are you typing with your
bigbill's picture
Well the FBI acting on
LogicFTW's picture
I imagine you are against big


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