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dogalmighty's picture
Welcome. I do not believe a
shiningone's picture
I agree. However, that does
Sheldon's picture
shiningone " that does not
shiningone's picture
"A rational position by
arakish's picture
shiningone: "Wrong. Belief is
shiningone's picture
Hey arakish, I really
arakish's picture
@ shiningone
shiningone's picture
I believe, is not, I
arakish's picture
@ shiningone
shiningone's picture
@ arakish
arakish's picture
I am going to use a
shiningone's picture
As I've said in other replies
arakish's picture
@ shiningone
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "I think priests and
Cognostic's picture
Considering there is no
shiningone's picture
I actually think there may be
Sheldon's picture
This is just wrong. Even the
Sky Pilot's picture
Sheldon's picture
"There is NOTHING to prove or
shiningone's picture
@ Sheldon
David Killens's picture
shiningone's picture
That's the point, I don't.
David Killens's picture
So you are proposing an
shiningone's picture
Again. I did NOT propose it.
David Killens's picture
So you do not know of a more
shiningone's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Hey there shiningone, welcome
shiningone's picture
Hi there, thanks for the
dogalmighty's picture
'How can atheism be a choice?
shiningone's picture
@ doG


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