Atheism is a RELIGION

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toto974's picture
Now you are saying we are

Now you are saying we are mentality ill because we just say we won't accept the existence of sky fairy without evidence? And stop adding your own delusions on the meaning of words.

Cognostic's picture


"Atheism. n. disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."

The conclusion does not follow from the facts. = non sequitur fallacy.
>>>Therefore, the definition of Atheism asserts the belief in 320,000,000 Gods.<<<

Bananas grow on trees, therefore, all theists are assholes.

arakish's picture
@ matheist

@ matheist

I can. By simply stating that you have already defined yourself with #1 and #2 in your post.

Today's education system fucking sucks. Today's teachers and ain't a god damned thing and yunguns ain't learning any god damned thing.


Sheldon's picture
I've no idea what you mean by

I've no idea what you mean by "official" definition? However dictionary definition(s), are based on common usage, which is why words ofetnn have secondary meanings that can be nuanced, and also words can evolve and change meanings over time.

Matheist "atheism. n. disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."

Correct, this is the common usage of the word, and thus the primary dictionary defintion of it.

>>>Therefore, the definition of Atheism asserts the belief in 320,000,000 Gods.<<<"

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, again I can only hope that you are trolling. A lack of belief does not ASSERT anything, that is axiomatic.

Matheist "Who can make counterargument?"

The dictionary for a start. Atheism is defined as the lack or absence of belief in a deity or deities, thus it makes no assertions, and cannot by definition be a belief, or therefore a religion. Again one would have to be an illiterate moron to think atheism and religion are even remotely similar, let alone the same, and again I can only hope you're trolling. A religion can be atheistic, that is to say a religion need not involve the belief in a deity, but nor believing in any deity is not a religion itself, that''s asinine.

Matheist's picture
I'm referring to the official

I'm referring to the official definition of Atheism, and it's validity.

Can you make the counterargument on that issue?

Rohan M.'s picture
You clearly didn't read the

You clearly didn't read the above responses, and are now just regurgitating the same bullshit non-sequitur over and over again ad nauseam. *FACEPALM* You're losing the argument, aren't you?

Sheldon's picture
Whilst you're assessment is

Whilst you're assessment is precisely correct, he's long gone. He's been banned, and not a moment too soon.

He was also clearly trolling, or too stupid to bother with.

I suspect both, but leaning toward the former. The low point was where he used semantics over the words and & or to claim atheism is a belief in multiple deities, in the same post he quoted the dictionary definition stating the opposite.

What a clown...

The lack or absence of belief in the existence of a deity or deities.


Cognostic's picture
va·lid·i·tyDictionary result

va·lid·i·tyDictionary result for validity
the quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency.

Atheists are people who do not believe in god or gods. It is validated by its very definition.

A counter argument to what? You have not said anything.

Matheist's picture
It is not according to

It is not according to Richard Dawkin

I believe in his argument on Atheism more than your blind claim or opinion.


Attach Image/Video?: 

toto974's picture
So you are putting all of us

So you are putting all of us in the seventh category? And so what? We still don't have the burden of proof and as i already said, you can't hate something that doesn't exist.

Please define religion, you are suspiciously avoiding to do that.

Matheist's picture
not choosing, IS A CHOICE

not choosing, IS A CHOICE

1. Allah is ENERGY

2. Energy make certain the LordLaw of Cause & Effect

Therefore, how can you claim to have no burden of proof when everything in this whole universe has its causes and effect? Everything has it consequences, and there is no room for coincidence. Everything has its LordLaw.

So how could that be possible?

Can you prove your belief and way of life are consistent with LordLaw of Nature?

ie. Nature's God?

toto974's picture
1-Define energy.

1-Define energy.

2-Prove Allah exist and that the "energy" you are talking is him.

3-YOU are making a claim, you are asserting that Allah exist, i am just skeptical.

4- You do not know if everything has a cause, you can't just affirm it is god because you are then doing a special pleading.

5-LordLaw of Nature?

Matheist's picture
Already did:

Already did:

The conclusion:

1. We both agree Energy exist.

2. We both agree everything is Energy.

3. The only issue from your argument is: "it is wrong to pronounce an "orange" (~ Energy) as "narandžasta (~ Allah)""

Can you see?

The only issue is a bigotry issue.

Bigotry = ByGod = Religion

I'm an animist and have no such issue.

He made all gods same god. (Quran 38:5)

toto974's picture
If you want to call me bigot,

If you want to call me bigot, please suit yourself.

Rohan M.'s picture
Aww, were we just

Aww, were we just Islamophobic™ towards you by challenging your beloved sacred-cows? We're so, so sorry. Go ahead and call over those little friends of yours on the Regressive Left to come and shut down this debate.

Cognostic's picture
You agree with Dawkinsl "The

You agree with Dawkinsl "The probability of a supernatural creator existing is very very low. And he rates himself as a 6.9." What's your point?

You really need to learn to express yourself clearly. What's "Not" according to Richard Dawkins?

arakish's picture
If I were to use the Dawkin's

If I were to use the Dawkin's Scale, my rate would be 6.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991.

So the fuck what? I am first to state the possibility of a deity existing. However, the probability is so low, you may as well call it 0%.


Sheldon's picture
It's Dawkins not Dawkin, and

It's Dawkins not Dawkin, and he was offering a personal opinion on how sure he was a deity doesn't exist, not redefining the dictionary definition of atheism.

You are either very confused or trolling, and I am vacillating on which it is.

Matheist's picture
That's not the point...

That's not the point...

The point is his argument (Dawkin's Scale) support and consistent with the argument of this thread.


Atheism is a RELIGION
The official definition of Atheism

atheism. n. disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.


1. It is a religious claim, and not rooted in science, logic, philosophy etc.

2. The claim for belief in God (The Dawkin's Scale)

3. The claim for disbelief in God

4. The claim for without belief in God
(vs. not making a choice when everything has its causes and effects, IS A CHOICE - Burden of Proof)

* There are 320,000,000 Gods


Therefore, the definition of Atheism asserts the belief in 320,000,000 Gods.

Atheism is a Religion (Hasty Generalization).


Cognostic's picture
All Dawkins did was classify

All Dawkins did was classify groups of atheists, the same thing I did. You keep repeating your inane bullshit. Try to say it a different way. The only hasty generalization being made is that Atheism is a religion. WTF are you on about. YOU MAKE NO SENSE.

Sheldon's picture
Matheism "The point is his

Matheism "The point is his argument (Dawkin's Scale) support and consistent with the argument of this thread....Atheism is a Religion"

Dawkins scale was his personal opinion about how sure he is that a deity doesn't exist. It doesn't change the definition of atheism. It's beyond moronic to claim atheism is a religion, as they are the antithesis of each other, atheism is the lack or absence of belief in a deity or deities, whereas religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

arakish's picture
@ Everyone Else

@ Everyone Else

Warning: Y'awl watch out, the tree is stomping through.

@ matheist

I have found in my many decades of life that no person is capable of writing/speaking anything of substance without offending someone somewhere sometime. I have become much like Christopher Hitchens. I may not purposefully attempt to offend anyone, but if I do, I do not care. If you find something offensive, the problem is yours, not mine. I have also adapted Stephen Fry’s outlook, “You’re offended? So the fuck what?” Arakish — “Only YOU have the power to give any word, phrase, sentence, number, anything the power to offend YOU.

If I happen to write down my feelings and opinions and any offend you, "So the Fuck what?" Remember: You are the one who came here.

Here are MY official definitions since ANY LANGUAGE is not your first mental priority. Many here may agree with my official definitions, but not all may.

  • Agnostic – This means nothing more than "without knowledge." I am agnostic in there are many topics of knowledge I do not know. Thus, I am without that knowledge, thus I am partially agnostic. I cannot put this any simpler.
  • Atheist – If translated literally, this means "without god." However, in today's terminology, atheism actually means "a lack of or disbelief in any claims of the existence of any deity."
  • Anti-theist – This one, in my definition, means exactly as it says; anti- = "against," theist = "belief in one god." Or better, "against belief in any deity." I prefer this definition because it still does not require the "burden of proof" on my part. Just because I am against the belief in any deity, does not mean I have to prove it. Very similar to the atheism definition.
  • Anti-religionist – This one is exactly as it says: "against religion." Again, the "burden of proof" is not mine to prove why I am against religion.
  • Apistevist – lacking blind faith; one who does not rely on religious blind faith in order to discern facts.

An official definition of what you are:

Religious Absolutist – anyone belonging to and possessing an inexorable belief in any religion because of their inability to utilize critical thinking, logical and deductive reasoning, and rational and analytical thought, due to the Abrahamic absolutist beliefs, and is truly applicable to any inexorable religious believers, especially the worst subset, Apologists.

And the official definition of what you are failing miserably at wanting to be:

Religious Absolutist Apologist – a dastardly subset of the Religious Absolutists who practices apologetics, which is the assumption of presupposed conclusions that have nothing to do with reason and rationality and actual information and reality, creating irrational excuses and whatever conflicting ideas justifying their baseless assumptions, regardless of what the true facts are, through the use of beguiling dialectical semantics, distorted and perverted data, emotional whiney-ass pleas, due to an indoctrinational conditioning that is so ingrained they never question the veracity of the nonsense they offer, or why they need to defend their faith at all.

An official explanation of what has been done to you in the two threads you started:

It is the Religious Absolutists we need to lobotomized with critical thinking, logical and deductive reasoning, and rational and analytical thought to point out their failures at fact-checking themselves, their logical fallacies, presupposed assumptive assertions, and confirmation bias. Not to mention having to deal with their out right lies and incapacity for any intellectual thought and self-induced retardation of their mental faculties.

An official list of how one can spot a Religious Absolutist and they only need match just ONE:

  1. They LIE without ever thinking about the veracity of their statement.
  2. They LIE without ever providing any evidence of their statement.
  3. They LIE by believing inexorably everything they state, regardless of how inaccurate.
  4. They LIE by being absolute in their statements (either I believe you or I am worthless scum).
  5. They LIE by using beguiling dialectical semantics.
  6. They LIE by using distorted and perverted data.
  7. They LIE by creating irrational excuses.
  8. They LIE by utilizing whiney-ass pleas.
  9. They LIE by not realizing why they need to defend their beliefs.
  10. They LIE by utilizing presupposed conclusions with no evidence.
  11. They LIE by making accusations they never apologize for even when they are proven wrong.
  12. They LIE by changing the subject.
  13. They LIE by taking text out of context and twisting and perverting said text to fit their presupposed confirmation bias.
  14. They LIE by shifting the burden of proof.

Some of the official points needed to prove religion is Pure Evil.

  • ANY ideology that cannot suffer criticism is inherently evil.
  • ANY ideology that resorts to mental rape, emotional molestation, and psychological terrorism is inherently evil.
  • ANY ideology that supports the eternal damnation and torment of non-believers is inherently evil.
  • ANY ideology that presupposes its believers are superior to all others is inherently evil.
  • ANY ideology that protects its members from criminal prosecution is inherently evil.
  • ANY ideology that supports the demoralization and bigoted hatred of others is inherently evil.
  • ANY ideology that states we are to obey and believe as we are told is inherently evil.
  • ANY ideology that psychologically terrorizes its children by telling them they are born evil/sinful, born of evil/sin, born into evil/sin, born from evil/sin, and must have an imaginative Sky Faerie and Magic Lich Virgin to save them is inherently evil.

An official explanation of “The Burden of Proof” I have synthesized from a few sources.

The Burden of Proof (Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit non ei qui negat.) shall forever lie with those who make the claims about anything. Carl Sagan once said, “Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence.” If you propose the existence of something, anything, you MUST follow the Scientific Method in your defense of its existence. Otherwise, I have no reason to believe your preposterous claims. Hearsay (personal experience) is the worst possible form of any kind of evidence. ALL religious texts are nothing more than 100% hearsay. Thus, I have no reason to believe any religious text as any kind of proof.

For a primer (and web portal) about the Scientific Method, use this Wikipedia link: See the sections of “See also,” “Notes,” “References,” “Further reading,” “Bibliography,” and/or “External links.”

An official list of what you Religious Absolutist have already done:

Murdered, Raped, Tortured, Lied, Extorted, Sacrificed, Ravaged, Swindled, Exploited, Plundered, Abused, Coerced, Pillaged, Tormented, Harassed, Rampaged, Insulted, Endangered, Threatened, Oppressed, Persecuted, Committed Genocidal Ethnic Cleansing, Mutilated Genitalia, Enslaved, Molested and Raped Children, Corrupted, …in the name of God for centuries around the world to spread such a theological message.

But I am the one going to Hell for not believing in your bullshit?

An official list of what you Religious Absolutists would still be doing if us secularists did get laws passed:

Murder, Rape, Torture, Lie, Extort, Sacrifice, Ravage, Swindle, Exploit, Plunder, Abuse, Coerce, Pillage, Torment, Harass, Rampage, Insult, Endanger, Threaten, Oppress, Persecute, Commit Genocidal Ethnic Cleansing, Mutilate Genitalia, Enslave, Molest and Rape Children, Corrupt, …in the name of God to spread your bullshit theological message.

Yet I am still the one going to Hell for not believing your bullshit?

And an official statement I have made about Islam:

Of course, the biggest hurdle to now fight is Islam. However, how do you fight against a religion that literally threatens those who do not believe with real, true physical harm and death? Islam is literally a militacracy. It is not actually a religion. It is an ideology completely bent on wiping out the human species except for those who accept its maniacal totalitarian tyranny. Islam should not be thought of as a religion, nor should it enjoy the protection in the USA as a religion. Islam is actually a method of psychological terrorism and warfare masquerading as a religion. Until those fighting against Islam as I do realize this simple fact, Islam is going to be damned near invincible. And it is spreading across the globe like a pandemic. Treat Islam as the mental disorder and disease that it is. NOT as a religion.

And a closing statement on Islam. Islam is nothing more than a pathetic excuse for a bunch of man-bullies to show their superiority because they are actually whiney-ass cowardly pussies.


EDIT: had to fix a list

Cognostic's picture


Matheist's picture
I got a simple word for all

I got a simple argument for all that, it is ETHICALISM in a political society.

ie. Forced Justice (LIE, delusional)

vs. Natural Justice (Truth, fact)

+ Hasty Generalization (Religion)

Therefore: Atheism is a religion, with 320,000,000 Gods.


Quran :

He made all gods same god. (38:5)

All truth is the same truth.

لا إله إلا الله

لا إله (No God/Matter)
إلا الله (Only Energy)

"No God" means there is no god higher than TRUTH (Nature's God / Ecological Order).

and there is NO RELIGION.

arakish's picture
@ matheist the delusional

@ matheist the delusional

Remember forum rule number 9.


Sheldon's picture
Matheism "Atheism is a

Matheism "Atheism is a religion"

Atheism is defined as the lack or absence of belief in a deity or deities, whereas religion is defined as the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. So it's beyond moronic to claim atheism is a religion, as they are the antithesis of each other.

stuffin's picture
Not believing in, or

Not believing in, or worshipping "a superhuman controlling power" is the opposite of religion. Since I don't believe in or worship a superhuman controlling poser, I mean power, I am not religious by definition of religion.

To say someone is religious you should be using the definition of religion, not the definition of Atheist. I hope that helps.

Matheist's picture
@Cognostic All Dawkins did

@Cognostic All Dawkins did was classify groups of atheists, the same thing I did. You keep repeating your inane bullshit. Try to say it a different way.

This is how he classifies it:


4. Pure Agnostic

God's existence and non-existence are exactly EQUIPROBABLE.

equiprobable: (of two or more things) equally likely to occur; having EQUAL PROBABILITY.


1. Disbelief in God(s)
2. Belief in God(s)
3. Therefore, the definition of Atheism asserts the belief in 320,000,000 Gods.


5. Weak Atheist

I do not know whether God exists, but I'm declined to be SKEPTICAL.


1. not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
2. relating to the theory that certain knowledge is impossible.


1. Disbelief in God(s)
2. Belief in God(s)
3. Therefore, the definition of Atheism asserts the belief in 320,000,000 Gods.


6. De-facto Atheist

I cannot know for certain, but I think God is very IMPROBABLE.


1. not likely to be true or to happen.

synonyms: unlikely, not likely, doubtful, dubious, debatable, questionable, uncertain;
More: unexpected and apparently inauthentic.


1. Disbelief in God(s)
2. Belief in God(s)
3. Therefore, the definition of Atheism asserts the belief in 320,000,000 Gods.


Conclusion: Atheism is a religion with 320,000,000 Gods.

Sheldon's picture
Atheism is defined as the

Atheism is defined as the lack or absence of belief in a deity or deities, whereas religion is defined as the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. So it's beyond moronic to claim atheism is a religion, as they are the antithesis of each other.

No amount of repetition will make your claim less absurd.

Dawkins was offering an opinion on how sure he was that a deity doesn't exist, he was not redefining atheism. You're lying to try and redefine atheism, and again the only salient question is why, what exactly do you hope to achieve by lying to atheists about what atheism and religion mean, as if we don't already know how these words are defined? Unless enjoy embarrassing yourself.

Now, what objective evidence can you demonstrate that any deity exists?

Matheist's picture
@Sheldon You're lying to try

@Sheldon You're lying to try and redefine atheism

That is Logic.

Logic is a method of reasoning that involves a series of statements, each of which must be true if the statement before it is true.

Therefore, the claim that Atheism is not a religion is FALSE. It is a religion as all other religions, different brands but same manufacturer; The Metaphysics of Atheism.

@Sheldon what objective evidence can you demonstrate that any deity exists

Consequence is NO COINCIDENCE.


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