Best proof of NDEs from Dr. Long yet

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Russian-Tank's picture
Best proof of NDEs from Dr. Long yet

He says:

“Dr. Jeffrey Long: The key thing is to know a few of the consistently seen elements of near-death experience that are the strongest evidence for their reality. For example, when you’re under general anesthesia, it should be impossible to have a lucidic organized remembrance at that time. In fact, under anesthesia, you’re typically so far under, with general anesthesia they often have to breathe for you. I mean you’re literally, brain shut down to the level of the brain stem and at that point in time some people have a cardiac arrest, their hearts stop, and of course, that’s very well documented. They monitor people very carefully that are having general anesthesia.

So, I have dozens and dozens of near-death experiences that occurred under general anesthesia and at this time, it should be, if you will, doubly impossible to have a conscious remembrance, and yet they do have near-death experiences at this time, and they’re typical near-death experiences. They have the same elements and appear to have them in the same orders as near-death experiences occurring under all other circumstances. In fact, a critical survey question I asked was what their level of consciousness and alertness during the experience was.

Well, even under general anesthetics, under those powerful chemicals to produce sedation, if they had a near-death experience under general anesthesia, their level of consciousness and alertness was identical to near-death experiences occurring under all other circumstances.

There’s absolutely no way the skeptics can explain that away, it’s impossible.”

Let's go even further: statistically, 1 in 10,000 people have anesthesia awareness. Yet in his study, he had 23 cases out of 2000 patients. They were lucid, had none of the terrible side effects most people have during AA. I think this may prove it

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Tin-Man's picture
Aw, c'mon, RT! Again???
Russian-Tank's picture
Tin-man I'm just saying, I
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Tin-man I'm just saying,
Russian-Tank's picture
Tin-man how though, could you
Tin-Man's picture
Sheldon's picture
"I wonder if these stats
Sheldon's picture
So again a long list of
Nyarlathotep's picture
Russian-Tank - ..
toto974's picture
I was wondering the same
Russian-Tank's picture
According to Dr. Woerlee:
Nyarlathotep's picture
Russian-Tank - how [do] you
Sheldon's picture
Russian Tank, could you
Russian-Tank's picture
Sheldon's picture
Could you precisely define
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Now I have to take a shower.
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Just a snippet from https:/
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@Orignal Post by RT
Russian-Tank's picture
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
{ NDErs say that they heard
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At best, they are
Sapporo's picture
Russian Tank, please explain
David Killens's picture
If someone is in a NDE state
Russian-Tank's picture
David it doesn't but it seems
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No, those dreams are not
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@David Re: "Dammit,now I
Sheldon's picture
When I dream of unicorns they


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