cosmic consciousness

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David Killens's picture
Alain's picture
I know very well that........
David Killens's picture
Real death is when you do not
Alain's picture
That is your personal belief
David Killens's picture
arakish's picture
@ Alain
Alain's picture
When the consciousness
arakish's picture
And by definition, an NDE is
Cognostic's picture
RE: As Dr Kreps said, NDEs
Grinseed's picture
Would nightmares count as
Cognostic's picture
Some do and some don't.
arakish's picture
Like Cognostic, I have been
Grinseed's picture
Well, this is interesting,
arakish's picture
I would imagine they are
Tin-Man's picture
@Grinseed Re: "...then after
Grinseed's picture
It would make a great theme
David Killens's picture
I had an NDE. My body was
arakish's picture
@ Dave
Cognostic's picture
YOU ARE 100% correct.
landlore's picture
Wow, this subject never ends
arakish's picture
landlore: "Could not the
arakish's picture
@ Alain
Alain's picture
I just do not understand why
Grinseed's picture
What? Me worried? Never
Grinseed's picture
I have taken time to read
Grinseed's picture
@ Alain,
Alain's picture
There are millions and
arakish's picture
Alain: "When God see the
Alain's picture
1) You say...................
arakish's picture
@ Alain


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