Denmark acknowledges failure of multiculturalism - forced assimilation

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Terminal Dogma's picture
Denmark acknowledges failure of multiculturalism - forced assimilation

Act like the people in the country you migrated to or lose your rights seems to be the rationale here. Didn't think the rejection of leftist ideas would get this blatant this quick.

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TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Not a good way to create
Terminal Dogma's picture
Isn't migrating to a safe,
Sheldon's picture
A rather silly question given
Cognostic's picture
WOW! I really hate to admit
Sheldon's picture
"WOW! I really hate to admit
Sheldon's picture
More from the article:
Terminal Dogma's picture
Sheldon must be hard for you
Sapporo's picture
If an argument is valid or
Terminal Dogma's picture
It's a policy question, and
Sapporo's picture
@Terminal Dogma, can you
Terminal Dogma's picture
I don't think anyone can
Sapporo's picture
@Terminal Dogma
Terminal Dogma's picture
No, I just dislike a lot of
Sapporo's picture
But why do you not care to
Terminal Dogma's picture
You asked if I could define
David Killens's picture
@Terminal Dogma
algebe's picture
@Sapporo: what you mean by
Sapporo's picture
algebe's picture
Sapporo's picture
@Algebe yes. Terms like
Sheldon's picture
Now where is that 1000 agrees
LogicFTW's picture
I wonder if terminal dogma
Peurii's picture
While this is true, there is
Sheldon's picture
Sheldon's picture
The only that's hard is
The_Quieter's picture
...And based on your post you
Sheldon's picture
"He has pointed out that in
David Killens's picture
It is not a case of working
Sheldon's picture
Exactly, it's not a failed
Peurii's picture
Segregation is a big problem.


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