Denmark acknowledges failure of multiculturalism - forced assimilation
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The role of Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory is played by Jim Parsons, who is openly gay. Unless he can fly, Mr. Parsons would not last long in an Islamic country or a Muslim enclave, referred to as no-go zones, in Europe. Am I the only one concerned about this?
Why is it that ridiculing, mocking and attacking Christian beliefs on this forum is de rigueur, but any reference to Islamic atrocities is suppressed?
Where are the protests by the LGBTQ community against raping boys and throwing gay men from buildings and overpasses? Have they been lulled into believing that Muslims support gay marriage when in truth they see it as an inroad to legalizing polygamy?
Where are the feminists speaking out against female genital mutilation, honor killings, child marriage, sanctified rape of unbelievers and the Muslim belief that Allah made women inferior to men? Where are the Pussyhats when you need them?
Curious minds want to know.
"any reference to Islamic atrocities is suppressed?"
That's a lie, shameless fair play. Islamic beliefs are every bit as ridiculous and fictional as the christian ones, and have at least as many pernicious ideas. There is a fundamental difference between criticising religious beliefs, and the kind of bigotry opportunistic racists indulge in whenever a religious nut-job commits an atrocity and they think they can stir up resentment against a demographic they don't like.
"Where are the protests by the LGBTQ community against raping boys and throwing gay men from buildings and overpasses?
I imagine there's a thread somewhere about ISIS, what has that to do with your overtly racist immigrant bashing?
"Have they been lulled into believing that Muslims support gay marriage when in truth they see it as an inroad to legalizing polygamy?"
Do you think we're so stupid as to swallow your bigoted attempts to demonise all Muslims as if they are all the same by an idiotic scaremonger using the worst examples? Opportunistic bigotry and racism masquerading as opposition to the worst excess of religious bigotry makes me sick.
"Where are the feminists speaking out against female genital mutilation, honor killings, child marriage, sanctified rape of unbelievers and the Muslim belief that Allah made women inferior to men?"
Why feminists specifically? I think that slip illustrates you have an agenda. Any decent person should be outraged by those behaviours. Though again your previous posts make me suspect that you're just opportunistically exploiting that fact to peddle your own agenda.
"Curious minds want to know."
I doubt it, I have many times encountered bigotry and racism from people who think they may find allies amongst atheists by pretending their bigotry and racism is really moral outrage at the behaviour of the worst examples of religious bigotry, which they endlessly post about in their faux outrage. Then react precisely as you have done here when they don't find the allies they were looking for. Not all theists are barbaric and cruel, that's a given and though many hold beliefs that I'd rather they didn't, many of them would never act on those beliefs to commit atrocities. I can despise religions and religious beliefs that run that risk, but without resorting to bigoted or even racist assumptions about all believers of any particular religion.
It's odd but on other forums I have had Muslims calling me a racist fascist and racist bigots calling me a cowardly moronic leftist liberal, sometimes in the same thread ironically. I usually take the fact I'm pissing extremists off from both sides of a debate as a sign I'm on the right track.
@Mad Mac
"The role of Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory is played by Jim Parsons, who is openly gay. Unless he can fly, Mr. Parsons would not last long in an Islamic country or a Muslim enclave, referred to as no-go zones, in Europe. Am I the only one concerned about this?"
First off, your implied threat to Sheldon is not appreciated. I see it for what it is.
Muslim enclave? No-go zones? I fear you are one more victim of lies. A lot of this Islamophobic crap started with Peter Hoekstra, his lies were exposed by the Dutch press when he became the US Ambassador to Holland.
Where is the Million Muslim March on Washington renouncing Osama Bin,
renouncing jihad, renouncing Sharia law?
There was a Muslim march on Washington once,
but it was just a few hundred whining about Islamophobia.
Still waiting to hear from the Pussyhats.
I'd imagine most Muslims thought forming into crowds to protest after 9/11 would be imprudent. Are you trying to increase the stupidity of each new post on this topic?
Bigotry and prejudice rarely care about facts.
Why does the left defend Islam?
It is because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The left and Islam are in lockstep to bring down capitalism and western culture.
Old Chinese proverb: "He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount".
Good luck with that.
Why do bigoted racists pretend they have noble motives? I know racists are seldom very bright, but can they really be stupid enough to believe their artless subterfuge will fool anyone? I mean lets take a hypothetical, they attack Muslims in a way that enables a broad swipe at immigrants and immigration, then when this is challenged they offer the clumsy lie that the person citing their bigoted racism is really defending Islam, it's a dead giveaway, a person would have to be a racist moron not see it....ah
There are 7.6 billion people on the earth. During my short life of 70 years, the population has doubled. Almost half the world lives on less the $2.50 a day, 80% on less than $10 a day. Given the opportunity, how many would want to come to the United States? Billions.
We can't take them all. Why take any of the ones that subscribe to an ideology that is incompatible with western values? Here is who we should bring in first and fast lane for U.S. citizenship.
Bring in the translators in Iraq and Afghanistan who have worked alongside the U.S. and its allies. Bring in their immediate families, too. Their lives and the lives of their families are in danger. Those people have earned the right to come to this country and become citizens.
Another hopelessly dishonest straw man, sigh.
There are many who believe that a wall is the way to stop illegal immigration. Having served my country during the era of the Iron Curtain and having visited the East German "Modern Frontier" and The Wall in West Berlin, the idea does not appeal to me. I don't know about Denmark, it may be too late for them, but here is what we should do in the U.S.
We must remove every incentive for illegal immigration. First is enforcing the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. If you ever filled out an I-9, you know what I'm talking about. Rounding up a bunch of chicken pluckers won't get it done. The enforcement must be at the employer level. Put some company owners, bosses, in jail and that will set an example and get the word out. Eliminate the jobs and you eliminate the most powerful incentive to cross illegally.
Secondly, decriminalize drugs. That will remove the profit incentive for the cartels and eliminate the second largest factor driving illegal border crossing.
Third, in addition to stopping chain migration and the immigration lottery, we need to eliminate birthright citizenship and anchor babies.
Forum Guidelines
7 No racism
That is racist.
@Mad Mac
The border crossings is those seeking to work for a better life and to help their families they leave behind.
If it weren't for those illegal immigrants coming into this country and doing the work they do, almost nothing new would get built. Many of the many generational Americans deem manual labor beneath them. Much like the Absolutists. Especially the WASPs.
Hey, I just plagiarized something from a website that finally makes me understand this bullshit left-right thing. In ancient France (actually only about 230 years), they used to separate in a parlimant style metting hall into left-right camps.
"Those who were loyal to religion and the king, took up positions to the right (the king's right) of his Chair so as to avoid the shouts, oaths, and indecencies that enjoyed free rein in the opposing camp."
Damnit! Just realized I closed all the other tabs to type this, now I don't remember the website. However, Wikipedia probably has the same thing.
And, now I know that Terminal Dogma is nothing more than a lousy Absolutist. He is so "right" in his thinking, and he has been posting comments that sound like they could only come from an Absolutist. And what is it that Absolutists know how to do best? They are liars.
Opposing illegal immigration is not racist. I'm in favor of legal immigration. Hispanic surnamed Texans of Mexican ancestry are also opposed to illegal immigration. It hurts them the most.
My neighbor of 40 years is one. One niece of mine is married to one and has two sons and another niece is engaged to one. My first cousin is married to one and has two sons. I'm an uncle and a cousin to Texans of Mexican ancestry. So, lighten up.
And another thing. Everyone is all twisted up about the Dreamers and the DACA recipients. Children came to the U.S. through no fault of their own when their parents crossed illegally, and so forth. Here is what I say.
They have enjoyed the benefits of living here, an education, an appreciation for western values and a mastery of English. They should take that experience back to their homeland where they will be reunited with their family; parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Then they can make their country great again. It's a win, win.
@ Mad Mac
I think I would rather ask the Cherokee, Arapaho, Apache or Lakotas if they think immigrants like you, with your opinions should stay or be chucked out.
Good post, I'm guessing he doesn't see the irony of his prejudice against immigrants when he is one himself.
Boy I am glad I obey my third commandment when at a computer:
Thou shalt not be drinking a beverage while perusing a forum board for thou shalt never know when any post may tickle and cause spewage.
Where is that 1K agree button?
Glad you mentioned it. It was a clash of cultures.
We won by virtue of greater numbers. It was conquest by migration.
Which is what I fear may happen to us now.
And we might end up the better for it.
I shouldn't really be surprised at hypocrisy after all the bigotry and racism displayed.
Oops! I think I left the door open on the echo chamber.
Is there any Kool-Aid leftover?
I'm really thirsty.
My work here is done.
Carry on.