Denmark acknowledges failure of multiculturalism - forced assimilation

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Terminal Dogma's picture
Singapore applied some pretty
Sheldon's picture
The Nazis had some radical
Sheldon's picture
It's possible for ethnic
Mad Mac's picture
My friends, they are not
Sheldon's picture
Just as with religious claims
Nyarlathotep's picture
@Mad Mac
Terminal Dogma's picture
Slow?? What's the islamic
algebe's picture
These policies seem like the
Sheldon's picture
Precisely correct, and again
Terminal Dogma's picture
My ethnic elders that have
Sheldon's picture
Some people, not some
Sapporo's picture
Separating children from
Terminal Dogma's picture
Separating children from
algebe's picture
@Terminal Dogma
Sheldon's picture
Could you dial down the
Terminal Dogma's picture
The Gov is only doing it to
algebe's picture
@Terminal Dogma: The Gov is
Sheldon's picture
Are they? You might want to
Terminal Dogma's picture
Just googled it, every major
algebe's picture
@Terminal Dogma: You have
Terminal Dogma's picture
Child were taken into care
algebe's picture
Sheldon's picture
I see no retraction of the
Nyarlathotep's picture
I have to agree with TD in a
Sapporo's picture
Three leftists walk into a
Mad Mac's picture
I can understand women,
Terminal Dogma's picture
It's called Brown power -
Sheldon's picture
Let me guess this leftist
Sheldon's picture
"why does a military age,
Sheldon's picture
This thread should be called


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