Do you believe in fate? I can scientifically prove that it does exist.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
The Almighty - "@chimp3 sadly
God Follower's picture
Logic.. And it perfectly
CyberLN's picture
God Follower's picture
Dear, I am atheist and no
CyberLN's picture
" I am atheist and no
God Follower's picture
You are debating like a 12
ThePragmatic's picture
@ The Almighty
God Follower's picture
Psychology says you think
CyberLN's picture
"Psychology says you think
ThePragmatic's picture
@ The Almighty
God Follower's picture
Being atheist, we shouldn't
ThePragmatic's picture
Good point, in that it could
mykcob4's picture
This guy the "AlMighty" Is
God Follower's picture
@mykcob4.. This is really
mykcob4's picture
Well there are several things
God Follower's picture
1) I was trying to prove that
Dave Matson's picture
The Almighty,
God Follower's picture
When I started this thread, I
Dave Matson's picture
You case for infinitely many
God Follower's picture
This is exactly what I said
Dave Matson's picture
I take it that you are
God Follower's picture
1) Yes.. Future is determined
Deidre32's picture
How are we defining 'fate?' I
God Follower's picture
"Fate" is a theist word which
chimp3's picture
I am still chasing you down
God Follower's picture
I am claiming scientifically
Nyarlathotep's picture
"What I am saying is that
God Follower's picture
So you are telling that my
Dave Matson's picture
It's apparent that you don't
God Follower's picture
So are you saying that


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