Do you believe in fate? I can scientifically prove that it does exist.

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God Follower's picture
mykcob4's picture
God Follower's picture
I am giving you one more
chimp3's picture
Ok. We know that the universe
God Follower's picture
Yes..Predetermined.. Didn't I
Nyarlathotep's picture
There you have it folks.
God Follower's picture
Yes.. And this comment too..
Deidre32's picture
Hi Almighty, I'm a theist,
mykcob4's picture
Well that isn't a logic
Deidre32's picture
First, I joined this site
mykcob4's picture
Nope not angry. My manner is
Deidre32's picture
Because I had an experience
mykcob4's picture
I believe you, why shouldn't
God Follower's picture
No.. It cannot be controlled.
Dave Matson's picture
God Follower's picture
I didn't say we can predict
Deidre32's picture
Ah, ok. This is such an
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right Deidre! In a
Deidre32's picture
Nyarlathotep - yes, it's
Nyarlathotep's picture
If someone tells you that you
mykcob4's picture
Funny, I really like that!
Deidre32's picture
@ Nyarlathotep - lol, I shall
mykcob4's picture
If you had watched 'Thinking
Deidre32's picture
@mykcob4 - relating to your
mykcob4's picture
1) I could go on why you
Deidre32's picture
You know, when I was an
mykcob4's picture
great post I can't add
Dave Matson's picture
Deidre32's picture
@ Greensnake, thank you that
Dave Matson's picture


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