Do you believe in fate? I can scientifically prove that it does exist.

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Dave Matson's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
I always find it funny when
God Follower's picture
I thought you like sarcasm
CyberLN's picture
Perhaps the more important
Nyarlathotep's picture
The Almighty - "As I have
God Follower's picture
Again and again and again,
Nyarlathotep's picture
The Almighty - "Now I believe
God Follower's picture
I didn't say you formulated
Dave Matson's picture
Perhaps you haven't yet read
God Follower's picture
"The "cause" is the relative
Dave Matson's picture
Is there a cause? Who cares?
Nyarlathotep's picture
The Almighty - "It doesn't
God Follower's picture
I am done
God Follower's picture
This would be my last comment
chimp3's picture
The Almighty : "I understand
Sir Random's picture
"I understand that randomness
Nyarlathotep's picture
I promised earlier in this
Sapporo's picture
I think that everything is
MCDennis's picture
You are demonstrating cause
Samhain's picture
This thread is over 4 years


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