Does everything have a start?

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Devans99's picture
Look a virtual particle
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dan - Look a virtual particle
Devans99's picture
Thats tiny compared to the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well the mass of an inflaton
Devans99's picture
Look you are dreaming,
Sheldon's picture
"Look you are dreaming,
Nyarlathotep's picture
I never said it did.
David Killens's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Devans99's picture
1. My whole argument pertains
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dan - because [∞ + 1 > ∞]
Sheldon's picture
Christ, 6 pages of this vapid
Devans99's picture
1. The opposite claim,
Sheldon's picture
As I said, you don't even
Devans99's picture
Its a common sense argument:
Sheldon's picture
You've just repeated your
toto974's picture
..."Then (barring magic)
Devans99's picture
Well if I had to construct
toto974's picture
Pure conjecture! Plus, you
Devans99's picture
I've already given enough
toto974's picture
Sound logic doesn't necessary
Devans99's picture
For physical evidence I'd
toto974's picture
Photon are timeless? I
toto974's picture
The multiverse destroys the
Sheldon's picture
Pure fantasy. You can repeat
Sapporo's picture
Does this thread have an end?
CyberLN's picture
We can only hope...
David Killens's picture
Of course not, we have not
Sheldon's picture
"Of course not, we have not
Sheldon's picture
Seems unlikely, it certainly


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