Does everything have a start?

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toto974's picture
6 pages... maybe because we
toto974's picture
I think this thread will go
Sky Pilot's picture
Devans99's picture
Im a deist:
Sheldon's picture
A deist who still can
Randomhero1982's picture
And can still not provide a
Devans99's picture
Its simple: God has always
Sheldon's picture
"Its simple: God has always
Devans99's picture
Well something created time
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Dan
Devans99's picture
Did you not read this:
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Dan
Devans99's picture
I see logic has failed you
Sheldon's picture
"Well something created time
Randomhero1982's picture
Is a nebula intelligent?
Randomhero1982's picture
- Evidence your claim that
Devans99's picture
Evidence your claim that your
Randomhero1982's picture
So you can't show evidence to
CyberLN's picture
Dan, you wrote, “ Its just
LostLocke's picture
- Something can't come from
Devans99's picture
There seem to be two
LostLocke's picture
Something from nothing is not
Devans99's picture
I'm not a Christian; I think
LostLocke's picture
So for you, God isn't the
Devans99's picture
I'm a Deist:
toto974's picture
The followers of these
Devans99's picture
A Deist God could give
toto974's picture
Honestly, i don't know much
Randomhero1982's picture
This just gets better and
Sheldon's picture
Well it gets funnier and


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