General: atheism as a worldview

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arakish's picture
He's a twerp, which is
Kataclismic's picture
How would you explain why
CyberLN's picture
UA, you wrote, “That your
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Some are, my roommate back at
CyberLN's picture
Thanks for the back peddling
UneducatedAtheists's picture
I certainly did not "back
CyberLN's picture
UA, in another chat, you
Sheldon's picture
"some are more zealous about
LogicFTW's picture
Sheldon's picture
"Some are, my roommate back
Randomhero1982's picture
Awww shucks! Did he touch you
Cognostic's picture
Typical Christian logic.
arakish's picture
My answer to the Thread's OP
UneducatedAtheists's picture
You're totally uneducated in
arakish's picture
I am not the one skipping
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Τώρα θα δεις τι εστί βερίκοκο
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Τώρα θα δεις τι εστί βερίκοκο
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Bring your wife malaka, the
Sheldon's picture
My profound thanks, and my
arakish's picture
And think it was because I
Randomhero1982's picture
Says the twat who believes in
algebe's picture
So "UneducatedAtheists" has
CompelledUnbeliever's picture
The idea of good and evil is
Cognostic's picture
WTF - It was all Geek to me.


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