Has nature ever created a code?

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Sheldon's picture
Nice non sequitur, but I
arakish's picture
Senta Christine: "I was
Senta Christine's picture
They were atheists until I
Sheldon's picture
"And all successful
Senta Christine's picture
No, Tyson and Dawkins have
Sheldon's picture
Senta Christine's picture
And no one is born an atheist
algebe's picture
@Senta Christine: I have
Sheldon's picture
Of course every is born an
arakish's picture
I am one. I have ALWAYS been
Sheldon's picture
Fallacies in informal logic
Senta Christine's picture
Said the strawman.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Senta Christine - https://en
Senta Christine's picture
ok, 72 scholarly cited
Sheldon's picture
"I never realized The
Sheldon's picture
Senta Christine's picture
They were difficult to obtain
Sheldon's picture
"no one in the world agrees
Senta Christine's picture
I said practically no one and
Sheldon's picture
The number of atheists is
Senta Christine's picture
It is manifestly cretinous to
Nyarlathotep's picture
Senta Christine - ...to claim
Sheldon's picture
Risible evasion, you claimed
arakish's picture
Senta Christine: "Said the
Senta Christine's picture
Pew Research Center is not
arakish's picture
Pew Research Center is NOT a
Sheldon's picture
"Pew Research Center is not
Senta Christine's picture
Provide proof that Pew
arakish's picture
Read their work. rmfr
CyberLN's picture
Follow the money.


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