Has nature ever created a code?

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arakish's picture
@ Senta
Senta Christine's picture
Oh yes. Me along with 93% of
arakish's picture
Oh. You finally figured it
Senta Christine's picture
Wrong. https://en.wikipedia
Sheldon's picture
"Oh yes. Me along with 93% of
arakish's picture
I think all religions are man
Tin-Man's picture
@Senta Re: "And natural
Senta Christine's picture
Logical fallacy. Strawman
Tin-Man's picture
@Senta Re: "The question is
Senta Christine's picture
I am certain that I am far
Tin-Man's picture
@Senta Re: "I am certain
Sheldon's picture
She exudes erudition, and
arakish's picture
Senta: "I am certain that I
Senta Christine's picture
I am a female, first of all.
arakish's picture
Read These Essays rmfr
Sheldon's picture
"Our entire universe and all
Cognostic's picture
Senta: "I am a female, first
Senta Christine's picture
Also, all you do is keep
Cognostic's picture
There is no food on this
Sheldon's picture
I never said it was the
Senta Christine's picture
No species could have ever
Sheldon's picture
algebe's picture
@Senta Christine: why does
Senta Christine's picture
Algebe: "First, the various
algebe's picture
Senta Christine:
arakish's picture
@ Algebe
arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man
Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "Here are two
Sheldon's picture
"...I have a college
Senta Christine's picture
I was raised by atheists and


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