Has nature ever created a code?

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tbowen's picture
Has nature ever created a code?

Has nature ever created a code? DNA is a code that gets coded and translated and has error correction. I challenge anyone to point out a code, other then DNA, that is created by nature. The point here is that codes are ONLY created by intelligence.

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Randomhero1982's picture
Definite intellegence
SunDog's picture
DNA is an example of
lukew0480's picture
DNA is extremely complex. To
lukew0480's picture
complexity is certainly in
Sheldon's picture
"DNA is an example of
Senta Christine's picture
Then why do scientistists


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arakish's picture
Senta Christine
Senta Christine's picture
You don't trust phys.org huh?
Tin-Man's picture
@Senta Re: "...well it's


Attach Image/Video?: 

arakish's picture
And I stand corrected.
Spectre of Marxism's picture
There probably is life out
Sapporo's picture
The OP cites a code that is
tbowen's picture
I said that because I assumed
Sapporo's picture
J N Vanderbilt III: I said
Cognostic's picture
"To claim that computer code
SunDog's picture
The natural world is full of
Seanktoner's picture
DNA is not an actual code in
lukew0480's picture
DNA is a bunch of acids and
Seanktoner's picture
I didn't downplay the
Sheldon's picture
" A code is something that is
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I was going to say something,
Blue Grey Brain's picture
The OP cites a code that is
David Killens's picture
"One can tell the OP probably
David Killens's picture
Please define "code".
tbowen's picture
obviously the intent is to
Sapporo's picture
J N Vanderbilt III: obviously
Senta Christine's picture
Nonsensical comparison. We
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Santa
Senta Christine's picture
I disagree. I think the
CyberLN's picture
Sent a, what does “suppose to


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