Hobby lobby!!

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Lmale's picture
Hobby lobby!!

This is the reason for me joining ive had it with organised religion getting everything their way.
We should be organised to fight back against ignorance and oppression.
This ruling gives religious rights to businesses how long before Muslim businesses are run by Sharia law? Till Jewish businesses forbid employees to eat pork. Till businesses owned by Christians start discriminating and no one discriminates like christians! Till 7th day adventist businesses ban blood transfusions on their medical plans because its against their religion.
Im generally a live and let live kinda guy but this plus christian fundamentalists from usa getting an anti gay law passed in uganda has pushed me to far.
I thought this was the 21st century thought wed evolved past this. This has staggering potential for damage could theoretically lead to riots and possibly a war.

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Lmale's picture
Hobby lobby has in essence
freethinker's picture
It is not so much Hobby
firebolt's picture
Did anyone else catch this?
Lmale's picture
I think hes refering to the
firebolt's picture
Thank you for that! I was
Harry0014's picture
this website
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
It's good economics, the'd be
Lmale's picture
Yep their shitty scam they
DesolateProphet's picture
The modern Christian
Lmale's picture
I posted this forum a while
CyberLN's picture
This is a far more dense
Lmale's picture
You erred on one part by
CyberLN's picture
I did not err by inferring
Lmale's picture
They dont 'want them to
Zaphod's picture
4 things to say about Hobby
Lmale's picture
I did mention starbucks will
Zaphod's picture
I think the whole health care
firebolt's picture
Hey, let's leave Starbucks
Lmale's picture
Fraid so unrmployments really
Lmale's picture
Agreed. Imho healthcare food
Zaphod's picture
The problem with the UK is
Lmale's picture
Lol i have no teeth
Zaphod's picture
No the reason the Jello is so
Lmale's picture
Wow thats evil. Yep obama
Zaphod's picture
Hillary would have done
Lmale's picture
You cant blame obama for
CyberLN's picture
Just what does your term
Lmale's picture
Up the proverbial canyon
CyberLN's picture
Then why don't you say that
Lmale's picture
What they will do is going to


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