I am an Aatheist

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Delaware's picture
I am an Aatheist

If you look at my profile, or any of my posts, you will see that I am a Christian.
So why am I saying that I am an Aatheist?
I am not making a claim. I am simply rejecting the Atheists statement.
I do not beleive in Atheism or in any of its arguments (if it makes any).
I have lack of faith in Atheists lack of faith.
I am using the same line of reasoning that Atheists use.
Maybe I should state what I do believe, but that would not be in keeping with the logic behind atheism.
Do you see how meaningless my “Aatheism” is?
Can you see how meaningless it is if I remove one of the “A’s”?

Atheism is a lack of belief in any gods.
I don't believe any deity or deities exist, is a typical statement.
Here is what else it is not, or does not:
1. Is not an answer.
2. Draws no conclusions.
3. Makes no claims.
4. Is just a philosophical statement.
5. Makes no claims as to what valid evidence of Gods existence would look like.
6. Has no opinion about Gods existence or non-existence.
7. Does not answer any questions about God.
8. Does not believe that no God or gods exists.
9. Says nothing about what is believed.
10. It is a negative statement.
11. Is neither true nor false.
12. Presents no evidence.
13. Is not statement about science.
14. Is not a scientific statement.
15. Is not falsifiable.
16. Is not an empirical statement.
17. Is not testable or falsifiable.

Did I miss any?
Please comment or make a counter argument.
If you are unable to attack the argument being made.
The custom of many is to attack the person making the argument.

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Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP
Sheldon's picture
Even though Jo is a tedious
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Tin Man
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Once again:
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man
David Killens's picture
Yup. These days I just watch
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
@Jo . .
Delaware's picture
@ Mutorc
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
Jo said: "I can’t think of
Delaware's picture
@ AccretedMinutiae
Tin-Man's picture
OH, WOW!!!... *feigned look
Delaware's picture
@ Tin-Man
Cognostic's picture
Jo: RE: But seriously, I am
David Killens's picture
@ Jo
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
Jo - not exactly no. I
Grinseed's picture
Delaware's picture
@ Ginseed
Sheldon's picture
Jo "We all believe that
boomer47's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Cranky Re: "When you get
Flatland's picture
"It's making you look silly"
Tin-Man's picture
@Flatland Re: "That's
Flatland's picture
Oh, and also sententiousness.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Flatalnd
Cognostic's picture
Flatland: Atheists simply
Cognostic's picture
@JO: I do not believe in
Delaware's picture
@ Cognostic
Sheldon's picture
Jo "The word Athesim (sic)
Cognostic's picture
@Jo: There were atheists
Delaware's picture
@ Cognostic


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