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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
Is this only for religious
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Any joke you wish :)
Travis Hedglin's picture
One day there was a fish
ThePragmatic's picture
This was funny. For everyone
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
A man was drinking in a bar
Nutmeg's picture
Yeah, but did they get laid?!
ThePragmatic's picture
Thought this video was funny
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
So much killing for the only
killerbee's picture
A young man was preparing to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Haha, dirty old woman indeed.
killerbee's picture
A young man was broke and
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
An English professor wrote up
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
One day at the entrance to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
A man arrives at the gates of
CyberLN's picture
Why Did The Chicken Cross The
ThePragmatic's picture
Without intelligent design,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
How to Destroy an Atheist in
maberl's picture
what did the believers and
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Holy Shit
ThePragmatic's picture
Proselytizing: https:/
Kataclismic's picture
Two brothers live completely
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Thought it was an old one
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Love the serios of jokes in
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
A teacher was teaching her
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
A man and his wife are at a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
A farmer was in a bar
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
An old man finds a condom in
chimp3's picture
O'Shaughnessy and McGill are
mykcob4's picture
All the jokes i know are too


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