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FishNChips007's picture
Tin, If you want some

Tin, If you want some background music, maybe I can provide you with some. I do however have something for you all.

Ray Comfort has just recently opened up an atheist hotline, where he is willing to talk to anyone, face-to-face (virtually, or course) over zoom.

Why don't you shoot him an email, and have an open and honest conversation and see what comes of it.

Sheldon's picture
FishNChips007 "Ray Comfort

FishNChips007 "Ray Comfort has just recently opened up an atheist hotline, where he is willing to talk to anyone, face-to-face (virtually, or course) over zoom."

Why on earth would any remotely intelligent person want to talk to anyone as stupid and ignorant as Ray Comfort? He embarrasses himself every time he opens his mouth, as do all young earth creationists.

If you want honest debate then tell us, if Ray Comfort is right and the universe is just a few thousand years old, how is it we can see the light form stars billions of light years away?

FishNChips007 "Why don't you shoot him an email, and have an open and honest conversation"

Because like all creationists he is devoid of integrity, and has zero interest in honest debate on the topic, and FYI questions require a question mark at the end (?).

You have a cheek talking of honest debate yourself, given your claims that evolution requires faith, and your lies that there is scientific evidence falsifying it. Even your breathtaking ignorance on the topic doesn't justify such dishonesty, or the fact you have entirely ignored substantive responses to your asinine and dishonest claims by more than one poster..

Here is my response to your earlier dishonest creationist canards will YOU have the honesty to address them with any integrity or anything approaching an open mind?

FishNChips007 "Even if you want to have faith in your theory of evolution"

Oh dear, another creationist canard that has become a cliche of woeful ignorance, Scientific theories are defined as " a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world."

It might help you look less woefully and wilfully ignorant on here, if you didn't make statements without even bothering to do the most cursory research, and find out if they have any basis in fact, but species evolution is supported and explained by the theory of evolution, that theory contains overwhelming objective evidence, all you have done is pull down your own pants and give yourself a spanking in front of everyone here.

If it helps your embarrassment, you're not the first religious apologists to make this most embarrassing gaff, but FYI scientific theories, like the scientific method, are the very antithesis of faith based beliefs like creationism, for which you can demonstrate no objective evidence.

Now for your second equally embarrassing gaff, the scientific theory of evolution makes no claims about the origins of life, it evidences and explains the diversity of life, and of course drives a fact based wooden stake through the rotten superstitious black heart of faith based creationist myths like genesis, that make claims that are directly at odds with objective scientific facts. So this fact, and the fact that there isn't a shred of objective evidence for creationist superstition is reason enough for any remotely objective or rational person to disbelieve creationism's woo woo claims, not knowing how life originated no more evidences those farcical fantasies than not being able to explore every part of the oceans validates the claim mermaids are hiding in there. Finally the fact evolution doesn't explain the origins of life, no more invalidates any part of it, than the fact that calculus or the theory of relativity don't explain the origins of the universe invalidate them, you'd have to be the the most blinkered closed minded and wilfully ignorant adherent of superstition to think it would. Can you see where this is going?

Again, I urge you to goo to the talkorigins website and arm yourself with at least the most cursory facts, as you are embarrassing yourself with creationist canards like claiming evolution requires faith. Quote the babble all you want, it is meaningless superstition, if that's how you want to waste your life that's your call, but you will get no traction with such nonsense here, as the posters on this site live in the real world.

FishNChips "go and refute the members of the scientific community who argue for creation at"

Sorry, but are you claiming that the theory of evolution has been falsified? This is fucking hilarious, can you explain why the entire scientific world, and every single major news network globally has missed this? No Nobel prize, no banner headlines on every news network, no theists massing globally to celebrate, hell even the catholic church seems unaware of this paradigm shifting news?

You really are embarrassing yourself now, since qualifying as a scientist doesn't validate anyone's claims, the scientific method does this, you seem ignorant of the most basic facts and methodology of science, though sadly in my experience this typifies the bumbling blind adherence of creationists to the woo woo dogma they have been fed, it's all very sad really.

Calilasseia's picture
Quite simply, anyone who

Quite simply, anyone who thinks that Ray Comfort is something other than a duplicitous charlatan, falls into one of the following categories:

[1] The extremely gullible;

[2] The woefully ignorant (whether by accident or design);

[3] Those missing large numbers of functioning neurons;

[4] Individuals belonging to some combination of the above categories.

Comfort has enjoyed the benefit of a free education on the subject of evolutionary biology, delivered by some of the foremost figures in the field, of a sort that many university students would sacrifice a limb to obtain for themselves. Yet instead of learning from this free education by some of the best minds in the business, he continues to peddle to an audience of gullible, uneducated rubes, duplicitous caricatures of scientific postulates, and ex recto apologetic fabrications of a nature hovering somewhere between the merely amateurish and the outright infantile.

Presumably learning in time, along with his equally nefarious sidekick Kirk Cameron, that the pair of them possessed zero talent of the sort that would result in actual achievement of any sort, even in the tinselly world of Hollywood acting, let alone in any rigorous human enterprise, they turned to the time-honoured escape route beloved by wastrels across the planet, looking for a means of acquiring a lucrative income without having to work for it. Namely, they turned to religion - the one enterprise in which individuals hovering in that foggy limbo spanning the valley between mediocrity and inadequacy, can, if they're prepared to deploy sufficient bare-arsed cheek, enjoy a life of mansions and private jets paid for by someone else.

The more underhand and dishonest the individuals in question, the more they are likely to prosper by setting themselves up as purported "men of god", though of course there are limits to the dishonesty these individuals can indulge in, even in the extravagantly permissive and forgiving environment of the US Bible Belt. It's a measure of just how permissive and forgiving, to a pathological extent, this environment is, that individuals making the right noises about Jeebus only come unstuck, if their mendacity extends to outright criminality, such as Kent Hovind's egregious tax fraud, or the numerous "megachurch pastors" on my little list of miscreants who have been arrested for playing "Hide the Sausage" with 12 year old girls.

Comfort has, thus far, had the good sense merely to present himself in public as an incompetent clown, a mask he wears well because from the standpoint of pursuing genuine rigorous thought, he is an incompetent clown. He does, however, possess the mendacious cunning and grifter's eye required to turn his repeated public humiliations into a cash cow. In that respect, he's following a well-trodden path, first laid down by the arch-charlatan and professional liar for doctrine known as Henry Morris, who was, in effect, the founder of modern American corporate creationism, and having introduced this particularly odious specimen to my audience, it's apposite to mention that creationism in the Bible Belt IS a corporate business, one that harvests its revenue by seeding lies among the residents of the lower end of the intellectual Bell Curve.

Morris it was, that launched this festering pustule of an industry in its moden observable form, and who set the precedents that were to be adopted by those treading in his footsteps. A willingness to lie through one's teeth being the principal pre-requisite for success in this seedy and sleazy endeavour, not least because Morris was unashamedly and ruthlessly perfidious, to the point of writing, among his numerous screeds, a "how to manual" for quote miners that attracts willing and gleeful followers to this day. But in a moment of unintended candour, one of his proclamations revealed the central tenet of mendacity that lies at the heart of the corporate creationist enterprise, and which, by extension, can be observed permeating the entire supernaturalist enterprise to a venomous extent. In short, Morris revealed, courtesy of one of his less guarded moments, that creationism relies upon the enforcement of one noxious central axiom, namely, if reality and doctrine differ, reality is wrong and doctrine is right.

Comfort, readily accepting this noxious axiom as a revenue source, then set about being the Krusty The Klown of creationism, with his "Bananaman" moment simply being the best known, and most frequently referenced, instance of the vacuity underlying his snake oil sales pitch. He is, to those of us who paid attention in class, the poster child for the stupidity inherent not merely in creationism, but in mythology fanboyism full stop, and serves as a useful pedagogical example whenever the topic of creationist stupidity arises. But let's not forget that his whoopee cushion brand of creationism still relies upon the same dark poison spread by Morris for its survival. Comfort masks this to varying degrees, some more successful than others, when peddling bottles of hot air as if they contained some exquisite brand of epistemological perfume, but even in his case, the sleaze and wilful miscreance are never far away, though as befitting him perfectly, merely being pathetic rather than enraging.

Alongside the seriously virulent inhabitants of the cesspool that is professional creationism, Comfort is largely a joke figure. He doesn't possess the smouldering impotent rage and thinly veiled love of all things Inquisitional that characterises Dembski, for example, who would be a truly dangerous fascist-style theocrat if ever he was handed the levers of power. Nor does he possess the tenacity, which in other circumstances and applied to other human endeavours would be admirable, of Jonathan Wells, nor the willingness to enter potentially libellous territory that characterises Richard Weikart. Simply put, Comfort cannot even rise to a minimum level of adequacy even when pursuing his basic dishonesty.

The idea that this individual is in a position to challenge any moderately competent atheist, is a fantasy only the most lyrically devoted and hallucinogenic mythology fanboy could entertain. The algae growing in my aquarium would be too vigorous an opponent for this foppish little weed in the flower bed of discourse. Serious commentators can crush him underfoot with ease, and he is simply beneath deserving of a point of view by the genuine heavyweights. Coming here to Atheist Republic, offering this specimen as purportedly presenting a challenge to people with functioning neurons, will simply result in that audience pointing and laughing at you. Or, in some cases, questioning your basic sanity.

Tin-Man's picture
@Fishy Lips Re: "Ray Comfort

@Fishy Lips Re: "Ray Comfort has just recently opened up an atheist hotline, where he is willing to talk to anyone, face-to-face (virtually, or course) over zoom. Why don't you shoot him an email, and have an open and honest conversation and see what comes of it."

Geeeeee.... Thanks for the offer. That's very sweet of you. However, I barely have enough IQ points to answer the math question to make this post. So I certainly cannot afford to lose any more IQ points by talking with Banana Boy. As it is, I am struggling to maintain a steady level just from reading your posts.

Cognostic's picture
All anyone needs is to talk

All anyone needs is to talk to an idiot presuppositionalist for an hour or so. Seriously, it is on my bucket list. Just not today!

David Killens's picture
@ FishNChips007

@ FishNChips007

"Ray Comfort has just recently opened up an atheist hotline, where he is willing to talk to anyone, face-to-face (virtually, or course) over zoom."

You fail to comprehend what role Ray Comfort plays in this game. He is not reaching out to those who question, but rather to reinforce the "beliefs" committed theists already have.

He does not make a penny off atheists, but a whole lot of chump change from theists.

His banana episode was not as dumb as it was. Although any rational person with a rudimentary knowledge of biology knows the banana we see in supermarket shelves is quite altered from it's natural roots, such stupid and false statements weed out the wise and educated from the stupid and gullible.

You ever see those sticky things that are hung in order to trap flies? That is what Ray Comfort is, an idiot trap.


Attach Image/Video?: 

Cognostic's picture
@fishy fishy fishy: Ray

@fishy fishy fishy: Ray comfort??? Is that a Hemorrhoid Cream?

FishNChips007's picture


I don't know why you keep on claiming that I have been dishonest. You are the one who is being dishonest with yourself. How can you assert that your views do not require faith.

You cannot tell me, nor can you tell anyone else how life got here. Science simply means, "knowledge, or knowing," You therefore lack science when it comes to how life appeared on earth. You simply have to trust what you've been taught. Were you there millions of years ago, when you believe the big-bang began? Were you there to witness where the super-dense gathering of matter was gathered? Were you there and can you tell me how that dead matter suddenly became alive? You can't. Nor can you produce any science to do so for you either, as you have no objective evidence for this. You simply have to trust what you've been told. Do you know what faith means biblically? To entrust yourself to. You, Sheldon, have entrusted yourself to your "lack of belief." You have basically bet your very life on it. What happens to you if you are wrong?

If you are right, you have the opportunity to go on and enjoy whatever little creature comforts are left in this world as they slowly dwindle away, after which, you will just rot in the ground when you die, and even your memory will fade. That is what you have to look forward to if you are right.

If you are wrong, and you didn't accept the payment that was made on your behalf, there will be eternal consequences for you, as you will have to pay for your crimes yourself.

Are you certain you want to take that gamble?

Grinseed's picture
@FishNChips, can you be

@FishNChips, can you be certain you really are having a personal relationship with an omnipotent creator god and not just having a continuous or contiguous temporal lobe epilepsy episode (aka TLEs)?

Clinical research and trials with numerous individuals over several decades evidences a strong correlation between TLEs and those who perceive religious significance in all manner of mundane objects and experiences. These perceptions range from intercourse with invisible entities, to seeing god in things like a house brick or a spoon.

Can you really be certain your faith isn't just an imbalance of the chemistry in your brain?
How can you know for sure?

I had to address such questions when I was a practising Christian. You know what I decided.

Sheldon's picture
You have failed to address a


You have failed to address a single point I made, try again. here is my post verbatim...

FishNChips007 "Ray Comfort has just recently opened up an atheist hotline, where he is willing to talk to anyone, face-to-face (virtually, or course) over zoom."

Why on earth would any remotely intelligent person want to talk to anyone as stupid and ignorant as Ray Comfort? He embarrasses himself every time he opens his mouth, as do all young earth creationists.

If you want honest debate then tell us, if Ray Comfort is right and the universe is just a few thousand years old, how is it we can see the light form stars billions of light years away?

FishNChips007 "Why don't you shoot him an email, and have an open and honest conversation"

Because like all creationists he is devoid of integrity, and has zero interest in honest debate on the topic, and FYI questions require a question mark at the end (?).

You have a cheek talking of honest debate yourself, given your claims that evolution requires faith, and your lies that there is scientific evidence falsifying it. Even your breathtaking ignorance on the topic doesn't justify such dishonesty, or the fact you have entirely ignored substantive responses to your asinine and dishonest claims by more than one poster..

Here is my response to your earlier dishonest creationist canards will YOU have the honesty to address them with any integrity or anything approaching an open mind?

FishNChips007 "Even if you want to have faith in your theory of evolution"

Oh dear, another creationist canard that has become a cliche of woeful ignorance, Scientific theories are defined as " a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world."

It might help you look less woefully and wilfully ignorant on here, if you didn't make statements without even bothering to do the most cursory research, and find out if they have any basis in fact, but species evolution is supported and explained by the theory of evolution, that theory contains overwhelming objective evidence, all you have done is pull down your own pants and give yourself a spanking in front of everyone here.

If it helps your embarrassment, you're not the first religious apologists to make this most embarrassing gaff, but FYI scientific theories, like the scientific method, are the very antithesis of faith based beliefs like creationism, for which you can demonstrate no objective evidence.

Now for your second equally embarrassing gaff, the scientific theory of evolution makes no claims about the origins of life, it evidences and explains the diversity of life, and of course drives a fact based wooden stake through the rotten superstitious black heart of faith based creationist myths like genesis, that make claims that are directly at odds with objective scientific facts. So this fact, and the fact that there isn't a shred of objective evidence for creationist superstition is reason enough for any remotely objective or rational person to disbelieve creationism's woo woo claims, not knowing how life originated no more evidences those farcical fantasies than not being able to explore every part of the oceans validates the claim mermaids are hiding in there. Finally the fact evolution doesn't explain the origins of life, no more invalidates any part of it, than the fact that calculus or the theory of relativity don't explain the origins of the universe invalidate them, you'd have to be the the most blinkered closed minded and wilfully ignorant adherent of superstition to think it would. Can you see where this is going?

Again, I urge you to goo to the talkorigins website and arm yourself with at least the most cursory facts, as you are embarrassing yourself with creationist canards like claiming evolution requires faith. Quote the babble all you want, it is meaningless superstition, if that's how you want to waste your life that's your call, but you will get no traction with such nonsense here, as the posters on this site live in the real world.

FishNChips "go and refute the members of the scientific community who argue for creation at"

Sorry, but are you claiming that the theory of evolution has been falsified? This is fucking hilarious, can you explain why the entire scientific world, and every single major news network globally has missed this? No Nobel prize, no banner headlines on every news network, no theists massing globally to celebrate, hell even the catholic church seems unaware of this paradigm shifting news?

You really are embarrassing yourself now, since qualifying as a scientist doesn't validate anyone's claims, the scientific method does this, you seem ignorant of the most basic facts and methodology of science, though sadly in my experience this typifies the bumbling blind adherence of creationists to the woo woo dogma they have been fed, it's all very sad really.

This is why I keep calling you dishonest, because you are very dishonest.

Sheldon's picture
"Are you certain you want to

"Are you certain you want to take that gamble?"

Pascal's wager, really? It has to be one of the dumbest pieces of religious apologetics ever, if a deity existed you would have almost identical odds of being wrong as me. You're the one taking a gamble not me, as I don't believe any deity exists, as no one can demonstrate any objective evidence for one, as you have amply showed in your woeful apologetics on here, you're quoting Ray Comfort ffs, it's sad you swallow his egregious bullshit, but it is nevertheless bullshit. You have also used almost every known logical fallacy there is, and the dishonestly failed to address these when they are pointed out. If you're that dishonest why should anyone care what you think?

David Killens's picture
@ FishNChips007

@ FishNChips007

"Were you there millions of years ago, when you believe the big-bang began? Were you there to witness where the super-dense gathering of matter was gathered? Were you there and can you tell me how that dead matter suddenly became alive?"

Were you there when your god made this planet? Were you there when jesus rose from the dead? So just please park those lame arguments that fail going in any direction.

"Are you certain you want to take that gamble?"

It's the mormons. An angel planted a dream in my head, and revealed to me that only the mormons were the sole true christian tradition, only they are going to heaven.

Fucking mormons.

NewSkeptic's picture
@Fishie RE: "If you are wrong

@Fishie RE: "If you are wrong, and you didn't accept the payment that was made on your behalf, there will be eternal consequences for you, as you will have to pay for your crimes yourself."

Utter bullocks, to steal a phrase written on here often.

So, your, quite possibly, imaginary, itinerant preacher had a bad weekend, boo-hoo. So God,sacrificed himself, to himself, to save humanity from, wait for it..........., himself. This is so absurd on its face that I cannot believe anyone with a 4th grade education could belief such crap. But, such is the way of blind indoctrination. Then, to have someone so plainly uneducated as yourself, preach this shit to those of use who paid attention in class (to steal another phrase) is truly rich.

Calilasseia's picture
In the meantime, this is

In the meantime, this is going to be good ...

You cannot tell me, nor can you tell anyone else how life got here.

Ahem, courtesy of my paying attention to the relevant peer reviewed scientific papers, I'm able to present a coherent and consistent pathway for this, that enjoys the support of direct experimental tests of the requisite chemical reactions. Whereas you have what, precisely, to offer? Blind assertions that an invisible magic man was responsible, taken from a mythology written by piss-stained Bronze Age incels who were too stupid to count correctly the number of legs that an insect possesses, and who thought genetics was contrrolled by coloured sticks?

If you think the pathetic assertions of your mythology count for more than direct experimental verification of postulates, you're even more idiotic than I previously thought.

Science simply means, "knowledge, or knowing," You therefore lack science when it comes to how life appeared on earth.

Tell that to the authors of those peer reviewed papers I've just mentioned above.

Oh, and in case you hadn't learned this in class, science is a method.

You simply have to trust what you've been taught.


This is fucking rich, coming frmo a mythology fanboy who had nothing to offer to support his adherence to an invisible magic man, other than "my mythology says so, therefore it's true". You're a patheteic joke.

On the other hand, I happen to know enough chemistry to recognise the validity of the requisite documented experiments. I spent three years not only learning about the theoretical underpinnings of organic chemistry, but performing laboratory experiments validating those underpinnings.

So you can shove your duplicitous attempt to erect a fake "symmetry" between acceptance of validated postulates, and uncritical acceptance of mythological assertions, where the sun doesn't shine.

Moving on ...

Were you there millions of years ago, when you believe the big-bang began?

And at this point, you have CONFIRMED every accusation of dishonesty levelled at you. Why?

Because, wait for it, I told you why the "were you there?" creationist bullshit IS bullshit, back in this post, dated 31st March 2020. Yet you resurrected the same destroyed canard in a post dated 4th April 2020, five days AFTER I posted my demolition of that canard.

Here's what I wrote in that earlier post, covering your canard:

The fatuous "where you there?" canard that creationist masturbation fantasists love to deploy, in a vain attempt to hand-wave away the supertanker volumes of evidence destroying their sad, mythology-based fantasies, fails dismally because, wait for it, we don't need to have been present in order to obtain evidence of past events. All we need is the fact that physical processes leave behind them physical evidence of their occurrence, and in many cases, that evidence is persistent over long periods of time.

I ALSO, in a subsequent paragraph, remided you of why creationist deployment of this infantile excrement is not only infantile but suppuratingly hypocritical, viz:

Of course, it's also apposite to mention at this point, the hypocrisy endemic to creationists peddling the farcical "where you there?" canard, hoping no one will notice that it also applies to the assertions of their favourite mythology. Which of course becomes immediately problematic, because according to those very same assertions from your favourite mythology, no one was present to witness the hilarious goings on asserted to have taken place in Genesis before humans appeared.

Case closed.

Were you there to witness where the super-dense gathering of matter was gathered? Were you there and can you tell me how that dead matter suddenly became alive? You can't.

Want me to carpet bomb you with the relevant scientific papers, do you?

Nor can you produce any science to do so for you either, as you have no objective evidence for this.


Want me to carpet bomb you with the relevant scientific papers, do you?

You simply have to trust what you've been told.


Want me to carpet bomb you with the relevant scientific papers, do you?

Do you know what faith means biblically? To entrust yourself to. You, Sheldon, have entrusted yourself to your "lack of belief."


Do you know what "faith" means among those of us who paid attention in class, and applied rigour to their thought? It means uncritical acceptance of unsupported assertions. Which is all YOU have here.

You have basically bet your very life on it.


Oh wait, if genuine evidence telling us that we were mistaken arises, we'll pay attention thereto. Though reality would have to throw one fucking amazing curve ball for this to happen, given the level of empirical validation scientific postulates currently enjoy. On the other had, we've seen mythology fanboys like you, openly admit that NO amount of evidence will stop them from being mythology fanboys, even if that evidence destroys the assertions of their mythologies wholesale. And you've given us plenty of reasons to suspect that you fall into the very same camp.

What happens to you if you are wrong?

Oh, I LOVE IT when mythology fanboys trot this trope out. Because NONE of them ever ask THEMSELVES the same question.

Except, of course, that like every other indolent and ignorant mythology fanboy before you who has come here, you know SWEET FUCKING NOTHING about my deliberations on this matter, including the ones I've made public here. I can tell that like every other smug, self-satisfied, self-absorbed, sanctimonious and indolent mythology fanboy that's come here, you never once thought to ask yourself the basic question "I wonder what the existing members have actually stated on this subject?" Instead, you've blindly assumed that your canards and misrepresentations of us, that you lapped up from some "pastor", constitute the reality.

Well I'm here to tell you, that some of us have presented ideas on this matter, that you don't even know exist.

We've deliberated the whole "god type entity" topic to an extent that makes your infantile dribblings look feeble by comparison.

We've explored ideas that you're manifestly incapable of even spelling, let alone comprehending.

You're a fucking dilettante in this company, boy.

If you are right, you have the opportunity to go on and enjoy whatever little creature comforts are left in this world as they slowly dwindle away, after which, you will just rot in the ground when you die, and even your memory will fade. That is what you have to look forward to if you are right.

So what? If that's what REALITY is going to deliver, then YOU are going to enjoy the same fate. Suck on it, boy.

If you are wrong, and you didn't accept the payment that was made on your behalf, there will be eternal consequences for you, as you will have to pay for your crimes yourself.


Because we could be "wrong" in ways that DON'T involve your mythology's assertions, or its sad little cartoon magic man.

We could be "wrong" in a way that involves Buddhist style reincarnation, without any magic man present guiding it.

We could be "wrong" in a way that involves the Greek Pantheon. Or the assorted entities from Aztec or Mayan mytholgies.

We could be "wrong" in all manner of ways, NONE of which involve YOUR mythology and YOUR magic man. So what makes you so fucking sure, that ALL of these other ideas about the future are purportedly "wrong", and that ONLY your mythology and your cartoon magic man are real?

Indeed, EVERY adherent of EVERY mythology that humans have invented, has adopted the position that THEIR mythology was the "right" mythology, that purportedly dictated how reality worked.

Except that oops, entire truckloads of the assertions contained within those mythologies, YOURS INCLUDED, have been found to be wrong. But with the chutzpah and hubris endemic to your ilk, you hand-wave away this particular embarrassment with nothing more substantial to offer in support of so doing, than "my mythology says so, therefore it's true", even when what your mythology says manifestly ISN'T true.

You're a fucking joke in this company, a pathetic dilettante, a toddler wearing its underpants outside its trousers pretending to be Superman.

For that matter, I've posted here, a lengthy exposition on the matter of how the contents of two scientific papers could allow US to be the "gods" of another universe. And as a corollary, open up the possibility that the "god" of this universe could be a bunch of physicists sitting in a lab in a different universe.

You really have NO FUCKING IDEA of the sort of gedankenexperiment type discourse that occurs here among the veterans. Because you never bothered to find out and learn this. You blithely assumed that your canards about us "rejecting" your merely asserted cartoon mgic man from mythology, on the grounds of whatever ad hominem shit was made up by your "pastor", constituted the reality, without bothering to ask if there was any DATA tossing this assumption of yours into the bin.

Yet you, smug, self-satisfied, sanctimonious, indolent, ignorant and duplicitous, pretend to be in a position to castigate us for purported lack of discoursive diligence.

Quite simply, FUCK YOU.

Are you certain you want to take that gamble?

When you're willing to take the gamble that YOU'RE wrong, we'll sit up and take notice, boy.

Whitefire13's picture
Oh my fucking GOD Cali!!!! I

Oh my fucking GOD Cali!!!! I hope fishycrackers in his Superman underoos reads your post this time -

NewSkeptic's picture
@WF13 Re: Will Fishie read

@WF13 Re: Will Fishie read

I think the better question is can fishhook read. I'm not sure the answer. He's just checking now with the brilliant Ray Comfort and I'm sure will get back to us soon with a brilliant point by point rebuttal, or better yet a large wringing hand wave.

David Killens's picture
As long as he keeps Ray

As long as he keeps Ray Comfort's banana out of the conversation. We all know how bananas trigger Cog.

Sheldon's picture
FisNChips007 "How can you

FisNChips007 "How can you assert that your views do not require faith."

What views? Let me guess this will be another list of straw man lies you're assigning to me as an atheist that you dishonestly insist I must hold, yet I have never expressed.

The only view I mentioned that does not requires faith was the acceptance of the scientific fact of species evolution, and that was in direct response to your lie that another poster "had faith in the theory of evolution". Given that scientific theories are the evidence for, and the explanation of, accepted scientific facts, that alone makes you a liar. You don't even know what the definition of a scientific theory is, or science for that matter, as you have misrepresented both. Its either rank dishonesty, or breathtaking ignorance and stupidity on your part. Though of course at this point I cannot reasonably rule out both.

Yes it's a puzzle why you're rhetoric is being labelled dishonest all right.

Dear oh dear...

David Killens's picture
@ Sheldon

@ Sheldon

"You don't even know what the definition of a scientific theory is, or science for that matter, as you have misrepresented both. Its either rank dishonesty, or breathtaking ignorance and stupidity on your part."

Ummm Sheldon, this is a Ray Comfort fan. They must prove dishonesty and stupidity to get the magic decoder Ray Ring.

Cognostic's picture
@FishNChips007: Check your

@FishNChips007: Check your mail. I have just sent you the exact amount of money that post was worth. I was going to send you the exact amount of poo it was worth but I didn't have enough on hand and when I checked with the rest of the jungle and weighed it all out, we were still short. So...... the check is in the mail.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
At Fishy

At Fishy

Al, you are woefully ignorant on these topics and greatly in err.

No, fishy, you are demonstrating your woeful ignorance every time you post, Hence the hilarity, It is cruel, but you compound your stupidity by your verbosity.

Whitefire13's picture
@Fishycrackers... do you read

@Fishycrackers... do you read any science literature? Any??? (That science textbook is in the mail)

You ARE projecting! Quote “ You simply have to trust what you've been told”

NO ... this is the approach YOU have taken. This is the standard you have set for yourself.

Pascal’s wager?!?!? Really? How about this.... you die. You are dead. Game over. That’s it. Curtain has closed. No “loved ones” to see again afterwards. Sooo - how’s your life stacking up? Are you happy? Are you at peace with your loved ones? Are you yourself, or just some xerox copy of what you are suppose to be?

BTW re pascal ... Allah is going to burn your ass for not accepting the Comforter...

NewSkeptic's picture
Allah will take special

Allah will take special pleasure in torturing the Christians for worshiping a false god.

Tin-Man's picture
@NewSkeptic and Whitefire

@NewSkeptic and Whitefire

Hah!... You are BOTH wrong! I'm afraid that wimp-ass Allah is gonna have to get in line, because it will be Odin, alongside The Morrigan, who will be thrashing the Christians AND the Muslims for bending their knees to false gods. Of course, that is only if Zeus does not choose to do it himself.

boomer47's picture


"I'm afraid that wimp-ass Allah is gonna have to get in line"

You DO realise that Allah is simply YHWH by another name?

That the three Abrahamic Faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam all worship the same one God?

I think people get confused because Allah seems more like the YHWH of the Torah than Jesus of the new testament

Tin-Man's picture
@Cranky Re: "You DO realise

@Cranky Re: "You DO realise that Allah is simply YHWH by another name?"

Yep, I know. But if he can impregnate a virgin to make himself be born so that he can sacrifice himself to himself to atone for all of his perfect fuck-ups, then I figure standing in line behind himself waiting to kick the asses of all those humans who worship his other self should be a piece of cake for him.

Whitefire13's picture
Fuck Cranky - I love playing

Fuck Cranky - I love playing with the schizophrenic, multiple-personality disordered god idea (those that do have schizophrenia or MPD ... I apologize for comparing you to that shit hole god)

Cognostic's picture
@Fishy Fishy Fishy: THANK

@Fishy Fishy Fishy: THANK YOU SO MUCH


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sheldon's picture



I've searched every major news network and not one of them, including the fucking catholic Herald, has anything about species evolution being flasified?

Now since you love false dichotomy fallacies, try this one,


a) This news has inexplicably escaped the attention of ever global news network, the entire global scientific community, and the fucking Nobel committee?


b) You repeated a fucking creationist lie?

So next time you whine about me calling you dishonest,, you might first want to answer this fucking question, and please don't try and prop up a lie with another lie, because I find that vexatious.

Whitefire13's picture


Sheldon calls you dishonest because you can lie to yourself all you want - but not “us”...

Most in this group (nearing all) prefer true things compared to false things.


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