A Paragraph written by someone who replied to Me.

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Endri Guri's picture
A Paragraph written by someone who replied to Me.

While quoting here, I found this a very interesting write and analyzed it, it is intriguing but very wrong, you will understand, especially at the last part.

"Quantum mechanics has already proven the concept that reality is altered by our very perception of it. It may not even truly exist when we aren't observing. That could mean that we project the physical world through our very consciousness. If it takes consciousness for reality to exist, what conscious being could have existed before reality exploded into existence? What caused it to explode into existence, before time itself existed?
There is also the concept that reality is just too complex and sophisticated in it's design to be random. The smartest engineers will eventually create unimaginably smart AI. We will use that AI to create better AI. Once we create an AI that out performs our wildest dreams, not even it will be capable of designing something as sophisticated as this universe. To an engineer, it is the finest engineering that will ever be. We live in a mathematical existence. Special values define our reality, not randomness. It only seems random at times like fractals.
Or like numbers are being crunched behind the scenes like software. The third concept is that we are in a simulation type of reality. That the instability of the quantum realm is because reality is similar to how a computer works. Where everything is just data, but reality is projected from the constant calculations when it is observed, like in a video game. Kind of like the Matrix, only we never existed on the outside (higher dimension), we were created in here. It still requires a highly advanced creator though. It could be true while not making our reality any less fascinating. It would explain things like quantum entanglement, and dark matter.
All of these things are hunches based off of science, and all need a creator. To me it shows that god has to exist. Scientifically, I can't accept the idea that before the big bang there was a super dense particle that just existed, and it exploded for no reason forming all of the complexities of reality,( randomly?). To me that is way more far fetched.
Believe what you want though. I'm not trying to convert, I'm just explaining why I'm no longer atheist. They are just things to think about and to decide for yourself. I don't claim to know the answers. Just remember that believing in god doesn't mean that you must follow a specific religion, or like the churches. The churches are run by man, and therefor can be just as good or evil as any man."

Your thoughts of course are what I'm looking for here, as I don't know much (I could understand what he was trying to explain), I think you could form a better response to him.

As to what I replied to him is this:
You cannot prove that God exists, not in the way Religion makes it seem, and you can't call "God" the being that created this, because in the same way one cannot explain how the big bang happened, you cannot claim or explain how there is a God. Because "God" lies beyond "reason and logic", while in reality, nothing lies beyond "reason and logic". While our Existence is a mystery, it still has a Cause and it can be explained

"Scientifically, I can't accept the idea that before the big bang there was a super dense particle that just existed, and it exploded for no reason forming all of the complexities of reality,( randomly?)." - No one said nothing came from nothing, we just don't know yet, something that you are clearly confusing intentionally.

The Big Bang, or whatever caused the creation of the Existence as we know it, can be explained, through time and certain devotion to the discovery, but "God" cannot. It's not applicable to claim that certain things need to have a Creator, they are a cause, they come from something, and that something does not act the same way as a sentient being does.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
His idea that objects change
LogicFTW's picture
First, I have strong doubts
Endri Guri's picture
A very agreeable analyze,
Nyarlathotep's picture
LogicForTW - I actually
LogicFTW's picture
Yep, Chess and it's much more
SBMontero's picture
@Endri: You have to recognize
LogicFTW's picture
What I find really cool is we
Nyarlathotep's picture
LogicForTW - we could
LogicFTW's picture
Ah perhaps my understanding
Nyarlathotep's picture
A quick hand-wavy explanation
LogicFTW's picture
I read what you said,
Nyarlathotep's picture
Quantum entanglement can not
LogicFTW's picture
I get it now, I get it. I
Nyarlathotep's picture
To make it a little more
LogicFTW's picture
Yep, now my head hurts. ;) I
Nyarlathotep's picture
I am fairly strong in math,
chimp3's picture
This always cracks me up!

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