Posting on a religious forum

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Nutmeg's picture
Posting on a religious forum

Does anyone here post on a religious forum, or at least a forum open to religious views? And if so, what kind of response do you get?

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Valentina Supergirl Taing's picture
I used to, when Left Behind

I used to, when Left Behind was all the craze. it's not exactually an intelectual utopia......

Stu. K.'s picture
Used to when I was a

Used to when I was a Christian, but not anymore. Since you brought this up though I was thinking about posting on this Christian Forum "How To Masturbate Without Sinning" to help those poor people who don't have sex or masturbate because of religion, as I have found out a way ehehehe.

Travis Hedglin's picture
I used to, but after a while

I used to, but after a while I got tired of hearing the same arguments and questions over and over again, pasted from apologetics websites like I had never heard them before.

cmallen's picture
Christian Forums has a very

Christian Forums has a very large atheist, humanist, and agnostic membership. A good deal of the Christians there are not militant, are thoughtful, and enjoy engaging in civil conversation. It has its nut jobs, of course.

Nutmeg's picture
You are obviously joking.....

You are obviously joking.....

cmallen's picture
I don't know who "disagreed"

I don't know who "disagreed" with your post. Thinking it was a joke seems reasonable to me. It wasn't a joke, but I don't go on there anymore so I don't know what it's like right now.

Vincent Paul Tran's picture
the left behind forum I was

the left behind forum I was on had a metaphysicist, a nutjob southern baptist, a thirteen year old (me), and someone called speeddemom (he later became an atheist)

Nutmeg's picture
I read that as 'speedde mom',

I read that as 'speedde mom', and therefore female. Oh well.

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