Psychosis and Fantasy
“Psychosis - an umbrella term that an individual has sensory experiences of things that do not exist and or beliefs with no basis in reality.”
Your everything, your god or gods, the basis of your reality, is only due to your parents or community’s engrained psychosis.
Or you, as an “adult”, looked at one of the 2,500+ current religions and said “that’s the one (in 2,500+ other “absolute truths”) that’s the real one!”
Again a situation where your reality is based on what you were told by others.
That psychosis, group psychosis is still psychosis, is the lens that colors all of existence. The basis or reason for thoughts and actions. Psychosis, nothing to base any of it on but the “truth” you were told was “the truth”.
As a race, Humanity has accepted delusional psychosis as normal and the insanity that the current version of the already henpecked hearsay, dogma and fantasy are 100% “fact”, no evidence but still “fact”.
Because of this constant twisted mental conditioning of so many of the global societies have a delusional connection with the make-believe.
All these billions walking their archaic, made-up, forcibly fed religious line. Each believing, as they were taught to, that their god/gods are all there are. Knowing everyone else is not just wrong but doomed, dumb, leading astray and less than.
Not bringing Humanity together, only forcing malice, fear, hatred, distrust and the peak of Human ugliness at any and all not walking in the steps each see as right.
“He” loves you completely, but just watches, waiting for the slightest misstep that’ll force him to cast you into your psychosis’s version of eternal damnation.
So many are living in the bad place, hell on Earth, damning their lives, the only one they have, in psychological delusion.
Please, It’s World Mental Health Awareness Week, find help and lose your psychosis!
Good luck out there
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