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Beck Becker's picture
So what if your girlfriend
ImFree's picture
BAACKJD's picture
"So what if your girlfriend
Beck Becker's picture
ya , it helps thank you ..
DoctorPC's picture
Guys, I think you might just
Beck Becker's picture
You simply answered all of my
DoctorPC's picture
No problem. :)
Nyarlathotep's picture
wow you actually got through
algebe's picture
"Guys, I think you might just
DoctorPC's picture
Let me try to defend him here
Beck Becker's picture
Well , here we called any
BAACKJD's picture
What do they call a man who
Beck Becker's picture
adulterer .
BAACKJD's picture
Interesting. Thanks for you
algebe's picture
"His use of the word "bitches
DoctorPC's picture
Could be. I find his habit of
BAACKJD's picture
I like to think shame wouldn
Rebecca August's picture
Speaking from a woman's point
Beck Becker's picture
i can see that relationships
BAACKJD's picture
You lost me there Jo. You
Beck Becker's picture
"Can we stop pretending that
algebe's picture
@Jo: "i'm sure all of you
Beck Becker's picture
"If a woman engages in
Nyarlathotep's picture
jo - i'm sure all of you
Rebecca August's picture
Well, perhaps what keep your
Beck Becker's picture
You're talking like there's
DoctorPC's picture
Highly conservative views can
Beck Becker's picture
I like nodater, although he
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well I think it is pretty
Beck Becker's picture
that's because the relation


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