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I wish I had my desktop. I just can't tackle this one on a smartphone.
Just like with any other issue it's impossible to convey any point of view. Your culture is oppressive and ignorant. Not to say most are not but those in the middle east are a special kind. You believe you are right because us westerners just don't understand how things work. Well, let's just leave it at that. How about we leave your culture to you and us to ours. We can live our lives without having to shove our beliefs down the throat of anyone else. Such a pretty thought in an ugly world.
"you , us" " ours , yours" you are talking exactly like muslims here, when they find out i'm atheist .
Please enlighten the members of the forum as to how we can identify one group/culture from another.
Wow, lot's of posting on this subject.
What is promiscuity? It's a relative term defined by people in a relative era who were indoctrinated to believe in monogamy as the correct, or moral binding contract between one man and one woman for the remainder of their lives.
Nonsense. Enough said.
What about diseases , sex can transmite many viruses like HIV or hepatitis C . if everyone has sex with many partners , diseases going to spread all over the world . even condoms can transmite HIV .
@Jo: "What about diseases"
You don't have to have sex to catch diseases. You can get some pretty lethal infections just by breathing the same air as infected people. So we use science to find cures and preventive methods. Disease isn't god's punishment for the wicked. There's no morality to disease. Diseases are a challenge to our claim to be the dominant species on Earth. And we are just the people to beat that challenge, unless we allow stupid religions to cripple our minds.
When I was in Rotary, we worked on a global campaign to eradicate polio in partnership with the WHO. Rotary International funded vaccines and sent medical teams out to places where it was still endemic. Then some religious tyrants in Nigeria decided that the program was a secret campaign to sterilize Muslims, so they started killing nurses and disrupting vaccination efforts. So unlike smallpox, polio is still with us.
Religions make people sick. They are diseases. Let's work together to find a cure.
I'm not saying disease is god's punishment , i don't believe in that . What i'm saying is sex is not a game and diseases going to spread by it . even if you find the cure , you going to spend all your money to buy this cure to the rest of your life , because i'm talking about very serious diseases here . Myself i'll never accept any woman that has previous sexual relationships before me . that's why there is something called hymen . i'm not the one who create hymen . it's naturally there to warn you of possible danger, not only about possible diseases but also about social issues.
Jo, are you a virgin?
Yes I'm . i'm in 20s , still youth and have choice to do premarital sex or marriage, but i choose marriage.
So we have a virgin telling us:
if you do casual sex you going to love it , and keep doing it , trying to sleep with more and more girls coz it feels good ... then when you find the girl that you love , you won't be able to control yourself , you're going to cheat on her
Too funny.
Not gonna be funny when your woman cheats on you . if she already hasn't.
More psychic premonitions?
ok, what is your advice to me? i'm very confused , how to think about virginity of woman, should i drop this value, should i be more open about that ? and have fun? i'm so confused.
You do what you think is right. But don't tell us you know what will happen on a subject you are admittedly very ignorant.
@Jo: "i'm so confused."
So why are you asking us godless, decadent Westerners? Doesn't your religion provide the guidance you need?
i don't believe in god. to me god is illusion.
"i don't believe in god."
Then you'll have to think for yourself. You still seem to have the judgmental attitudes of religion.
Remember that women are human beings with hearts and minds. They are not just sexual toys. They have feelings, hopes, and fears, just like you. Also, the presence or absence of a hymen proves nothing. You can never be 100% sure if a woman is a virgin or not. If you have to ask, you don't know her well enough to marry her. And if you really know her and love her, it doesn't matter. Every human being is the sum of all of their experiences right up to this moment. You either accept and love them for what they are, or you don't.
Above all, don't call women bitches. Even if a woman is a prostitute who's had sex with 1,000 men, she is still a human being. Who are you to judge her? Show some respect and compassion.
I see your confusion here Jo. You associate sex with love. They are two different things. You can have love without sex and sex without love. I don't condone either. The thing is that when a person commits to another then casual sex with a different partner can damage the relationship. I know people that SAY they have an open relationship, but in my experience, I have never witnessed an "open relationship" that worked. The reason being is that the relationship is solely based on sex in the first place.
A relationship, a commitment, is a partnership that SHOULD be based on much more than just sex. A relationship is also usually based on trust and if that trust is broken then you don't have a relationship. So if committed to another person one should not break that trust by having sex with a different party (secretly or openly). It just doesn't work.
However, this kind of thing can never be successfully regulated by law!
As far as marriage goes, it is just a contract to regulate property and assets. So "pre-marital" sex is really "pre-contract" sex. That's all it is. Now casual sex isn't casual if you are committed to someone. If you are unattached, then there really is such a thing as "casual sex." However, it doesn't mean that said sex is not complicated. You have to take into account the expectations of your sex partner.
So you have embarked on a complicated convoluted subject that is flush with degrees of morality. Remember that sex should always be between consulting adults (the number of which is up to the parties involved) and is no body's business besides those involved. Keeping in mind the age of the participants and the degree of commitment to said act and the most important the consent!
Rape is rape and statutory rape is also rape. Cheating is cheating, married or not.
Relationships are as myriad as people themselves.
I do not have to understand or experience what someone has in order to comprehend that there is no reason for me to dictate how others live their lives.