
112 posts / 0 new
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BAACKJD's picture
I wish I had my desktop. I
Rebecca August's picture
Just like with any other
Beck Becker's picture
"you , us" " ours , yours"
BAACKJD's picture
Please enlighten the members
Pitar's picture
Wow, lot's of posting on this
Beck Becker's picture
What about diseases , sex can
algebe's picture
@Jo: "What about diseases"
Beck Becker's picture
I'm not saying disease is god
CyberLN's picture
Jo, are you a virgin?
Beck Becker's picture
Yes I'm .
Nyarlathotep's picture
So we have a virgin telling
Beck Becker's picture
Not gonna be funny when your
Nyarlathotep's picture
More psychic premonitions?
Beck Becker's picture
ok, what is your advice to me
Nyarlathotep's picture
You do what you think is
Beck Becker's picture
algebe's picture
@Jo: "i'm so confused."
Beck Becker's picture
i don't believe in god.
algebe's picture
"i don't believe in god."
mykcob4's picture
I see your confusion here Jo.
Beguile's picture
Relationships are as myriad


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