Religion isn't the mere belief in a creator

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AJ777's picture
Lisa, are you saying that
Lisa Williams's picture
@AJ777 You are right that I
Keith Raye's picture
@Lisa Williams
AJ777's picture
Lisa and Keith, can you be
Flamenca's picture
Hi, AJ777. The question of
Keith Raye's picture
Lisa Williams's picture
@Keith Raye I fully
Discere's picture
Condemn? I'm sorry, I thought
Lisa Williams's picture
@Discere Condemn has two
Discere's picture
"express complete disapproval
Lisa Williams's picture
@Discere You are entitled to
Keith Raye's picture
@Lisa Williams
Lisa Williams's picture
@Keith Raye Yes, I
AJ777's picture
Keith, why are intolerance
Flamenca's picture
No, not at all! Please, don't
Keith Raye's picture
AJ777's picture
Keith, I think you may have
Lisa Williams's picture
@AJ777 Are you claiming that
AJ777's picture
Lisa, maybe it would help if
Lisa Williams's picture
@AJ777 I believe that
Flamenca's picture
AJ777, you may get the record
Keith Raye's picture
AJ777's picture
Lisa and Keith, kind of the
Lisa Williams's picture
@AJ777 The actual concept of
AJ777's picture
So why is your opinion that
Lisa Williams's picture
@AJ777 If God is the "moral
Flamenca's picture
It's untrue its creed, their
Keith Raye's picture
Your mention of C S Lewis is
Keith Raye's picture
AJ777's picture
Angie I’m not sure what you


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