Religion isn't the mere belief in a creator

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Lisa Williams's picture
Religion isn't the mere belief in a creator

Okay, so one thing that i've noticed quite a lot of people think is that to be religious, you just believe that the world was created by God. I really can't stress enough that this isn't the case; religion is based on the foundations of scriptures - telling its followers how to live their lives and hence oppressing them. Take Buddhism as an example - the Buddha never claimed divine revelation. Buddhists work towards achieving enlightenment/nirvana, however, this idea comes from a religious scripture.
Religion undermines humanity's intelligence. It is evil and a form of dictatorship. It needs to be banned.

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watchman's picture
@ Lisa Williams ....

@ Lisa Williams ....

"It is evil and a form of dictatorship. It needs to be banned."......

AMEN sister .....

xenoview's picture
Lisa Williams

Lisa Williams
I agree with what you have to say about religion being banned. All religious books need to be destroyed.

algebe's picture
@Xenoview: "All religious

@Xenoview: "All religious books need to be destroyed."

That gets me a bit nervous. It's Christians and Nazis that burn books. We're better than that.

xenoview's picture

Banning religion doesn't bother you, but destroying holy books does.

algebe's picture
@Xenoview: "Banning religion

@Xenoview: "Banning religion doesn't bother you, but destroying holy books does."

Banning religion is impossible. Only exposure, ridicule, and education will kill it.

Burn Your Bible's picture


What's amazing to me is how little christians actually know about their own doctrine! I just finished talking to a theist and she told me I take the Bible to literally?!? Are you kidding me? Why would you blindly believe something you have never read... oh also she threw an insult my way. "You think too logically" I just had to agree with her on that one!

Nyarlathotep's picture
Burn your bible - ...she told

Burn your bible - ...she told me I take the Bible to literally...

That is funny, we have a poster here who claims we are supposed to take the bible literally.

Lisa Williams's picture
I've experienced the exact

I've experienced the exact same thing. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.

SunDog's picture
Right fucking on!

Right fucking on!

curious's picture
"religion is based on the

"religion is based on the foundations of scriptures - telling its followers how to live their lives and hence oppressing them".

I don't feel oppressed et al, in fact never have in all my life. You sure about this?

Discere's picture
The beauty of the sheep's

The beauty of the sheep's demise: following the shepherd blindly with no foreknowledge of its impending doom at the slaughterhouse.

Lisa Williams's picture
You won't feel like you are.

You won't feel like you are. As a theist you believe that you are being constantly judged and therefore restricted.

rattail788's picture
You don't have to feel

You don't have to feel oppressed to be oppressed. Religion opresses you mentally. It has total control of my parents and they don't feel oppressed. They make me go to church, despite me clearly stating that I'm atheist, and if I don't they will literally go behind my back steal and hide my stuff.
Christianity has brainwashed them into thinking this is alright. They also try to turn it around on my and say it's a family thing then accuse me of thinking I find other things more important than family. Religion has oppressed their thought about doing anything the Bible says is bad.

Lisa Williams's picture
@RatTail788 I'm very sorry to

@RatTail788 I'm very sorry to hear that. This is one of the many reasons why I despise religion and want it banned. It doesn't only affect people like you and me who are atheists, it victimizes it's followers. The churches leech off people's fear of death and isolation. Religion is evil.

curious's picture
"following the shepherd

"following the shepherd blindly with no foreknowledge of its impending doom at the slaughterhouse".

Spot on mate spot on, that is why I read the books and I listen to no one, even when the big load title like "Professor" attached to it.

Well, finally we agreed on one thing at last considering you sound so poetic though.

Discere's picture
That's the problem, my friend

That's the problem, my friend. RELIGION is the shepherd...........

Or at least that's my opinion. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Lisa Williams's picture
@Discere You're absolutely

@Discere You're absolutely right. Religion is deadly and toxic, not just to its followers but to its opposers too. Take Islam as an example - it's completely intolerant to the infidels.

curious's picture
"Take Islam as an example -

"Take Islam as an example - it's completely intolerant to the infidels."

Maybe that is the reason why the Rohingya muslims being massacred?

Keith Raye's picture

...'it's completely intolerant to infidels'. I think that depends very much on which version of Islam you're talking about. Long ago, in many countries, including the middle east and Spain, Christians, Muslims and Jews lived together in relative harmony. It was only when the Catholic church began to turn religion into a business, that things changed. It's more difficult to make money out of harmony because it presents fewer 'business' opportunities.

Lisa Williams's picture
@Keith Raye So are you saying

@Keith Raye So are you saying that the Qur'an has changed since then? No matter what denomination you belong to in Islam, it is still founded on the Qur'an. The same principle applies to Christianity.

Keith Raye's picture
@Lisa Williams

@Lisa Williams
No,I'm not. I'm saying that there are many different interpretations of it - just as there are with the Christian bible.

Lisa Williams's picture
@Keith Raye And how would you

@Keith Raye And how would you interpret "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip off of them." ? I mean, I think it's obvious what it's saying here...

Keith Raye's picture
@Lisa Williams

@Lisa Williams

Oh, come on, do! You'll be telling me next that the Catholics, Anglicans, Methodists and Mormons are all in perfect agreement. The problem with religious teaching is that it's open to interpretation. The one single belief system that isn't is atheism.

Lisa Williams's picture
@Keith Raye Firstly, I would

@Keith Raye Firstly, I would never say that. I think you're missing the point that I'm trying to make: all Muslims - regardless of denominations - base their beliefs on the Qu'ran. They all worship the same evil God described in the Qu'ran and the same goes for Christians worshipping their God. We shouldn't be approaching the problem of religion with the idea that "not all Muslims are like that" or "not all Christians are like that". The fact is, these people have openly stated that they not only believe in an evil God, but they also worship it and that is the problem.

Keith Raye's picture
@Lisa Williams

@Lisa Williams

Yes, I understand that and I agree. But I differ when you appear to say 'all muslims are evil', or even 'all Christians are evil' because they all worship the same god. As far as I'm concerned ( and I've said this over and over again on this website and other places ) the evil arises solely when one group tries to impose their own views on another. Or when they use those views as means to dispossess, rob, take away lands, property and money and throw people off cliffs, or carry out genocide. It isn't belief that's wrong, even when it's based on complete and utter nonsense - it's the way it gets used.

Discere's picture
I'm afraid I have to agree

I'm afraid I have to agree with Keith on that. After a fight, you wouldn't expect a police officer to put a pair of handcuffs on a baseball bat and start reading it Miranda Rights.

It's no different with religion. Granted, it's not the most grounded thing in the world. Not even close. But I must say I'd be a lot closer to having sympathy for a "holy" book than someone using it (or what it says, it's followers, ect) as a weapon.

algebe's picture
@Zwalja: "Maybe that is the

@Zwalja: "Maybe that is the reason why the Rohingya muslims being massacred?"

Victimhood doesn't imply virtue. All of the major religions have been both oppressors and victims in different places and eras.

curious's picture
Virtue? I was not talking

Virtue? I was not talking about virtue. Being virtuous or not is subjective to the beholders. I maybe virtuous person but your ideology may prevent you from seeing it. Here is what I wrote at the above post and I put it in CAPITAL:

"Take Islam as an example - it's COMPLETELY INTOLERANT TO THE INFIDELS,"

Maybe that is the reason why the Rohingya muslims being massacred?

In which part where the Rohingyas has anything to with that? I used Rohingyas here because it is happening as we speak.

MCDennis's picture
yes, theist religions have

yes, theist religions have belief systems.

phetaroi's picture
That's right. I mean we

That's right. I mean we wouldn't want freedom of thought or freedom of expression.

(BTW, I am Buddhist, too).


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