Religion isn't the mere belief in a creator

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AJ777's picture
I actually do agree that
Discere's picture
"So is irreligion"
AJ777's picture
Actually I’m glad you brought
Discere's picture
AJ777's picture
A religion can not be rightly
Discere's picture
See above.
AJ777's picture
Discere, when you use the
Discere's picture
No. I meant things that, from
AJ777's picture
On what evidence do you base
Discere's picture
This universe is not eternal.
Keith Raye's picture
AJ777's picture
Do you think there are any
AJ777's picture
The very basics of the Kalam
Keith Raye's picture
"Something cannot come from
AJ777's picture
Keith the Protestant
AJ777's picture
Keith, here is the moral
AJ777's picture
Discere do you have any
Discere's picture
Go read my post on the
AJ777's picture
So what caused the first
Discere's picture
Impossible to know: We don't
AJ777's picture
Are you implying that in
AJ777's picture
In order to say that it’s
Discere's picture
Theology cannot be used as a
AJ777's picture
Consider the claim that
Discere's picture
I'll say what I've said
AJ777's picture
Do you see how your prior
AJ777's picture
So in your view if God does
Discere's picture
I'm just saying that there is
AJ777's picture
If it was true that God
AJ777's picture
Discere, objective truth


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