The results are in.

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SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
The results are in.

Do you see yourself as the "child" of a God?
Are you a Born again (insert religious offiliation here)?

If the answer is yes, then you have allowed them to convince you that you must remain as a child. After all, there is nothing more gullible than a developing child. You have allowed organized religion to keep you Down.

Here's what I wanted to share. Even if you disagree, it's still an interesting read.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
LOL my complaint with that

LOL my complaint with that article:

Article -They found that religious exposure at an early age has a surprising effect: it makes children less able to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

Who was surprised by that? :)

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Lol I could imagine the same

Lol I could imagine the same people that are surprised by this study:
(and I promise this is real)

"Calling an Ambulance improves heart attack survival" haha

algebe's picture
Who hasn't been exposed to

Who hasn't been exposed to this crap from an early age? What's the cure? The adults who soften the kids' brains are themselves victims of the same process. It's like multigenerational child abuse.

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