Species ranking

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LogicFTW's picture
Sapporo's picture
I prefer pork, personally.

I prefer pork, personally.

Alchemy's picture
When I say rank, it is
Sapporo's picture
Alchemy: When I say rank, it
Alchemy's picture
As they would say in the
Sheldon's picture
"As they would say in the
CyberLN's picture
“For example it doesn't

“For example it doesn't bother anyone to kill a fly.”

Where’s a Jain when you need ‘em?

Alchemy's picture
This is my point of over
Sapporo's picture
Alchemy: This is my point of
Alchemy's picture
On the contrary you can be

On the contrary you can be forced to make a choice, and it's funny that in that forced situation, you will make the choice of a bug, a matter a fact I know you have killed bugs before bro, so don't be a liar or in denial. Its not a constructive way to mentaly advance.
You don't goto sleep at night worrying about the 60 bugs you've smashed in your life and even more you accidentally swallowed, be real and cut that fake talk brother.

CyberLN's picture
Alchemy, in response to my
Alchemy's picture
With access to the internet I
Sheldon's picture
Alchemy "This is my point of
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
Alchemy's picture
The fly has no inner thoughts
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
The fly has no inner thoughts
Alchemy's picture
In only had to read into a
Sheldon's picture
Alchemy "In only had to read
Alchemy's picture
In only had to read into a
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
In only had to read into a
LogicFTW's picture
The human brain is amazingly
Alchemy's picture
A calculator calculates in
Nyarlathotep's picture
Alchemy - [Our] brains are
LogicFTW's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right; there are all sorts of
LostLocke's picture
For example it doesn't bother

For example it doesn't bother anyone to kill a fly.
The worst thing to kill being a human.

I disagree.
If I'm walking along and I see a random person snatch a random dog or cat and start beating and torturing it, I would come to the defense of that animal. If that requires me to cause major, maybe even life threatening, wounds to that person, so be it.

Alchemy's picture
That's 3 in a row.

That's 3 in a row.
And even you just admitted that a cats life was more important than the flys
. Bc you didn't come to the defence of a fly..
And I too.would help any animal being severely mis treated.

Alchemy's picture
Bc there was nothing you all

Bc there was nothing you all actually had to say against my "rank system" you instead lowered the intelligence level of the conversation, with foolish comments I should not hear from grown men and women who have lived past age 5. Seriously 5 year olds know better than killing people to bugs haha. C'mon y'all. I like having a good conversation, but those type comments really urke me, bc they are so foolish and you are actually lying to yourselves by not admitting what I said.
Every law around the world backs me on this. Nothing to argue when it comes to ranks/importance of life ifso yell at the government.

MinutiaeAccreted's picture
And just WHO makes those laws

And just WHO makes those laws? What creature, of what species makes those laws? So OF COURSE the laws that we make apply mostly to humans and prize ourselves above other things. Just as a deer would make laws that comprised what was best for deer if they were capable of that level of communication, abstract thought and organization. You're the one with the 5 year old's perspective, and it amazes me that you are so oblivious to the fact. People with views like yours are the ones who ruin my occasional forays into thoughts like "You know... we could probably all get along at some point, I think." Nope. Not possible when there are people as daft, obstinate and unwilling to actually think as you are. You're not "winning" anything in this thread. If anything you're embarrassing yourself with your completely sophomoric modes of thought and your atrocious writing and grammatical skills. It really "URKES" [sic] me. Dang.

MinutiaeAccreted's picture
I don't believe there is an

I don't believe there is an objective way to rank, until you establish a criteria by which to rank. For example, "intrinsically fastest", "intrinsically strongest", etc. Once the criteria is determined, then you might start to get somewhere.

Just starting out of the gate believing capacity for intelligence, or level of sentience is "the best" characteristic is terribly myopic, and because a human has pretty good reason to consider themselves operating at a high level in those characteristics, it is also terribly arrogant and conceited to name those things you know you possess as "the best." That's right - as a human, you claiming that level of "consciousness" or "intelligence" is "the best" attribute of all makes you an arrogant, conceited prick.

For let's not forget - as a human being, "you" are a giant colony of 23 trillion+ cells, the VAST MAJORITY of which operates COMPLETELY INDEPENDENTLY of the "consciousness." To put it bluntly, you aren't in control of 90+% of what goes on with your body. You get to control what you imbibe, eat and where you are at positionally... AND THAT'S ABOUT IT. Other lives within your overall body take care of everything else, and what you consider "you" (your consciousness and memories) has been given the grand privilege of getting to steer such a ship. Otherwise, your consciousness cannot be objectively shown to be more important than any other vital part of your body. No heart? Dead. No bones? Dead. No skin? Dead. No consciousness? Dead. Modern medicine can overcome some of these things to keep you alive artificially - including loss of consciousness, oddly enough. So no... you don't get to just state that "consciousness is best" or "intelligence is best." You simply can't prove this to be the case.


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