Theists Answer This

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Valiya's picture


You said: “Completely wrong! There is only one part to any belief. Either you believe or you do not.”
How can you say so? There are all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs. There are some who believe in God but do not believe in afterlife. There are some who do not believe in God, but believe in Karma. So for you to argue that belief comes as one big package and you either like it or lump it as a whole, shows you are out of touch with these ideas.
Secondly, what I was trying to explain was the belief system in Islam, where you clearly have set parts in belief. Yes, you have to believe in all of them to be a complete Muslim, but then there clearly defined parts to it. This is what I was trying to explain.

You said: “What you just said above sounds like the stupid remark of "kind of pregnant." There ain't no kind of. There ain't no two parts. Either are or are not.”

Yes you are either pregnant or you are not. That’s like saying ‘either you believe in God or you don’t.” But there is a second part to pregnancy, which is delivering the baby. That requires you to take care of your health, doing regular checkups and so forth. That can be equated to the action part of faith… ‘the doing good part’. Hope the distinction is clear.

You said: “This suppossed "second part" is NOT a part of belief. This is nothing more than the result that is supposed to happen once you believe at all.”

The first part is to believe that God exists and that he created you. The second part of the belief is that you will meet God in the afterlife and that you will have to account for your deeds. Therefore you need to live a good life here. So just by believing the first part (God exists) doesn’t automatically make you a good person, unless the second part of the belief kicks in.

You said: Einstein said it best: If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. — Albert Einstein

Can you tell me why you do good? Let’s say you help a poor a man out of pity. Then you have actually acted in order to save yourself the emotional pain that pity caused in you. You were being selfish too. If you have to be absolutely altruistic then you will have to act in a dead-wood fashion without any emotions attached to it. This is not possible.

You said: “And here is the gist for me. After what I have been through (read Soul Shatter), I do not fear punishment.”

You are digressing from the topic. I am talking about the logical train of thoughts that lead a believer to be good. You may have your own reasons for being good or evil. That’s not the scope of this discussion.

You said: If you cannot decide the difference between good and evil, then you lack empathy. Not religion.

I would like to know two things from you. 1. How do you make moral judgements in life, whether something is good or bad? 2. Once you know that something is morally right, why do you think it’s a must to live by it? For example, if you think feeding the poor is morally right, what motivates you part with your hard-earned money to feed them.

You said: “Although you probably lack the intelligence to comprehend this, but did you know that you are also a polyatheist? There are thousands of gods you do not believe in. Atheists have simply taken this to include one more.”

This is a clever argument so often cited by atheists. But it’s just silly logic. I can turn the logic around and tell you that you are as much an anti-evolutionist as any creationist. What??? Yes, among the many conflicting schools of thought in evolution, you may be following any one that you think makes most sense. By that process you are rejecting several other schools of thought. So you are an anti-evolutionist to that extent. The creationist adds just one more to that list of rejections. I hope you have the intelligence to comprehend this one 

You said: “ I am exactly like the quote Neil DeGrasse Tyson once made in a Q & A: "I am not convinced. The evidence is completely lacking. Until you can provide actual evidence of a deity's existence, I am not convinced."

Now that’s an entirely differently debate. The proof for god. Something that I have dealt with numerous times in this forum with many atheists. If you are interested we will start a separate thread and discuss it again.

You said: “Really? Really?! Well, since the entire Bible is supposedly written by fallible men while under the guidance of the Holy Ghost….”

I am not a Christian, but a Muslim. So if you can bring your proofs against Islam, I shall indulge them.

I am not replying to the rest of your points as they are answers to others, not me.

Armando Perez's picture


I know it is just an example but when you say "among the many conflicting schools of thought in evolution, you may be following anyone that you think makes most sense." What schools of thought about evolution are you talking about? Evolution theory is as well established as the Theory fo Gravity. There is research on specific aspects and proceesses but Evolution is not in doubt among respectable scientsts.

Valiya's picture


You said: What schools of thought about evolution are you talking about?

While all evolutionists are agreed on the basic premise of descent with modification, there are differences of opinion about its mechanism. Neo Lamarckism, Neo Darwinism, Saltationism, Developmental Evolution, Third Way are some varying schools of thought. They may have overlapping features, but do have sharp disagreements between them. You can’t believe in all of them at the same time.

arakish's picture



You said: What schools of thought about evolution are you talking about?

While all evolutionists are agreed on the basic premise of descent with modification, there are differences of opinion about its mechanism. Neo Lamarckism, Neo Darwinism, Saltationism, Developmental Evolution, Third Way are some varying schools of thought. They may have overlapping features, but do have sharp disagreements between them. You can’t believe in all of them at the same time.

Sorry, I could not help but to jump in here. Just can't get to sleep tonight. Now let's rip this apart... AND I SHALL BE BRIEF.

While all evolutionists are agreed on the basic premise of descent with modification, there are differences of opinion about its mechanism.

And you are completely wrong. There is ONLY one mechanism that 99.97% of all scientists, and this includes ALL scientists, even those from the other disciplines, agree on. That mechanism is Natural Selection. Period.

Neo Lamarckism, Neo Darwinism, Saltationism, Developmental Evolution, Third Way are some varying schools of thought.

As you just said, varying schools of thought. However, you neglected to see that these are "historical schools of evolutionary thought." My suggestion to you is to read the entire article you look up.

They may have overlapping features, but do have sharp disagreements between them.

Agreed. But remember, their "overlapping features" and "sharp disagreements" are due to the fact that they were "historical schools of evolutionary thought."

You can’t believe in all of them at the same time.

Nope. But they still provide for some very interesting reading and an enlightment on the evolution of the Theory of Evolution.


arakish's picture
@ROYISM, and others

@ROYISM, and others interested...

Before I get started, as an afterthought, I have realized you do not understand my definition of Absolutist.

Absolutist - anyone belonging to any religion, especially the absolute Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc. - due to their absolutist beliefs system and is truly applicable to any AND all religious believers.

Thus, even though I may say Christian or Bible, I am actually referring to any AND all religions and their obsolete texts. Including Islam.

The above was copied and pasted from later on in this document.


How can you say so? There are all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs. There are some who believe in God but do not believe in afterlife. There are some who do not believe in God, but believe in Karma. So for you to argue that belief comes as one big package and you either like it or lump it as a whole, shows you are out of touch with these ideas.

Secondly, what I was trying to explain was the belief system in Islam, where you clearly have set parts in belief. Yes, you have to believe in all of them to be a complete Muslim, but then there clearly defined parts to it. This is what I was trying to explain.

How can I say so? Simple, and I'll type in pauses so you can follow easier: There... is... only... one... part... to... belief... Either... you... believe... or... you... do... not...

See? Easy peasy. If you really try, you might be able to speak/write it also...

...all kinds of beliefs.

Exactly, but only one part. I did not say either way whether there are differents kinds/types of belief. I was hoping you already knew that as you just indicated. Beliefs are also to their own degree. Some are so deeply believed that the mind is purposefully mentally retarded to the point they can no longer think for themselves. And the other end of the extreme which is more like a wish, something that ain't true, but wished that it is.

One example is my belief in the afterlife. I would LOVE to believe it is true because I would get to see my wife and daughters again. However, I know there is no afterlife. I already know your question: How do you know there is no afterlife? Simple. No evidence = no existence. Furthermore, I believe that IF there is an afterlife, then it is exactly like this one, it is what you make of it.

And all you have done with the first paragraph above, is just prove what I said. There are different kinds/types of belief, but there is only ONE part to belief. You either believe or you do not. That is the only part of belief. I admit that I should have left out the "any." That did confuse it. Thus, let me rephrase.

There is only one part to belief. Any belief. You either believe or you do not. There are not other parts. There are "parts" of a "beliefs system," but only one part of belief.

Secondly, what I was trying to explain was the belief system in Islam, where you clearly have set parts in belief. Yes, you have to believe in all of them to be a complete Muslim, but then there clearly defined parts to it. This is what I was trying to explain.

Islam? Just as bad as any other religion. ALL religions are the same. Maybe not exactly the same, but they are the same. About the only difference is their writings. And your entire Qu'ran has only one philosophy: "Live in peace, joy, and brotherhood with each other. But of those of different mind (beliefs), they are to be put to the sword (killed)." That is the whole premise of Islam. Yes, you could probably cherry-pick your Qu'ran to show it is nothing but a peaceful religion. Hell, even I could do it. However, if you are to give an overview of ALL the text within the Qu'ran, it is of only one philosophy (reiterated): "Live in peace, joy, and brotherhood with each other. But of those of different mind (beliefs), they are to be put to the sword (killed)."

Yes, I studied the Qu'ran for decades, just like I have studied the Bible, the Talmud, the Torah, the Bhagavad Gita, the Writings of Confucius, writings about the I Ching, the philosophy of the Great Yin-Yang, the Tanakh, amongst a few others. Yes, I am that well versed with the concept of "religion." However, I have not done any religious studies in the last ten years due to going for my ScD in Global Climatology, and working. Additionally, I have very little memorized from the religous texts. Needed the storage space for more important information...


The first part is to believe that God exists and that he created you. The second part of the belief is that you will meet God in the afterlife and that you will have to account for your deeds. Therefore you need to live a good life here. So just by believing the first part (God exists) doesn’t automatically make you a good person, unless the second part of the belief kicks in.

I am just going to say it once more: This suppossed "second part" is NOT a part of belief. This is nothing more than the result that is supposed to happen once you believe at all. There are no separate parts of belief. You either do or don't. What you are saying is a "second part" is not a part of belief. That is just the result of believing in the first place. Nothing more than a desire to look deeper into the belief.


You said: Einstein said it best: If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. — Albert Einstein

Can you tell me why you do good? Let’s say you help a poor a man out of pity. Then you have actually acted in order to save yourself the emotional pain that pity caused in you. You were being selfish too. If you have to be absolutely altruistic then you will have to act in a dead-wood fashion without any emotions attached to it. This is not possible.

Easy. Why do I do good? Because I am an evil, wicked, mean, and nasty person. That is why I do good. I am so disgusted with my evil nature, I want to prove your silly sky-faerie wrong.

Seriously, I do good because it the HUMAN thing to do. I do good unto others because I do not want others to do evil to me. I do good because of the LOVE I have for all humans. Well, excepting a few. And I already know you are going to ask, "Where does that love come from?" Simple answer, not your God. It comes from little old worthless me. I do good because I want to do good. I would like to believe I live in a world where every person is not so caught up with themselves and would help others just because they have empathy. Those are the two main reasons all truly enlightened humans do good: Empathy and Love. Without those two things, you just end up like ALL Absolutists and believe all those not of like mind should be put to death.

I do good because I would like to believe that as I do good for others, then others will do good for me. This is the simple concept of Reciprocity. The "Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" concept. Reciprocity, which the Christians call The Golden Rule, is a very good reason to do good. I am actually getting to the point, I may need to have some of the good I have done reciprocated unto me. My knees and hips are failing. I have already been told that I am at least looking to have total knee replacement in both knees. My right hip will need replacemnt and possibly my left hip also. This means I am going to have to rely on the good of others while I recuperate.

And here is something I never posted here. Want to know what I did for ten years? Every New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day, through my company, I would purchase at least five whole hogs and would have a Carolina Pig Picking for the homeless and less fortunate. All I asked was for the churches to bus the people down my land. While I was the one to pit-cook the hogs, chop and season them, my wife and daughters would purchase gallons of tater salad, cole slaw, and veggies and fruit and get them ready. Additionally, my wife would cook a few hundred Chesapeake Bay biscuits. I did this because it was the HUMAN thing to do for those who were less fortunate than I was. And I can see your thoughts already. I did it so I could use it as a tax-deduction. Guess what? Your thoughts would be wrong. I did no such thing. Filing taxes for my business was complicated enough to also have to deal with that migraine. Besides, I felt that if you are going to donate out of the goodness of your heart, then you should not be doing it to rob the government of their funds to supply you with the services they provide you in return for those funds.

Another one. While I was visiting my wife and daughters in the hospital (daughters had appendicitus), I saw where a little eight year old girl was suffering from an advanced form of leukemia. I discussed it with my wife, and we made an anonymous donation to help pay for that girl's medical bills. I am certain it was not enough, but it certainly helped.

Another. The high school I had attended was in a high school band competition up in Washington DC. On the way back, one of the buses that was carrying their instruments was knocked off the highway when a horrible wind in a terrible storm blew a tractor trailer truck into the bus and off the highway. The instruments were destroyed. The two drivers survived. When I saw this news story, the next day, my wife and I donated the entire amount of money needed to replace the instruments. We donated anonymously. And no, not even this was used as a tax-deduction.

And there are many other such acts of wickedness I have done in my whole life, simply because I am an evil, wicked, mean, and nasty person.

I do not believe in tax-deductions except for my wife, my daughters, and myself. All others, I never filed. And still don't. Filing taxes in this country is already enough of a headache. Besides, if I am donating anonymously, that means I do not receive a receipt, meaning I cannot file it with my taxes.

I do good because I want to do good. It is the HUMAN thing to do.

Rationality, critical thinking, logic, analytical thought, deduction/induction, empathy/sympathy, reason, and the greatest one of all, LOVE.

That is why I do good. Nothing to do with an illusionary and degenerate sky-faerie.

...without any emotions attached to it. This is not possible.

Of course it is not possible. When doing anything, there will always be an emotion attached. With ANY action you may perform, there will always be an emotion attached. There is also a mental pattern attached.


You said: “And here is the gist for me. After what I have been through (read Soul Shatter), I do not fear punishment.”

You are digressing from the topic. I am talking about the logical train of thoughts that lead a believer to be good. You may have your own reasons for being good or evil. That’s not the scope of this discussion.

No I did not digress from the topic. You were the one to include the "punishment" thing. Not me. I was simply replying to the fact that any form of punishment is not going to make me believe in your sky-faerie.


I would like to know two things from you. 1. How do you make moral judgements in life, whether something is good or bad? 2. Once you know that something is morally right, why do you think it’s a must to live by it? For example, if you think feeding the poor is morally right, what motivates you part with your hard-earned money to feed them.

Excerpt from my book, Riding Some Wild Tangents.

Religious morality does not exist. They are just following orders.
—Ray Spurrill

Morality is doing right, no matter what you are told.
Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right.
—H. L. Mencken

According to my world view, the fact that you have different beliefs and views than I do is not wrong. What is wrong in my world view is that you Absolutists feel it is your moral imperative to force your beliefs system onto others who refuse to believe your bullshit. What is wrong in my world view is that you Absolutists firmly believe that ALL humans are worthless, sick, immoral, wicked demons. That none can be good, moral, ethical, and treat others as being worthy of being treated as equals without some form of sky-faerie telling them how to live their lives and what they can and cannot think. Most Absolutists believe I deserve to be tortured by having my flesh seared off my bones and regrown only to be burnt off again and again and again for all eternity if I do not believe the same way they do. As if the threat of your Hell makes your bullshit smell any sweeter. And obversely, as if your enticemnt of Heaven is any sweeter. Reread "Is Heaven and Eternity Really Good?" and "From Whence Comes Evil and Sin" in my previous response. Both are just as applicable to Islam as Christianity.

In my world view, I can ascertain and evaluate what is moral truth. "How do I determine moral truth?" you may ask. Simple, with hard empirical evidence, logical and deductive reasoning, rational and analytical thought, critical thinking, empathy and sympathy, simple cogitation, and reasonable arguments.

How do you determine moral truth? Simple, you run to an obsolete religious text full of pure savage immorality.

I can look at anything, and say, "that is right," or "that is wrong" by using the above listed mental faculties. But according to your world view, or should I say according to that obsolete religious text, I am incapable of determining what is right or wrong, good or evil, truth or lie. You cannot seem to derive any reason of your own to think anything is wrong except by what your book tells you. "That is depressing to say the least," said Godless Cranium, to which I wholly agree. It is SAD.

Absolutists are clearly incapable of defending their moral beliefs without relying on some immoral religious text. Moral beliefs should be defended and explained by rationality and reasoning.

Why is it that you feel that ONLY you can make an account for what is right or wrong? In your world view, how exactly can you know what is absolutely true? You saying that an obsolete and immoral religious text tells you, makes no sense to me whatsoever. And relying on that obsolete and immoral religious text also informs me that you have purposefully mentally retarded your mental faculties to the point that you are incapable of thinking for yourself.

You seem to be telling me that you can look at an event and intuitively know what is true, or right and wrong, or good and evil, just because you have memorized an obsolete religious text, or memorized only that which you have cherry-picked out of it. Yet I see Absolutists doing heinous things, such as the rape and molestation of children, blowing up innocent people, past and current, at least once a month in the news. It seems I can never turn on the news without seeing a story, once a month, about a priest having raped and/or molested children, or a Muslim blowing up innocent people. And these news stories have been going on for the last three decades and more. Then you wonder why I no longer watch the news.

There are myriad different Absolutist divisions (about 30,000 to 40,000 in all the Abrahamic religions!), and none seem to agree on how to interpret your obsolete texts. Yet you want me to believe that you know the ultimate truth in any given situation. Why should I not be able to form an opinion on what is right and what is wrong? You Absolutists do it all the time. Mostly against your obsolete religious texts. What makes you so damned privileged? As Christopher Hitchens once said (paraphrased), "Since it is preposterous to believe all religions are true, the only final answer is that they are all wrong."

How do you Absolutists determine that raping someone, or beating someone in the street, is wrong when your religious texts are full of rape and murder and genocide and torture and abuse and slavery? Justifying any kind of violence is easy using your Bible. Especially if you buy into William Lane Craig's bullshit known as Divine Command Morality.

Divine Command Morality, a.k.a. Divine Command Theory. The belief you Absolutists hold onto that says that anything your God commands is good, regardless of its actual moral implications. This is the biggest pile of bullshit I have ever heard. I found these two formal definitions for Divine Command Morality: "Morality is dependent upon God, and that moral obligation consists in obedience to God's commands." And from Wikipedia: "A meta-ethical theory which proposes that an action's status as morally good is equivalent to whether it is commanded by God." In other words, if "God" tells you kill someone, then it is morally good. To which I would say, "Bullshit!"

Then you stupid assholes have the gall to claim that Satanism is evil when all they are doing is imitating what your God told the Hebrews to do. Blood sacrifices and burnt offerings… Do not ever come to my doorstep claiming you have "the good word." Even Jesus (who never existed) was a hypocritical ass-wipe. And Muhammad (and I wonder about his existence) was nothing more than theiving, lying, child molesting war lord. All Abrahamic religious texts are nothing more than guidelines on how to live the most immoral life possible.

How I reason that raping or beating someone is wrong, is because I can sympathize with the victim, I can even empathize with the victim, because even I got my ass whooped in the street once for no other reason than my car died in the wrong part of town, and for nothing more than what I did not have in my wallet.

I do not want to live in a society full of rape and violence because I want to be safe. I desire for my friends, my family, and my loved ones to be the safest they can be within human possibility by having laws that help to protect them from rape and assault. I believe that ALL human beings have integrity, dignity, and worth. I do not need a silly sky-faerie to tell me that. I can arrive at that truth with my own cognitive abilities. Should I list them again? Empathy, rationality, logic, reason, deduction, critical thinking, sympathy, analytical thought, and the greatest one of all, LOVE.

I cannot think of anyway how I shall ever understand why you Absolutists find this so hard to comprehend. Such is just one of myriad reasons I find ALL religions like yours so damned repugnant and disgusting. It teaches me that I cannot be good to others without some form of special permission from your sky-faerie. And, to get that special permission, all I have to do is to kneel and bow down and kiss his ass. This robs me of my self-worth, my dignity, my self-esteem, my mental faculties, my morality, and teaches me that all human beings are wretched and wicked things, needing an imaginative sky-faerie to heal them. Why is it that you can make judgment calls and dictate what is right and wrong, and I cannot?

As Godless Cranium once said, "If I bought into that argument, I would be just as deluded as all of you [Absolutists]."


This is a clever argument so often cited by atheists. But it’s just silly logic. I can turn the logic around and tell you that you are as much an anti-evolutionist as any creationist. What??? Yes, among the many conflicting schools of thought in evolution, you may be following any one that you think makes most sense. By that process you are rejecting several other schools of thought. So you are an anti-evolutionist to that extent. The creationist adds just one more to that list of rejections. I hope you have the intelligence to comprehend this one?

There is ONLY one school of thought when it comes to Evolution. If there is more that one "school of evolution" as you put it, then please provide the evidence. Just because you say it so does not make it so.

This is a clever argument so often cited by atheists. But it’s just silly logic.

No, it is NOT silly logic. It is DEDUCTIVE logic.


“Really? Really?! Well, since the entire Bible is supposedly written by fallible men while under the guidance of the Holy Ghost…”

I am not a Christian, but a Muslim. So if you can bring your proofs against Islam, I shall indulge them.

I am not replying to the rest of your points as they are answers to others, not me.

ALL of my arguments are against ALL religions and applicable, especially to the Absolutist religions. Perhaps you have not seen my definition of "Absolutist?" Here it is.

Absolutist - anyone belonging to any religion, especially the absolute Abrahamic religions — Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc. — due to their absolutist beliefs systems and is truly applicable to any AND all religious believers.

I may say Chritian, but I am also referring to Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc., etc., etc.

I may say Bible, but I am also referring to the Qu'ran, Talmud, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, Writings of Confucius, I Ching, Great Yin-Yang, Tanakh, The Art of War by Sun Tzu, etc., etc., etc.

How many have you read? Just curious.


I am not replying to the rest of your points as they are answers to others, not me.

No. They are answers to you also. Remember, just because I may say Christian or Bible, I am referring to ALL religions and their texts. I only use the terms Christian and Bible because of the country I grew up in. Otherwise, I am always referring to ALL religions in everything I say/write. Even Islam.

Just because I was born and raised in a "Christian" nation, please realize I am an equal opportunity atheist, anti-theist, anti-religionist. I despise them ALL. For the most part, and most accurate, I am an anti-religionist. I attack religions and their beliefs, and what their immoral and savage indoctrination processes do to people. However, I do use the pronouns "they, you, he, she, them, their, etc." quite a bit. Honestly, I only use those pronouns because they are excellent shortcuts for having to write much more text. Nothing should be implied as being directed at the reader. It is actually directed to religions as a whole.

For example, instead of having to type "Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc." each and every time, I may use "you" or "they" instead.

And this sums up my anti-religionism.

I have never truly believed in ANY religion, especially the Absolutist religions. There is no philosophical ideology more divisive than religion. And, the worst part of ANY religion is that it is an ideology that is implicitly and explicitly protected from any and all criticism from both within and without. Why should any ideology, especially religion, be so privileged? Can you not see how disastrous this way of thinking can be, and is? I firmly believe, and shall take this belief to my grave, that the human species would have been much better off had there NEVER been ANY form of religion. It is due to religions, and their way of thinking, and their theological disagreements, that has created the greatest destruction, injury, death, harm, immorality, wickedness, and abuse to the human species than any other cause. The main problem is not religious fundamentalism, but the fundamentals of religion. Ultimately, it is Religion that is Humankind's worst enemy. — RMF Runyan


A Concluding Summation

I sat down and thought of why the Absolutist religions are wrong based on the actions and atrocities they have committed. I came up with the list below. Your Absolutist religions have:

Murdered, Raped, Tortured, Lied, Extorted, Sacrificed, Ravaged, Swindled, Exploited, Plundered, Abused, Coerced, Pillaged, Tormented, Harassed, Rampaged, Insulted, Endangered, Threatened, Oppressed, Persecuted, Ethnically Cleansed, Terrorized, Mutilated Genitalia, Enslaved, Molested and Raped Children, Corrupted, Genocidally Cleansed, (Did I miss any? How many?)

All in the Name of God for centuries around the world to spread such theological messages.


Yet, all you Absolutists have the balls to ask why I do not believe?


uploaded from my iPad

Valiya's picture


You said: “How can I say so? Simple, and I'll type in pauses so you can follow easier: There... is... only... one... part... to... belief... Either... you... believe... or... you... do... not...”

What you are saying is as silly as the following example: If someone were to tell me that ‘doing science’ has many parts to it such as observation, hypothesis, experimentation and prediction – and I turn around and say, NO NO… it’s just got one part and that is you either ‘do science’ or ‘you don’t!’

While, yes, it’s a binary proposition that you either do science or not… there is no gainsaying the fact that science comprises several parts. In order to do proper science, you have to do all of them. Similarly with belief systems.

You said: “Beliefs are also to their own degree. Some are so deeply believed that the mind is purposefully mentally retarded to the point they can no longer think for themselves.”

These are digressions from our topic so I am ignoring them for now.

You said: “Islam? Just as bad as any other religion. ALL religions are the same. Maybe not exactly the same, but they are the same. About the only difference is their writings.”

This is yet another digression. The purpose of this discussion is not to analyze the tenets and practices of any faith, rather the logical conflict between freewill and the idea of heaven and hell. If you really want to discuss the issues in Islam, I am game anyways. List out your accusations and I will answer them.

You said: “Seriously, I do good because it (is) the HUMAN thing to do.”

If doing good is a naturally human thing to do, then ‘goodness’ must be the norm in the world. But it seems like crime, violence, war, racism etc. are the norms. To me it looks like ‘evil’ seems to be the natural disposition of man and goodness the exception.

You said: “I do good unto others because I do not want others to do evil to me.”

How is that attitude any different from a person who does good seeking rewards from God. If you are doing good because you expect goodness in return, then to quote Einstein, “you must be a sorry lot”.

You said: “I do good because of the LOVE I have for all humans. Well, excepting a few. And I already know you are going to ask, "Where does that love come from?"

Sorry to disappoint you here, that’s not what I want to ask. Do you love all humans equally? Do you love your children and your neighbor’s kids with equal intensity? If no, then how can you trust this emotion to guide you fairly in order to make moral decisions?

You said: “I would like to believe I live in a world where every person is not so caught up with themselves and would help others just because they have empathy.”

Utopian. The more powerful force acting in all of us is ‘selfishness’. We are naturally inclined to act in ways that help ourselves first, and only then we empathize. Doesn’t seem to be a very reliable standard for morality.

You said: “Empathy and Love. Without those two things, you just end up like ALL Absolutists and believe all those not of like mind should be put to death.”

That’s a strawman. You are assuming my positions and attacking it without confirmation.

You said: “I do good because I would like to believe that as I do good for others, then others will do good for me. This is the simple concept of Reciprocity.”

You belong to that sorry lot of Einstein again. Doing good expecting reciprocity from humans is worse than a theist doing good expecting rewards from God. At least in the latter’s case, he does not bother his fellow humans with expectations of return.

You said: “I do good because I want to do good. It is the HUMAN thing to do.”

While I do appreciate your acts of kindness that you had listed out, I don’t think it amounts to anything in this discussion. I can throw back similar lists of my charities and nobleness and credit it all to my belief. Would that mean anything to you?

You said: “Rationality, critical thinking, logic, analytical thought, deduction/induction, empathy/sympathy, reason, and the greatest one of all, LOVE.”

Each of those faculties you mentioned has nothing to do with morality. You can think rationally and come to the conclusion that giving to others only impoverishes you and refrain from charity. Love has been the motive behind many crimes in the world. People even commit murders because they love their families intensely.

You said: “That is why I do good. Nothing to do with an illusionary and degenerate sky-faerie.”

If you do good for the sake of God then you will not have any of those issues of relativism and moral ambivalence that you would encounter if you set your moral standard based on ‘logic’ and ‘emotion’.

You said: “What is wrong in my world view is that you Absolutists feel it is your moral imperative to force your beliefs system onto others who refuse to believe your bullshit.”

No we don’t force our beliefs on anyone.

You said: “What is wrong in my world view is that you Absolutists firmly believe that ALL humans are worthless, sick, immoral, wicked demons. That none can be good, moral, ethical, and treat others as being worthy of being treated as equals without some form of sky-faerie telling them how to live their lives and what they can and cannot think.”

Firstly, no we don’t think that humans are worthless, sick etc. Rather what we (Islam) are arguing is that man is capable of both good and bad, and depending on your ‘worldview’ you can be led to nurture that ‘good side’ or the ‘bad side’ in you. If you are a materialist who believes that the ultimate purpose of life is simply the maximization of worldly pleasures, then you would see more ‘value’ in acquiring wealth than giving in charity.

Second of all, we believe that a god-based morality is more objective than otherwise. As I have argued in my replies above, if you base morality on things like logic and emotion, it gets too relativistic and therefore weak. Moreover, you wouldn’t have enough motivation/determination to live by those tenets when push comes to shove. Not so in the case of god-morality.

You said: “Most Absolutists believe I deserve to be tortured by having my flesh seared off my bones and regrown only to be burnt off again and again and again for all eternity if I do not believe the same way they do.”

Absolutely wrong. I do not wish anything such thing for you. But I do believe that that will be the consequence you will suffer if you arrogantly turn a blind eye to the truth. I know that if you evade taxes you will end up in jail. But that doesn’t mean that that’s what I wish for you.

You said: “"How do I determine moral truth?" you may ask. Simple, with hard empirical evidence, logical and deductive reasoning, rational and analytical thought, critical thinking, empathy and sympathy, simple cogitation, and reasonable arguments.”

Firstly please define ‘morality’ to me? And then show me how by using those parameters you have cited above decide if an act/deed is moral or not?

You said: “Absolutists are clearly incapable of defending their moral beliefs without relying on some immoral religious text. Moral beliefs should be defended and explained by rationality and reasoning.”

If you can explain how rationality and reasoning can defend moral beliefs, I will consider switching to your worldview.

You said: “You saying that an obsolete and immoral religious text tells you, makes no sense to me whatsoever.”

Before you call my religious text ‘immoral’ I would like to hear your standard for making moral decisions and judgements. If that’s valid, then I shall consider throwing my text out of the window.

The following the replies to your posts on ‘evolutionary theories’

You said: “As you just said, varying schools of thought. However, you neglected to see that these are "historical schools of evolutionary thought." My suggestion to you is to read the entire article you look up.”

Your basic argument seems to be that these different schools are historical in nature… as in they existed in the past and now the differences have been cleared, is that right? Well, sorry. They are still contending schools of thought. For example, James Shapiro has this site ‘Third Way’ still going, because he and like-minded evolutionists think that ‘Neo Darwinism’ or ‘Natural Selection’ does not have the explanatory power for much of observable data. So, these are current schools of thought.

arakish's picture


I am going to try and be more succinct since I am on my iPad. I much prefer a real and true keyboard to those damned things on the PADDs of today. They really suck. If it weren't for the need and convenience of my field work...


If someone were to tell me that ‘doing science’ has many parts to it such as observation, hypothesis, experimentation and prediction – and I turn around and say, NO NO… it’s just got one part and that is you either ‘do science’ or ‘you don’t!’

As for there being "parts" of science, you are sadly mistaken. When trying to verify/falsify a hypothesis, there are "steps" of science. Not "parts."

Let me try explaining this so your limited mental faculties can understand. You said there are "parts" to belief. There are no "parts." What you have described as the "second part of belief" is actually the result of beieving in the first place. It is the desire to learn more of your belief. The deepening of your understanding of the belief. The degree of magnitude of belief, not the second part. Κατνοó τóρα?


While, yes, it’s a binary proposition that you either do science or not… there is no gainsaying the fact that science comprises several parts. In order to do proper science, you have to do all of them. Similarly with belief systems.

Maybe what you are calling parts is probably "disciplines?" Not sure. Need more input.

Maybe what you are calling parts is actually "steps?" Still not sure. Need more input.


You said: “Beliefs are also to their own degree. Some are so deeply believed that the mind is purposefully mentally retarded to the point they can no longer think for themselves.”

These are digressions from our topic so I am ignoring them for now.

No. Not digressions. Re-read it. I am discussing the level of degree of magnitude to which a belief is believed.


You said: “Islam? Just as bad as any other religion. ALL religions are the same. Maybe not exactly the same, but they are the same. About the only difference is their writings.”

This is yet another digression. The purpose of this discussion is not to analyze the tenets and practices of any faith, rather the logical conflict between freewill and the idea of heaven and hell. If you really want to discuss the issues in Islam, I am game anyways. List out your accusations and I will answer them.

No. Not digression. Avoidance. Your avoidance. Just like all other Absolutist Apologists.

The purpose of this discussion is as you say, but to discuss the merits of the conflict between free will and the desire of religions to enslave humans, one must also analyze the "tenets and practices" of any religion.

List out your accusations and I will answer them.

I did, but as I have said, I guess you have allowed your belief in your religion to retard your mental faculties to the point, as with ALL Absolutists, you are incapable of perceiving, incapable of comprehension, incapable of critical thinking unless it is something that conforms to your belief. As I have said, you are demonstrating that you Absolutists are trained to vomit comflicting ideas without even thinking to check for their veracity.


If doing good is a naturally human thing to do, then ‘goodness’ must be the norm in the world. But it seems like crime, violence, war, racism etc. are the norms. To me it looks like ‘evil’ seems to be the natural disposition of man and goodness the exception.

Are you sure? Can you back up that claim? How many people are criminals? Took me awhile to dig this up at the FBI website, but the United States has the highest percentage of prisoners in the world at 0.716% (about 2,313,610). Since not all criminals are imprisoned, lets be pessimistic and say there are four times as many criminals free as there are imprisoned. This makes the US criminal population about 3.58%. This means that the other 96.42% can be considered to be "good." That is a ratio of 27:1. Hmmm... 27 out of 28 people are "good." That does seem to be a "natural dispostion" of the human species. Definitely, makes "evil" the exception. All that crime, violence, war, racism is mostly due to religions and their philosphical differences. I posted it here somewhere else, let me find it...


Some Research Into The GOOD Of Religion

Author's Note: I have just downloaded some of the most recent TIGER data released by the Census Bureau. I am going to update this section eventually. I am even thinking of changing the colors to green and red, kind of to indicate safety and danger. As colors are concerned here in the US.

"Current research evidence does not support the common view that religiosity is positively correlated with good morality," said Sam Harris. In fact, I used QGIS software, and the TIGER data from the Census Bureau and crime data files from the FBI to see how correct his statement is. It took me several months, but my research has shown that the more religious a population, the higher the crime rates, specifically violent crime. While the same research shows that the more educated (thus less religious) a population, the lower the crime rates. If religion is so damned good for us, then why does it seem to spawn so much more violent crime?

Here are some research numbers:

Blue = Highly educated; persons with at least a Master's degree or higher, or multiple (2+) Baccalaureate or higher degrees.
Red = Highly religious; persons with low education (no high school diploma), Associate's degree or lower, or no degrees, and religious.

This is only in the United States, perhaps the most religious nation on Earth (doubtful). Although, this is data for only the United States, it is also applicable to the world in a general sort of way.

  • • Of the 25 states with the lowest rates of crime, 5 are red, 20 are blue (a 1:4 ratio).
  • • Of the 25 states with the highest rates of crime, 19 are red, 6 are blue (a 3:1 ratio).
  • • Of the 25 most dangerous cities, 22 are red, 3 are blue (a 7:1 ratio).
  • • Of the 20 most safest cities, only 2 are red, 18 are blue (a 1:9 ratio).
  • • Of the 19 states with the highest rates of burglary, 16 are red, 3 are blue (a 5:1 ratio).
  • • Of the 22 states with the highest rates of theft, 18 are red, 4 are blue (a 4:1 ratio).
  • • Of the 22 states with the highest rates of murder, 19 are red, 3 are blue (a 6:1 ratio).

Reiteration: If religion is so damned good for us, then why does it seem to spawn so much more violent crime?

Of course these may not be applicable to the rest of world. Maybe some of it, but not all of it.
More shocking numbers on the goodness of religion (researched as an afterthought):

  • • 93% of convicted child molesters identify themselves as Christian (a 13:1 ratio).
  • • 74% of all inmates identify themselves as religious believers (a 3:1 ratio).
  • • 0.02% of inmates identify themselves as Atheist, meaning only 1 in 5000 are Atheist.

If Atheists are so damned immoral... why does the prison population NOT reflect this? And look again at the first one.

Can you answer the FACT that religious people are much more violent than educated/enlightened/atheistic people?


You said: “I do good unto others because I do not want others to do evil to me.”

How is that attitude any different from a person who does good seeking rewards from God. If you are doing good because you expect goodness in return, then to quote Einstein, “you must be a sorry lot”.

Yes, the human species is a sorry lot. Virtually everyone believes in the Reciprocity concept. "Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." And you neglected to include all the other stuff as to why I do good. It is not JUST to receive reward. Frankly, I do not give a damn if I receive any reward for doing good. I shall be the first to admit that is nice to receive a reward for doing good, but I never require it. Additionally, I also prefer the fact that I do good to be broadcast to everyone else. I have no desire for such recognition. Even if I were to never receive any reciprocity for doing the good I do, I would still do it anyway. However, I do think that the human species does has a basic "good" nature. Not an "evil" nature.

Even I have to admit that the Einstein quote I used is kind of taken out of context. I shall endeavor to find the entire text from which it was taken. Then you can see that he was referring to the God/Satan and Heaven/Hell thing you Absolutists spew.


Sorry to disappoint you here, that’s not what I want to ask. Do you love all humans equally? Do you love your children and your neighbor’s kids with equal intensity? If no, then how can you trust this emotion to guide you fairly in order to make moral decisions?

Yes, I love all humans equally until they prove unworthy. For instance, the man who murdered my wife and daughters, I have no love for him. In fact, I even wrote that it would be best that he and I never, ever, met in person because I cannot be responsible for what I may or may not do. I may do nothing at all except slam the door in his face. Then again, I just may beat him to death, or to within a centimeter or two of it. Even I cannot predict what I may or may not do.

Others would include all the preachers in churches that abused me. All Sunday School teachers who abused me. And those kids who abused me. Again, with all of them, it is best I never, ever, meet any of them in person. And I can still remember their faces. I am fairly certain with these persons I would never accept any apology and just kill them. However, I may just slam the door in their faces.

However, if it were someone I have never, ever, seen before, I would be completely open minded and automatically assume a love for him. My love for all humans is not unconditional. It is damned close, but not totally. Reason: No human can love unconditionally unless the person has earned it. It is exactly like trust. I trust nothing until it proves worthy. I do not use love to guide my moral decisions. I use logic, reasoning, analytical thought, deduction, critical thinking, empathy, and sympathy.


Utopian. The more powerful force acting in all of us is ‘selfishness’. We are naturally inclined to act in ways that help ourselves first, and only then we empathize. Doesn’t seem to be a very reliable standard for morality.

And here is the proof showing you have retarded your mental faculties. I never even implied anything to do with utopia.

Like ALL Absolutists, you misinterpret what you read and interpret it into your immoral belief system.

And yes, we are all selfish to our own degree and magnitude.


You said: “Empathy and Love. Without those two things, you just end up like ALL Absolutists and believe all those not of like mind should be put to death.”

That’s a strawman. You are assuming my positions and attacking it without confirmation.

Not a strawman. I am using my knowledge of religion to deduce the conclusion I stated. Even factual scriptures that say exactly what I have. It shall take quite some time, but I'll find them. Especially with Islam. The unltimate belief of Islam is to "Live in peace, joy, and brotherhood with each other. But for those of different minds (beliefs) they are to be put to the sword (killed)." If you were to truly utilize all mental faculties and use logice, critical thinking, analytical thought, and reasoning when you lump the entirety of Qu'ran into one simple summation, that is what you get. This is very similar to the ultimate message of all Christendom: "You are condemned to Hell forever unless you do as we say." Basically, the unltimate message of ALL religions is "Believe or Die!"


You said: “Rationality, critical thinking, logic, analytical thought, deduction/induction, empathy/sympathy, reason, and the greatest one of all, LOVE.”

Each of those faculties you mentioned has nothing to do with morality. You can think rationally and come to the conclusion that giving to others only impoverishes you and refrain from charity. Love has been the motive behind many crimes in the world. People even commit murders because they love their families intensely.

Au contraire, mon ami. Those mental faculties have EVERYTHING to do with morality. They are what helps us to decide what is good or evil, truth or lie, right or wrong, in our subjectivity. In general, what I decide is good or evil, truth or lie, right or wrong, is usually what about 90 to 95% of the world also decides what is good or evil, truth or lie, right or wrong.

Of course this excludes ALL Absolutists since they believe those ancient and obsolete and savagely immoral religious texts to guide them. When are Absolutists going to realize this and update those mentalities?

And no. Love is not the motivator of crimes. It is religion. People murdering their own family. Because God told them to since they do not believe. Once it is psychological investigated fully, almost all crimes can be traced back to religion. I have seen too many peer-reviewed journal papers to comprehend this fact any differently.


If you do good for the sake of God then you will not have any of those issues of relativism and moral ambivalence that you would encounter if you set your moral standard based on ‘logic’ and ‘emotion’.

More beguiling dialectical Absolutist apologetics. Irrelovant. For I do not have any ambivalence or issue with relativism. But you seem to.


No we don’t force our beliefs on anyone.

Then prove you do not. I know for fact that ALL you Absolutists try to force your beliefs onto others. It is the nature of ANY religion to force enslavement onto all humans. To lower the human species to your level of ignorance. Regardless of how you may disagree, anytime you make a child read and believe in those ancient and obsolete and savagely immoral religious texts, you are forcing your religion onto that child. Requiring that a child attend church is forcing your beliefs onto that child. You may not utilize physical abuse to enforce it, but you do utilize mental abuse to enforce it. To force onto any child the threat of Hell and damnation, is pure psychological terrorism. And it is child abuse. If I could get such a law passed, I would have a world law that forbade anything religious from having access to any person until the age of 21 years. Why 21? Hopefully by then, the person would have at least a Bachelor's Degree and has been thoroughly taught how to think critically. You should be able to figure out the rest.

About Absolutist Training: The Absolutists usually begin the training from early childhood through a controlled, systematic, totalitarian indoctrination process which utilizes mental rape, emotional molestation, and psychological terrorism when a child's mind, especially in the ages of 4 to 14 years, is at its most susceptible and most vulnerable to cultural conditioning. Regardless of your denials, this is forcing your beliefs onto others.


Firstly, no we don’t think that humans are worthless, sick etc. Rather what we (Islam) are arguing is that man is capable of both good and bad, and depending on your ‘worldview’ you can be led to nurture that ‘good side’ or the ‘bad side’ in you. If you are a materialist who believes that the ultimate purpose of life is simply the maximization of worldly pleasures, then you would see more ‘value’ in acquiring wealth than giving in charity.

Second of all, we believe that a god-based morality is more objective than otherwise. As I have argued in my replies above, if you base morality on things like logic and emotion, it gets too relativistic and therefore weak. Moreover, you wouldn’t have enough motivation/determination to live by those tenets when push comes to shove. Not so in the case of god-morality.

What I argued is the ultimate belief in ALL religions. Unbelievers are immoral heathens. They also teach this bullshit known as Original Sin. That all humans are born evil, wicked, mean, and nasty. And that we all need an illusionary sky-faerie to heal us and make us good. You Absolutist Apologists use beguiling dialectical semantics to sugar coat the actual truth. You hide it behind distorted data. Pervert it with emotional pleas. And if that does not work, you will resort to divinely-inspired violence.

There is no "god-based morality." There is no "objective" morality, for all morality is subjective.

Religious morality DOES NOT exist. They are just following orders.
—Ray Spurrill

Morality is doing right, no matter what you are told.
Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right.
—H. L. Mencken

And here is an interesting factoid for you: 14 Muslim countries "officially" punish atheism or apostasy by death. This is definitely forcing religion on others, "Believe of Die!" List: Yemen, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Qatar, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Maldives. Seems to me there are a huge number of Muslims who disagree with your opinion. What's up with that? Are they the stupid ones? Or are you just blind?

Anytime I hear someone say that only humans have a thoughtful mind, a loving heart, or a compassionate soul, I have to think that person has never owned a dog or known an elephant [or a horse]. — Aron Ra

In the veiws of ALL religions, humans are sinful and helpless without God and is nothing more than the fuel for the fires of Hell. — heard/read this somewhere and paraphrasing here.

Would you be happy in heaven if someone you loved was in Hell? — Hemant Mehta

I see Atheists are fighting and killing each other again, over who doesn't believe in any God the most. Oh, no.. wait.. that never happens. — Ricky Gervais

...if you base morality on things like logic and emotion, it gets too relativistic and therefore weak.

How so? Where's the evidence? Where's the arguments.

Moreover, you wouldn’t have enough motivation/determination to live by those tenets when push comes to shove. Not so in the case of god-morality.

Again, how so? Where's the evidence? I have had enough motivation/determination to live without those tenets. Have you not read my sharing: Soul Shatter?

I have gotten to where I am due to nothing but motivation/determination. All without any religion. Now for the true challenge for you to deny, explain that fact without relying on ANY obsolete religious text.

I guess you support the Divine Command Morality? If you do, then you are sick and need to get off that religion.


You said: “Most Absolutists believe I deserve to be tortured by having my flesh seared off my bones and regrown only to be burnt off again and again and again for all eternity if I do not believe the same way they do.”

Absolutely wrong. I do not wish anything such thing for you. But I do believe that that will be the consequence you will suffer if you arrogantly turn a blind eye to the truth. I know that if you evade taxes you will end up in jail. But that doesn’t mean that that’s what I wish for you.

By saying that, you just proved you do believe I deserve that eternal punishment. Re-read what you wrote.


You said: “"How do I determine moral truth?" you may ask. Simple, with hard empirical evidence, logical and deductive reasoning, rational and analytical thought, critical thinking, empathy and sympathy, simple cogitation, and reasonable arguments.”

Firstly please define ‘morality’ to me? And then show me how by using those parameters you have cited above decide if an act/deed is moral or not?

Your elderly mother is carrying some rather heavy packages and is struggling. I help her by taking most of those packages to her residence for her. She says, "Thank you." I reply, "None needed. Glad to help." (And this has happened in real life though I am fictionalizing it.)


If you can explain how rationality and reasoning can defend moral beliefs, I will consider switching to your worldview.

Ah, the burdon of proof switch. Wondered when that favorite Absolutist tactic would pop up. Done did.


Before you call my religious text ‘immoral’ I would like to hear your standard for making moral decisions and judgements. If that’s valid, then I shall consider throwing my text out of the window.

Since I no longer have memorized text, this will take a few days. With my doctor's appointments coming up this Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, it might actually take more than a few days.


Your basic argument seems to be that these different schools are historical in nature... as in they existed in the past and now the differences have been cleared, is that right? Well, sorry. They are still contending schools of thought. For example, James Shapiro has this site ‘Third Way’ still going, because he and like-minded evolutionists think that ‘Neo Darwinism’ or ‘Natural Selection’ does not have the explanatory power for much of observable data. So, these are current schools of thought.

They are historical. They did exist in the past. Yes, the differences that do not apply has been cleared away.

James Shapiro has this site ‘Third Way’ still going, because he and like-minded evolutionists think that ‘Neo Darwinism’ or ‘Natural Selection’ does not have the explanatory power for much of observable data.

They are Absolutist Apologists. Yes, some may be scientists, but they are Absolutist Apologists. What you have just stated is the same as me stating that "Intelligent Design" proposed by the Discovery Institute is a different school of thought for evolution. It is not.

As far as I know by all the scientists I know, all believe that James Shapiro and Third Way is nothing more than Absolutist Apologists trying to create another Discovery Institute, Answers in Genesis, Creation Museum, etc., etc. In other words, more religious bullshit trying to pose as science.


Absolutist apologists complain bitterly that atheists and secularists are aggressive and hostile in their criticism of them, which we are not. When you guys were in charge, you did not argue with us, you just burnt us at the stake. Now what we are doing is, we are presenting you with some arguments and some challenging questions, and you complain like ignorant, spoiled brats. — synthesized from AC Grayling

Men rarely, if ever, manage to dream up a God superior to themselves. Most Gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child. — Robert A Heinlein

When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion.
-something I read somewhere so long ago, in another life, in a galaxy far, far away… Even hung it as a sign in my office…


Love ya.

**hand kiss** **blow**


uploaded from my iPad

Valiya's picture


You said: I am going to try and be more succinct since I am on my iPad.

You call this succinct!!!! Hahaha. Just kidding. I love your patience to write so much. Also your long posts show that you really respect your dualist, which I appreciate deeply.

You said: “Maybe what you are calling parts is probably "disciplines?" Not sure. Need more input.”

Call them parts, disciplines or whatever you want. All I am saying is that you can make a distinction between them. Some form of categorization. There is a “Believing in God part” and there is “believing in the hereafter part”… two distinct entities. That’s all I mean.

You said: “No. Not digressions. Re-read it. I am discussing the level of degree of magnitude to which a belief is believed.”

It is a digression considering the topic of our discussion. We are not discussing belief systems and their effect on our brains, like your claim “Some are so deeply believed that the mind is purposefully mentally retarded…” We are just discussing if there is a logical disconnect between ‘freewill’ and ‘hell”

You said: “No. Not digression. Avoidance. Your avoidance. Just like all other Absolutist Apologists.”

I had clearly stated that I am game to discuss anything about islam. But getting too many issues in will take our focus away from the topic of freewill. In fact I have discussed islam at great length with so many dualists in this very forum. I enjoy doing that. So fine… if you think it must be discussed… here you go.

In your previous post you had stated the following:
“And your entire Qu'ran has only one philosophy: "Live in peace, joy, and brotherhood with each other. But of those of different mind (beliefs), they are to be put to the sword (killed)."

Give your proof for this and I will answer it.

If doing good is a naturally human thing to do, then ‘goodness’ must be the norm in the world. But it seems like crime, violence, war, racism etc. are the norms. To me it looks like ‘evil’ seems to be the natural disposition of man and goodness the exception.

You said: “Are you sure? Can you back up that claim? How many people are criminals? Took me awhile to dig this up at the FBI website, but the United States has the highest percentage of prisoners in the world at 0.716% (about 2,313,610).”

First of all, I would like you to appreciate the reason behind my throwing examples, before you start dissecting those examples. I had stated that crime etc seems to be the norm in the world as a reply to your attempt to paint humans as being ‘naturally good”. You have not improved your argument one bit by showing these FBI stats… because then you are assuming that prison numbers is some infallible yardstick to measure human decadence. Nothing can be more unreliable to measure human moral standards than using prison stats. Black prisoners far outnumber whites (compared to their percentage in the population). That’s not because Blacks are inherently wicked, rather it points to social discriminations in the society. Secondly, when you talk morality, crime is just a small part of it. Morality begins from the lies we say so casually in our lives for petty gains, to not being bothered about the poor and the homeless, to not being productive in your office and the list goes on. None of these amount to criminality… yet they are immoral. And by those standards, it’s not very hard to see that people are more prone to breaking moral rules than upholding them.

You said: "Current research evidence does not support the common view that religiosity is positively correlated with good morality,"

Before you get into that… you will have to define ‘good morality.’ Because from my point of view, a person who drinks alcohol is being immoral. I don’t think that would be Sam Harris’ POV. Get the drift? So please define morality. I think you have attempted to answer that point below… will respond when I get there.

You said: “Yes, the human species is a sorry lot. Virtually everyone believes in the Reciprocity concept. "Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

This doesn’t sit well with a person who had critiqued the religious idea of morality based on seeking rewards from God. If that could be so loathsome… why should ‘reciprocity’ be okay!

You said: “And you neglected to include all the other stuff as to why I do good”

I have critiqued each of your point. Reciprocity was just the start.

You said: “Even I have to admit that the Einstein quote I used is kind of taken out of context. I shall endeavor to find the entire text from which it was taken. Then you can see that he was referring to the God/Satan and Heaven/Hell thing you Absolutists spew.”

If expecting rewards for our good deeds can be ugly… it’s all the more ugly if you expect rewards from fellow humans rather than from God. At least in the case of God, nobody on Earth is burdened with the responsibility to pay back.

You said: “Yes, I love all humans equally until they prove unworthy.”

You must be a superhuman in that case!!! If a child in Somalia dies of hunger, would you cry with the same intensity as you would for your own kith or kin. (God forbid). If you said yes either you are lying or you need to meet a shrink.

You said: “For instance, the man who murdered my wife and daughters, I have no love for him. In fact, I even wrote that it would be best that he and I never, ever, met in person because I cannot be responsible for what I may or may not do. I may do nothing at all except slam the door in his face.”

There you go. Would you treat the killer of some unknown victim the same way too. Obviously no. Because you don’t love your ‘wife’ and that ‘unknown victim’ with equal intensity. So if your emotional meter can vary between persons, how can you use it as a reliable guide for morality? That’s my question.

You said: “I do not use love to guide my moral decisions.”

Thanks for that admission. If love is not a guide to morality… then it’s just a powerful emotion that can drive you to do a lot of things… moral or immoral. This is all that I was trying to prove.

You said: “I use logic, reasoning, analytical thought, deduction, critical thinking, empathy, and sympathy.”

I had critiqued each of those points in my reply.

You said: “And yes, we are all selfish to our own degree and magnitude.”

Thanks again for that admission. But now what exactly is your position. Is man inherently ‘good’ or is he ‘selfish’?

You said: “The unltimate belief of Islam is to "Live in peace, joy, and brotherhood with each other. But for those of different minds (beliefs) they are to be put to the sword (killed)."

Proofs please.

You said: "You are condemned to Hell forever unless you do as we say." Basically, the unltimate message of ALL religions is "Believe or Die!"

The belief that disbelievers will go to hellfire can’t be considered as any kind of oppression. Because that’s true only if you choose to believe it. Are you, as an atheist, in any way, shape or form restrained by that belief? But of course, No.
You could take offense with it, but so can I with your worldview. You may say that a person like Hitler and a person like Martin Luther King, who lived very different kinds of life might simply end up as dirt after their death. To a believer it might sound ridiculous that a life so well lived and a life that murdered millions could have the same end. But that’s just your worldview… and I don’t have to be rattled by it. Get it?

You said: Those mental faculties have EVERYTHING to do with morality. They are what helps us to decide what is good or evil, truth or lie, right or wrong, in our subjectivity.

Can you tell me how using those mental faculties that you figured out saving a man’s life is good and that killing a chicken for food is okay?

You said: “In general, what I decide is good or evil, truth or lie, right or wrong, is usually what about 90 to 95% of the world also decides what is good or evil, truth or lie, right or wrong.”

Even if 100% people felt that something is good, it still wouldn’t make it good. A majority of people in the world believe in God, does that make it right? Your logic is muddled.

You said: “Of course this excludes ALL Absolutists since they believe those ancient and obsolete and savagely immoral religious texts to guide them. When are Absolutists going to realize this and update those mentalities?”

Well as I said, these absolutists make the majority in the world. And your argument from ‘majority’ citing that 95% figure falls on its face.

You said: “And no. Love is not the motivator of crimes.” It is religion. People murdering their own family.

People commit crimes for a variety of reasons among them ‘love’ is an important factor. People commit crimes to provide for their families they love. Recently, in my place a woman killed her parents because they tried to stop her from marrying the guy she loved. And I can quote countless more examples. Your theory simply doesn’t match with reality.

Secondly, when a person commits a crime in the name of Islam, I would argue that either the person doesn’t understand Islam or has lost his mind. It’s like me blaming Marx’s Das Capital for the murders committed by communist extremists.

You said: “More beguiling dialectical Absolutist apologetics. Irrelovant. For I do not have any ambivalence or issue with relativism. But you seem to.”

You are demonstrating your ambivalence here. you just uttered an insane logic that people don’t commit crimes out of love, which flies in the face of the crime records of any country.

You said: “Then prove you do not. I know for fact that ALL you Absolutists try to force your beliefs onto others.”

There are two basic blunders you are doing here. Firstly, I can’t prove a negative. I can’t prove that I DO NOT force my beliefs on others. You will have to prove that I force others. Secondly, your lumping the so called ‘Absolutes’ all in one category is disingenuous. It would be equal to my putting all atheists in one bucket, which will then make you an apologetic for ‘communists’ ‘maoists’ etc. Which any commonsensical man will know is not fair. So, while you are dealing with me you have to deal with my belief systems… and not expect me to talk for all religions and belief systems.

You said: “It is the nature of ANY religion to force enslavement onto all humans. To lower the human species to your level of ignorance.”

Please furnish your proofs from Islam.

You said: “About Absolutist Training: The Absolutists usually begin the training from early childhood through a controlled, systematic, totalitarian indoctrination process which utilizes mental rape, emotional molestation, and psychological terrorism when a child's mind, especially in the ages of 4 to 14 years, is at its most susceptible and most vulnerable to cultural conditioning. Regardless of your denials, this is forcing your beliefs onto others.”

By that logic, any form of cultural conditioning given to a child is a form of forceful indoctrination. Why do you think a child raised in a culture of non-vegetarianism feels alright about killing animals, while a child raised in a vegetarian setting shudders at the thought of slaughtering an animal. That’s culture conditioning. A vegetarian can turn around and say the same thing to you, that you have indoctrinated your child with your violent ideas. This is absolutely silly. The only way you can save a child from any indoctrination is by abandoning him in the wild, far away from any human contact as soon as he is born.

You said: “What I argued is the ultimate belief in ALL religions. Unbelievers are immoral heathens.”

The reason we are debating here is because each of us think the other is ‘WRONG.’ You talk as if you atheists have a very charitable opinion about believers. Of course, you think we are stupid and illogical and immoral people, don’t you? Then what right do you have to be so outraged by our belief.

You said: “There is no "god-based morality." There is no "objective" morality, for all morality is subjective.”

If all morality is subjective, how can you even sit and judge my morality.

You said: And here is an interesting factoid for you: 14 Muslim countries "officially" punish atheism or apostasy by death. This is definitely forcing religion on others,

You will also find other stats about Islamic countries. There is interest-based banking in most of them. Alcohol is permitted in many of them. There are no dress-codes in most of them and so on. Just because it’s there in these countries doesn’t make it religiously sanctioned. You need to bring you proof from the scriptures. Bring your proofs.

When argued ...if you base morality on things like logic and emotion, it gets too relativistic and therefore weak.
You asked: “How so? Where's the evidence? Where's the arguments.”

That’s what I have demonstrated already. If you go by logic – then there is no way you can logically tell me that giving charity (which impoverishes me) is good. If you go by emotion – I love different people with different intensities and so it can alter the way I deal with them accordingly, leading to bias and prejudice.

When I argued, Moreover, you wouldn’t have enough motivation/determination to live by those tenets when push comes to shove. Not so in the case of god-morality.
You asked: “Again, how so? Where's the evidence? I have had enough motivation/determination to live without those tenets.”

Let’s say, you figured out using your rationality that giving away all your money in charity is the best moral deed. Is that enough motivation to give away all your money?

When I asked you to define morality, YOU SAID: “Your elderly mother is carrying some rather heavy packages and is struggling. I help her by taking most of those packages to her residence for her. She says, "Thank you." I reply, "None needed. Glad to help." (And this has happened in real life though I am fictionalizing it.)”

Is this the way you offer definitions. This is a story you have told me, it means nothing.

You said: “Since I no longer have memorized text, this will take a few days. With my doctor's appointments coming up this Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, it might actually take more than a few days.”

You definitely can cite examples from the text. But what I am looking for is your definition of morality so then I can see if my ideas of morality fit the definition of not. Without that definition, no matter how many examples you throw at me, I would not be able to judge if it is moral or not.

You said: “They are Absolutist Apologists. Yes, some may be scientists, but they are Absolutist Apologists. What you have just stated is the same as me stating that "Intelligent Design" proposed by the Discovery Institute is a different school of thought for evolution. It is not.”

Not a true Scotsman fallacy! His third way does not invoke anything supernatural beyond the scope of testable science. He is just looking for a better explanation for observed data as he feels ‘natural selection’ is too weak.

You said: “Absolutist apologists complain bitterly that atheists and secularists are aggressive and hostile in their criticism of them, which we are not. When you guys were in charge, you did not argue with us, you just burnt us at the stake.”

BTW who is this ‘you guys’. Once again you are doing the mistake of seeing all religionists as being the same. IN that case would you like to answer for communist atrocities in Russia, Poland, China, Cambodia etc? Would you like to be bucketed with them because communists are also atheists.

Sapporo's picture

Hell is not true based on whether or not you believe in it.

Your reply only confirms that you think it is acceptable to torture people for not believing in something.

Tin-Man's picture

JoC?....Royism?...*crickets chirping*.... Hel-looooo.... *crickets chirping*.... Golly gee. Was it something I said? *halo over head with innocent look on face*

mickron88's picture i love those so i love those so long long long long long long never ending long long long long post....

man...i can't keep up with the topic..

*mouse scrolling*

arakish's picture
Dumb Ox, (and all others

Dumb Ox, (and all others interested…)

1 is partially true. However, I don’t believe in total depravity, im Catholic. Our nature is fallen but still partially good. It’s self evident that we have selfish and evil tendencies.

Which is your response to this:

Religion which teaches us we are broken, wicked, flawed, sinful, wretched, foolish, weak, and worth nothing without God.

I completely disagree with your response. I am not going to dig up all the Biblical scriptures because that could take days. If you are capable of reading while also using critical thinking, then you can find them. We are not "fallen." Yes, all humans have good and evil within them. If we are to use your Christian/Catholic analogy, want to know why?

From Whence Comes Evil And Sin?

As stated many times by Absolutists, everything comes from God. Thus, logically, if "everything" comes from God, then so must "evil." I am going to use deduction to show this.

You Absolutists always say God has always existed as the only Self-Existing One. For you Absolutists, God has no beginning and no end. Didn't Jesus once say something about this? Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord… Sooo… If God is the beginning AND the ending, then He himself must also begin and end. Logic dictates that anything that is the beginning and the ending also has a beginning and ending. Thus, let's get this question out of the way. What was there before God? From whence did God become?

Let's just say God has always existed, no beginning, no end. Fine. One thing your precious holy book does not cover, "Who created the Angels and other supernatural creatures (principalities, seraphim, cherubim, dominions, etc.?" I shall use the terms "Angel and Arch-Angels." Did they also exist without beginning or end? Since God is the Umaälis (V: All Creator) and the Athanorga (V: Lord Fatherer), we must assume God created the Angels.

Sooo… God created all the Angels, including Lucifer, the Morning Star. Although it does not say any such thing in the Bible, I have read other treatises that say Lucifer was the most powerful angel of all, even more powerful than Michael. Lucifer was God's right hand being the first amongst the Arch-Angels. I have also read he was the most beautiful, and his true mastery was music and singing. Thus, according to those treatises I hae read, Lucifer was second only to God Himself.

Now for the mess. For God to create anything, it must first be thought. Right? Since God created all the Angels from his thoughts, then that means the mentality of all the Angels also came from God. If Lucifer supposedly rose up against God and tried to claim that power for himself, and this is described as "evil" in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, then did not that "evil" first come from God?

The true Original Sin was the rising and fall of Lucifer. Not eating the fruit in that garden. The true Original Sin was Lucifer rising in an attempt to wrest the godhood from God. And since it was God who made Lucifer, it was also God who put the "evil" there. Now that is a trick. Get the "evil" out of God and put it in Lucifer.

Thus, in summation, it is God Himself that is "evil" and "sinful." And anything he creates is also.


Secondly, preaching publicly is not forcing your beliefs into others. If that were the case, then any pro abortion, pro lgbt, pro gun control, or pro communist protest would be forcing beliefs onto others. So, should no one ever give their opinions and promote them in public? I think not and I’m sure you don’t either.

This I can grant. We all do have the freedom of free speech; however, what I protest is that it seems you Absolutists regard it as a moral imperative to force your beliefs onto others without even asking if they want to hear y'all's bullshit. It is you Absolutists who seem to have the NEED to force your beliefs by walking up to a person whom you have never met before and profess the gospel. Even when I say, "I don't want to hear it," it seems it is you Absolutists who believe "No" means "Yes." As I have said, I don't care how much you want to preach/teach in the church, just when you are out in the public of society-at-large, just shut the hell up. I don't want to hear the bullshit anymore. And yes, I am against others who do this, even the LGBTs, the pro-lefters, the pro-righters; et. al. And this bullshit is the fault of you Absolutists. If you Absolutists were not so damned outspoken, then perhaps others would not follow suit. Have none of you ever thought of that? The only reason us Rationalists have become outspoken is nothing more than an attempt to enlighten the entire human species. It was you Absolutists who realized that we may be correct and have viciously assaulted us atheists in an attempt to counteract that enlightment, thus preventing your desires to enslave the entire human species to your level of ignorance.


You only see the harm that comes from religion, Christianity specifically, and not the good. What you don’t realize is that most of the values you hold to are Christian in origin. That we all have the same basic equal dignity is Christian. Go to China or India and you will see what I mean. The first hospitals were started by religious orders. Same with universities and a renewed interest in the classics and in science.

Yes. I only see the hate that ANY religion causes because ALL religions are inherently harmful.

I have never truly believed in ANY religion, especially the Absolutist religions. There is no philosophical ideology more divisive than religion. And, the worst part of ANY religion is that it is an ideology that is implicitly and explicitly protected from any and all criticism from both within and without. Why should any ideology, especially religion, be so privileged? Can you not see how disastrous this way of thinking can be, and is? I firmly believe, and shall take this belief to my grave, that the human species would have been much better off had there NEVER been ANY form of religion. It is due to religions, and their way of thinking, and their theological disagreements, that has created the greatest destruction, injury, death, harm, immorality, wickedness, and abuse to the human species than any other cause. The main problem is not religious fundamentalism, but the fundamentals of religion. Ultimately, it is Religion that is Humankind's worst enemy. - RMF Runyan

What kind of bullshit is it to teach (actually indoctrinate) children in the belief that they are nothing more than evil, wicked, mean, nasty, wretched, immoral, incapable of determining good or bad, truth or lie, right or wrong without the aid of some imaginative sky faerie. I believe that ALL human beings have integrity, dignity, and worth. I do not need a silly sky-faerie to tell me that. I can arrive at that truth with my own cognitive abilities. Should I list them? Empathy, rationality, logic, reason, deduction, critical thinking, sympathy, analytical thought, and the greatest one of all, LOVE. I cannot think of anyway how I shall ever understand why you Absolutists find this so hard to comprehend. Such is just one of myriad reasons I find ALL religions like yours so damned repugnant and disgusting. It teaches me that I cannot be good to others without some form of special permission from your sky faerie. And, to get that special permission, all I have to do is to kneel down and kiss his ass. This robs me of my self-worth, my dignity, my self-esteem, my mental faculties, my morality, and teaches me that all human beings are wretched and wicked things, needing an imaginative sky faerie to heal them. Why is it that you can make judgment calls and dictate what is right and wrong, and I cannot? As Godless Cranium once said, "If I bought into that argument, I would be just as deluded as all of you [Absolutists]."

What kind of bullshit is it to teach (actually indoctrinate) children that unless they think the same way you Absolutists do, then they are going to burn in Hell forever? That is psychological terrorism, pure and simple. There is no other way to describe it. What kind of picture does it paint to say an omnibenevolent God (which He is NOT) wants to punish me for not believing in Him, by having my flesh burned from my bones only to be regrown and burned again and again and again for all eternity? And there are thousands of more examples I could use, but you seem to be as closed minded as that abusive indoctrination process you Absolutists practice. Try reading the Bible while also using critical and rational thinking.


What you don’t realize is that most of the values you hold to are Christian in origin.

BULLSHIT! All moral values that have ever existed have been hijacked by Christianity. Just read this quote by Sir Arthur C. Clarke:

One of the greatest tragedies in mankind's entire history may be that morality has been hijacked by religion. So now people assume that religion and morality have a necessary connection. But the basis of morality is really very simple and doesn't require religion at all.
- Arthur C. Clarke

The moral values you Absolutists claim as having originated from your God are many hundreds, even thousands of years older than the Bible itself. I have been researching the Bible with the premise to prove it is original and true. However, in all my decades of research, I have found only one sobering fact. EVERYTHING in that Bronze Age text you call the Bible has been plagiarized from far older myths and legends. Decades of hard empirical research that just proved my belief that the Bible is nothing more than a book of lies and immorality. For example, all of the empires that existed before the Noahacian Flood were still in existence after the Flood without having any form of destruction and resurrection. Why not use that intelligence you may possess and do some research for yourself. And here is another for you. The events in Exodus are supposed to the have occured during 1440 to 1400 BCE. If that is so, then how is that the Hebrews (Jews) did not exist until 1000 BCE and they originated in Assyria? Why is it that the OLDEST Egyptian artifact that first mentions the Hebrews (Jews) dates to only 900 BCE? Do some research O! ye of self-induced ignorance.


That we all have the same basic equal dignity is Christian.

More horse hoowhee. That is what y'all profess, but never practice. There is nothing but inequality throughout all Christendom. If there was not, then why is there a hierarchical ranking system within the churches? Those of higher rank are granted greater dignity than those who are lower ranking.


Go to China or India and you will see what I mean.

I have. And just like here in America, there are those who have higher social status granted greater dignity and those of lower social status granted no dignity, and all the greyscale in between. And that is simply a human societal trait.


And here is another short treatise for you to consider...

Absurdity of Original Sin

Foremost, I have to admit that I have found this idea to be the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard in my entire life. When I first heard this idea when I was only six years old (actually 5y 10m), my first thought to the preacher was, "How stupid can you be?" I never verbally stated this, but it was my thought.

If my father just happened to have robbed a bank, is it even conceivable that I, his son, should also be put into prison for his crime? That my children, his grandchildren, should also be put into prison for his crime? No.

Then why should I even listen to your ridiculous ideology about Original Sin?

Here is another concept for you to grasp. And this comes from my earning an Associate's Degree in Child Psychology while in the Navy, and other psychology classes in college. What happens when you tell any child not do something without explaining to them why it is bad to do it in the first place? The child is naturally going to do that something. And it has nothing to with a sinful nature. It is due to the fact that ALL children are born curious about the world around them. They want to learn about the world around them. Ever have a baby get into your pots and pans and make a hellacious racket? Nothing more than the child's curiosity and desire to learn of his/her world. And guess what he/she learned? These funny looking metallic objects make a most wondrous noise. Of course, since the very young child's sense of "wondrous noise" is not as well developed as us adults, us adults find it to be a very obnoxious racket.

I have a proposition for you to consider. What is the one thing that makes a scientist a scientist? CURIOSITY. Thus, I propose that ALL children are born natural scientists. As they grow up, not all shall become scientists. However, like scientists, all children, including all adults, are curious. All humans by our nature are naturally fledgling scientists. Just that some make careers out of studying science and become actual Scientists.

When you tell a child not to do something, that natural curiosity is going to cause that child to seek the answer why you told them not to do that something. It has nothing to with them being sinful. They are simply wanting to know why. Natural curiosity is driving them to discover why. Yes, you can fully explain to them why they should not do that something, but until they actually do that something and learn the consequences of doing that something for themselves, their curiosity is going to drive them to discover the answer for themselves. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING SINFUL. Except in those tiny closed minds of Absolutists.

Children are not born into this world pre-loaded with the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong, truth and lie. They learn such by living. By being CURIOUS. Whenever one or both of our daughters did something wrong, I always used psychology to ask them about what they had done. I would ask them, "Was what you did wrong?" No matter how they answered, I would then ask them, "Can you explain to me why it was wrong?" Then I would discuss with them about the merits of what they had done. Then to really throw a monkey wrench into the gears, I would ask them to tell me what punishment they should receive. Of course, they truly despised that, but it was my way of not resorting to the violence of corporal punishment as you Absolutists may do. Something ALL you Absolutists believe to be absolutely necessary. And if you deny it, then you are an Absolutist, a liar.

And you Absolutists know the Bible verses you use to defend your right to physically abuse children:
Proverbs 13:24 — Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.
Proverbs 23:13-14 — Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die. Punish them with the rod and save them from death.
Proverbs 22:15 — Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.

Now I am going to pull out specific parts.

Whoever spares the rod hates their children… Sooo…, if I do not beat my children, I must hate them?

Punish them with the rod and save them from death. Sooo…, if I do not want my children to die, I must beat them?

In other words, your Bible is nothing more than the most expeditious means of how to live the most immoral life anyone could live.

Here is a funny story for you. When my daughters were old enough to understand what was meant by the Associate's in Child Psychology degree I earned while in the Navy hanging on my office wall meant, they confronted me about it. "Dad. We know what that degree means. It means you cheated." I nonchalantly looked at them and replied, "No it does not. It means I did like any good sailor and prepared for war." They even told me that they would rather I spank them and get it over with instead of using the psychology I used and having to deal with a disappointed father. I never told them, but I did tell my wife how badly my parents would beat me when I screwed up, especially my mom if it was religious. I told her I was never going to resort to corporal punishment because I was always fearful, that like my parents, I would lose control. Thus, I made a promise to myself that I would never touch any child except in such a way to show how much I truly loved them. To me, children are life's greatest treasure. They can also be life's greatest disappointments.

I told the story above because I also want to tell you that religion had absolutely NOTHING to do with me breaking the "cycle of violence." I forget who said it (MLK?), but someone said, "Violence only begets more violence." The only thing religion had to do with me breaking the cycle of violence is that I also promised myself I would never treat my children as badly as the Christian God treated his. Thus, I propose to you that it is your God that begets more violence due to the horrific amounts of violence He has commanded His followers to do to the whole human species.

Would you think it moral, ethical, fair, or even rational if your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren were punished for your sin?

Above I tried to make the number of "greats" to be equal to the time of Adam to now. I think I need quite a few more… Using the YECs age of the Earth, I think I need about another 120 or so…


Finally, I shall be the frist to admit that not ALL Absolutist households are based in religion being forced by physical violence. However, if not physical, then it is done through mental rape, emotional molestation, and psychological terrorism. Just always remember the ONE and ONLY True Ultimate Message of ALL Christendom in the attached image.

And there is no Absolutist, whether Apologist or not, that can disprove that message.


P.S. — To everyone, sorry for my long posts. It is just that when I sit and formulate my thoughts in a debate, I tend to be quite verbose. This is something I have attempted to asuage, but sometimes, when I get on a roll, I just cannot stop.

Edit: Forgot to attach image...


Attach Image/Video?: 

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Holy THAT is a

Holy THAT is a total demolition...*applauds*

RedleT's picture
Well, you do write a lot I’ll

Well, you do write a lot I’ll say that much. One quick remark is spanking is not the same as beating. Corporal punishment can be legitimate. Every single sports team ever uses corporal punishment, running or something like that. And that is fine and good. I was spanked every once in a while as a kid. When it is done the parent shouldn’t be emotional and super angry. When a two year old reaches for fire you can try to reason with him, but he probably won’t understand. You could even put him in time out. But spanking his rist will send the message that action X means pain and I don’t like pain so I won’t do it.

Now to the rod quotes of the Bible. They don’t say how hard you must beat a a child. Is the rods supposed to be used to give a sting or are you supposed to beat your child until he is bleeding or bruised? It doesn’t say.

Btw my dads has a masters in phycology and says spanking in moderation is fine, so don’t make an argument from your own authority.

About God causing sin: God created free beings. This was good. But He creates them in a state where they could choose good or evil since He did not create them in heaven. Some sinned and that’s how we have evil.

About original sin: we don’t inherit guilt but we do inherit a fallen nature which is oriented towards evil to a certain extent. Yes kids don’t know about good and evil, but they start doing bad things right away. For instance they fight over toys, steal, lie, ect. Now they are kids so they aren’t morally responsible. Furthermore, not everything is lost for us in this fallen world, because there is another. A hard fought reward tastes better than one unearned.

arakish's picture
by Dumb Ox,

by Dumb Ox,

Well, you do write a lot I’ll say that much. One quick remark is spanking is not the same as beating. Corporal punishment can be legitimate. Every single sports team ever uses corporal punishment, running or something like that. And that is fine and good. I was spanked every once in a while as a kid. When it is done the parent shouldn’t be emotional and super angry. When a two year old reaches for fire you can try to reason with him, but he probably won’t understand. You could even put him in time out. But spanking his rist will send the message that action X means pain and I don’t like pain so I won’t do it.

Now to the rod quotes of the Bible. They don’t say how hard you must beat a a child. Is the rods supposed to be used to give a sting or are you supposed to beat your child until he is bleeding or bruised? It doesn’t say.

Btw my dads has a masters in phycology and says spanking in moderation is fine, so don’t make an argument from your own authority.

About God causing sin: God created free beings. This was good. But He creates them in a state where they could choose good or evil since He did not create them in heaven. Some sinned and that’s how we have evil.

About original sin: we don’t inherit guilt but we do inherit a fallen nature which is oriented towards evil to a certain extent. Yes kids don’t know about good and evil, but they start doing bad things right away. For instance they fight over toys, steal, lie, ect. Now they are kids so they aren’t morally responsible. Furthermore, not everything is lost for us in this fallen world, because there is another. A hard fought reward tastes better than one unearned.


Ah, another one... BTW: I also correct any spelling/grammatical/punctuation mistakes, thus including whole context above...

One quick remark is spanking is not the same as beating. Corporal punishment can be legitimate.

This I shall say only once: ANY FORM OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT, REGARDLESS, IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE. No matter what, no form of physical abuse is acceptable. And, yes, ANY form of corporal punishment is BEATING. Regardless of how you may define the difference. It is all the same. Corporal punishment = beating = spanking = physical abuse = NOT acceptable.


When a two year old reaches for fire you can try to reason with him, but he probably won’t understand. You could even put him in time out. But spanking his wrist will send the message that action X means pain and I don’t like pain so I won’t do it.

And you are still deluded with that need to beat a child. If a 2 year old is reaching for fire, you simply move him/her away from it. You NEVER have to "spank the wrist." All you are doing is simply proving me correct in that ALL Absolutists believe it is OK to beat a child for any reason. I guess I lied above: IT IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE TO BEAT A CHILD FOR ANY REASON.


Now to the rod quotes of the Bible. They don’t say how hard you must beat a child. Is the rod supposed to be used to give a sting, or are you supposed to beat your child until he is bleeding or bruised? It doesn’t say.

Nor does it say not to. And that is where you Absolutists are deluding yourselves. Because those scriptures actually tell you to discipline a child, you must beat that child. That is reprehensible and repugnant.


Btw my dads has a masters in phycology and says spanking in moderation is fine, so don’t make an argument from your own authority.

(I do not know how to correct the above sentence.)

Then your dads must be Absolutists. ALL psychologists I have had discussions with are also atheist, and including some child psychologists, say it is never an acceptable alternative to beat a child, no matter how moderate. And I was not speaking from my authority. I was speaking from all that I have learned and discussed with actual and true psychologists and psychiatrists, all of which have PhDs. Furthermore, I was speaking from all that I have learned from having lived with my twin daughters for 16 years. And as far as I am concerned, a PhD always trumps a Masters. Thus, cease and desist with your superior authority.

And here is something for you to consider. Did you know, although I only had 16 years with them, I never, ever, spanked, beat, corporally punished, nor physically abused my daughters in any way, shape, or form. I always used psychological methods to discuss with them their misbehaviors. And this was NOT any form of mental abuse. As said, I DISCUSSED with them. I did not do like you Absolutists and say, "You are condemned unless you do I say." And you already admitted your dads have beaten you. If you have children, have you disciplined them with physical abuse yet? If this question offends, it should. However, I shall also apologize and state the fact that it is not an accusatory statement; rather, it is just purely interrogative.


About God causing sin: God created free beings. This was good. But He creates them in a state where they could choose good or evil since He did not create them in heaven. Some sinned and that’s how we have evil.

Wrong. As I said, even in your beliefs system, everything comes from God. Including all the horrible and heinous stuff you Absolutists just blind yourselves to.


About original sin: we don’t inherit guilt but we do inherit a fallen nature which is oriented towards evil to a certain extent. Yes kids don’t know about good and evil, but they start doing bad things right away. For instance they fight over toys, steal, lie, ect. Now they are kids so they aren’t morally responsible. Furthermore, not everything is lost for us in this fallen world, because there is another. A hard fought reward tastes better than one unearned.

And how stupid can you be? Guilt = fallen nature, no matter what. We do not inherit anything except the combined genes from each of our parents. Twenty-three half chromosomes from each to make 23 whole chromosomes. We inherit nothing else. Kids NEVER start doing anything bad from the beginning. What they start doing is exploring their world. If that is evil in your book, then you do suffer from mental illnesses. Even today, you are still exploring the world about you. What is evil about that? And yes, kids eventually do start to do bad things, but that is nothing more than the simple human trait of desire.

Hard fought reward? Yeah. I am the epitome of hard fought reward. Have you seen my Soul Shatter sharing? To get myself to where I am now, do you not think it was hard fought? In fact it was hardest battle I have ever had to fight.

...because there is another [world].

And I want hard empirical evidence proving this other world. If you cannot provide the evidence, then it does not exist. No evidence = no existence. Furthermore, if the data cannot verified or falsified, then it is not evidence. As I have said many times, all I am asking for is proof. And do not give me that whiney-ass crap that the Bible says so, I believe it to be so, God says so, etc., etc., etc. I want hard empirical evidence.


Although religion may not be true mental disorders, it sure is mental illness. Although I cannot prove it, I do feel that any persons, especially here in America, who become die-hard Absolutists suffer from mental illness which allows them to be easily deluded, either by other or, worse, themselves. After discussion with three different psychologists (PhD), and researching such at medical journal article sites (peer-reviewed), there is one conclusion of all Absolutist Religions. They all cause the mental illnesses that imitates these mental disorders:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which there is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding [caring] of others' feelings. People affected by NPD often spend a lot of time thinking about achieving power, success, and/or domineering control (megalomania). They often take advantage of the people around them, especially focusing upon the homeless, poor, drug addicts, and less educated. This disorder is very similar to Megalomaniacal Dementia when applied to those of a religious bent.

Schizophrenic Delusion Disorder
Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and confused, sometimes deranged, behavior that may or may not impair daily functioning, and may be disabling. Schizophrenia is a chronic condition usually requiring lifelong treatment.

Inferiority Complex Disorder
A psychological disorder characterized by an acute sense of being lower in status, quality, capability, intelligence, skillfulness than other people that can be wholly or partly unconscious resulting in exaggerated timidity, or overcompensation with exaggerated aggressiveness.

As said, I may not be able to prove it, but if you were to objectively study the behaviors and thinking patterns of Absolutists, then such does point straight to the above mental disorders.

If so desired, I may ask those psychologists to provide me with discussions as to why they feel that the mental illness of religion imitates these mental disorders. It just might take a while though. However, the definitions provided above may be enough.


And here is something I learned while earning my AA in Child Psychology. Once you resort to using corporal punishment, no other form of punishment will ever work again. And once you resort to using corporal punishment, the only further punishment that will work is to increase the amount of corporal punishment. In other words, if you give 10 licks the first time, you have no other alternative but to increase it to 20 licks the second time, 30 licks for the third, 40 licks, 50 licks, etc., etc., etc. This has been proven in actual studies.


uploaded from my iPad

RedleT's picture


Ok so what’s the meaningful difference between mild spanking and physical punishments coaches inflict on players e.g running or wall sits? Certainly you would say if s parent spanking a child is bad, then a child being forced to spank himself would be worse. So the fact that the players are the ones doing the physical punishment is irrelevant since they are being forced in a certain way, even if only verbally. Furthermore, the primary end of physical punishments of couches is not to get their players in shape. Otherwise, they wouldn’t wait until players messed around too much, didn’t pay attention, had attitude problems ect. It is to discipline/punish and act as a deterrent to future misconduct. Any exercise benefit is only secondary and some of the punishments are not at all good for getting in shape. So the only major difference I can see is that one case you get hit and the other you are inflicted with some other corporal punishment. I really don’t consider that significant in any way. I have received both before and I’ll tell now I would rather get spanked by my parents than run 15 100 yard sprints.

So is there a significant difference between the two corporal punishments above? If not, would you really say coaches shouldn’t punish that way? If so, how?

Btw sorry for the late response and I wouldn’t be surprised or annoyed if you didn’t respond.

Sheldon's picture
"Ok so what’s the meaningful

"Ok so what’s the meaningful difference between mild spanking and physical punishments coaches inflict on players e.g running or wall sits? "

Choice and the ability to fight back. If either of those don't apply then there is no difference and they're both morally wrong. Inserting the disingenuous word mild in there is transparent, hitting children is not just cruel it's fucking lazy parenting.

RedleT's picture
@ Sheldon

@ Sheldon

Kids probably don’t have the ability to fight couches until they are in high school and even then that’s problematic. If by fight back you mean sue or something like that, then that’s a little more reasonable but I would appreciate clarification on what you mean by fight back.

Secondly, when the hell do you have a choice on whether or not you are going to get punished? I guess you do have a choice in getting into a contract but once you’re in that contract or agreement you have to live with the consequences. Furthermore, I can’t imagine it being good parenting for a parent to allow a kid to quit a sport because they had to run a couple laps as punishment. I mean, would you say a parent can’t force a kid to at least finish a season even though the kid is so undisciplined that he doesn’t want to tolerate simple punishment by coaches? I would assume not, but then the difference of choice is thrown out the window and presumably you would conclude that running or some similar punishment is unacceptable, which is absurd.

Sheldon's picture
"I would appreciate

"I would appreciate clarification on what you mean by fight back."

I mean it's barbaric to hit or strike a child, that clearly has no way to defend itself. It's the cowardly act of a bully to hit someone weaker than yourself.

"Secondly, when the hell do you have a choice on whether or not you are going to get punished?"

That's something of a non-sequitur, it's also a straw man as I never argued this. Punishment and physical abuse are wildly different things.

" I mean, would you say a parent can’t force a kid to at least finish a season even though the kid is so undisciplined that he doesn’t want to tolerate simple punishment by coaches? "

Yes of course, why would any parent force a child to participate in a sport when it didn't want to?

"presumably you would conclude that running or some similar punishment is unacceptable"

Well that would depend on what you mean by punishment and the context and the age of the child, though I have no idea what this has to do with hitting or beating a child? I think you're going off into another non-sequitur to be honest.

RedleT's picture
Ok basically I’m trying to

Ok basically I’m trying to make an argument that’s called ad absurdum (forget the exact Latin phrase). So, if you are logically consistent that spanking even mildly is wrong since it is some form of physical punishment, then to be consistent, you would have to say coaches are immoral for making players run or some other physical punishment. I hold that to be obviously absurd and hence one of your premises must be wrong. It’s starting to sound like you might be willing to admit such a conclusion though.

So with the kid quitting the team: when you join a team you have made a commitment and in general you shouldn’t break commitments unless there is a good reason. Parents are responsible for forming virtuous children. Quitting a team because you were made to run a lap as punishment is a horrible reason and pretty much never happens because it’s incredibly stupid. The kids in my hypothetical can be from ages 8 to 18. The physical punishment isn’t extreme and is proportional to age gender and infractions of rules. So say a high school football player who blind sides someone on the side line and gives him a concussion during practice just because he’s an asshole, might have to run 15 or 20 100 yard sprints. A bunch of 10 years olds who talk don’t pay attention to the coaches ect might have to jog for 300 yards or so.
Basically, one way or another kids are punished and coerced into being punished physically on sports teams. Think about it. Let’s say your a star pitcher for a high school baseball team and you and other players are disrespectful to coaches so they make you run around the field but you refuse to. The coach says to do that or quit and you quit. Let’s say your in the playoffs too. Your screwing the rest of your teams hard work because you refuse to take a punishment. Now, your parents would be perfectly justified in saying “hey you can’t quite and if you do then you are grounded for a long time”. Not sure what a long time is but you get the point. Sports teams would be literally unfunctional without coaches being able to discipline players and the most effective means is often by making players run or something physical. A coach can’t ground a player.

If it’s not abuse for a coach to coerce/cause a player to inflict some level of physical pain on themselves, then why would it be abuse for a parent to slap a child’s hand or butt and cause some slight stinging? Trust me, running is worse physical pain, although if you have played in sports and been slapped on the hand (no bleading or bruising) then you know what I mean. Which is to say it’s manefestly obvious what causes worse physical pain.

David Killens's picture
@ Dumb Ox

@ Dumb Ox

Don't you get it, that attempting to connect child abuse to a sports team is a fail? I am not even going to get into the sports team part because the bottom line is we are discussing beating children.

And I find it personally despicable anyone would attempt to justify child abuse.

RedleT's picture
Accept we are actually

Accept we are actually talking about spanking which you think is beating. It’s a little slap that causes a little pain. Making someone run is much much more painful. How is slapping your child’s rist or butt grave, EVIL abuse, but making a player run not evil abuse? Actually address what I have written. If you can’t see the connections then that’s fine. But don’t just assert it, since I have given actual reasons. I agree beating children is wrong, but I am arguing that mild spanking is not beating.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
If you cant get a point

@ Dumb Ox


If you cant get a point across without "spanking" which is the use of physical violence against a child then you are a lousy parent and a worse human being.

I had several step kids and some 20 odd foster kids. Not once did we have to use any violence. It reflected in the kids behaviours, some of the foster kids coming from violent households. They changed when the fear departed. Became less prone to violent outbursts themselves, started to apologise when pain was caused.

I could tell many stories of practical parenting and had to restrain myself as well when things were getting out of hand. But I did, and I can live with myself.

Its a false analogy between a sports coach and a family. Utterly false.

Any overt use of force or arbitrary authority against anyone is bullying. It shows the bully's immaturity and total lack of respect and leadership skills.

Coaches lead, leaders lead, bullys discipline and say "its necessary to maintain respect" Absolute bollocks. It breeds more abuse is all.

RedleT's picture
Coaches coerce (legitimately

Coaches coerce (legitimately I might add) players into afflicting physical pain as a punishment. A parent who spanks does the same thing except now they just slap a wrist or butt. WHY is it a false analogy, especially since the physical pain coaches more or less force upon players is wasaaaay worse than spanking. The act of spankong is not any more dramatic in my experience as long as the parents are keeping their cool.

Furthermore, it’s not lazy parenting. Lazy and stupid parenting is trying to discipline a two year by soul means of reasoning with them, which is often what parents do today who don’t spank.

Another question for all y’all: is putting a little kid or two year in time out abuse??? Especially since often the screams they give are worse than spanking and last longer? It would seem to me if a little slap is abuse then time out has got to on the level of solitary confinement for a hardened criminal or something.Btw I’ll be really disappointed if someone says their child has never cried when punished, because that means your liar, your child is a saint, or you have never punished your child and never found out.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Dumb Ox

@ Dumb Ox

"Coaches coerce (legitimately I might add) players into afflicting physical pain as a punishment. A parent who spanks does the same thing except now they just slap a wrist or butt. WHY is it a false analogy, especially since the physical pain coaches more or less force upon players is wasaaaay worse than spanking. The act of spankong is not any more dramatic in my experience as long as the parents are keeping their cool."

And that paragraph just illustrates your lack of understanding of coaching methods and absolute ignorance of parenting. I assume you meant "inflict" not "afflict"

I have been and done both.

Here's the problem with physical abuse in a nutshell, it is one time you cannot escalate, there is no capacity for self reflection on the part of the child. If the child repeats the behaviour what? you "spank" harder, then harder still? Then its abuse...

As a coach, I may set the team to run laps . Again, how can you escalate? Run more laps, then more and more and...oops he's had a heart attack. If you have experience coaches like that its likely you have had the wrong experience and truly talented players dropped out.

I do suspect that most of your life experience seems to have come from bad TV shows.

Yes my children had tears at time outs or missing a treat or desert, but each punishment was accompanied by a genuine discussion as to what precipitated the situation and how we could avoid that situation in the future. It wasn't authoritarian, it was demonstrating the difference between acceptable and non acceptable behaviours and the necessity to expect repercussions.

Most kids end up dreading the "chats" as they are asked to self reflect, much more than any self imposed punishment.

Yes it requires much more effort to parent and coach using those methods but it it is better than just lashing out with some casual violence and expect it solve your problems.

RedleT's picture
I have played sports all my

I have played sports all my life and have been on very bad and very good teams with bad and good coaches. My senior years my football team won a state championship. I have a lot of experience with regards to sports discipline. I’ve also been exposed to liberal and conservative styles of parenting.

“Here's the problem with physical abuse in a nutshell, it is one time you cannot escalate, there is no capacity for self reflection on the part of the child. If the child repeats the behaviour what? you "spank" harder, then harder still? Then its abuse...

As a coach, I may set the team to run laps . Again, how can you escalate? Run more laps, then more and more and...oops he's had a heart attack. If you have experience coaches like that its likely you have had the wrong experience and truly talented players dropped out.“

Now, are you admitting that, gasp, you have punished/disciplined players with physical pain like running...... You also make one of my points ironically: you pretty much say that making players run is fine but if you over do it you literally might kill someone. Fair enough. But why can’t we apply that to spanking? A simple limit is that if you leave any bruising or a red mark for more than a minute then you have over done it. Furthermore, spanking does not exclude having conversations which is good and necessary. Keep in mind though spanking is normally or should be done with small children who aren’t capable of having nearly as much understanding as an adult or teenager. A two year old doesn’t give a damn about justice. You can’t be too abstract.

Sheldon's picture
"Now, are you admitting that,

"Now, are you admitting that, gasp, you have punished/disciplined players with physical pain like running."

Actually that read like a hypothetical to me. Either way they're not being physically forced against their will, your analogy is still spurious.

RedleT's picture
Ok good so you are at least

Ok good so you are at least trying to identify a specific significant difference. You say it’s being or not being physically forced. The thing is with other punishments especially for younger kids you MUST physically force them to do something. You must force them to go in time out or not to go outside or not to get a treat or force them to come inside for this or that ect. Hence, physical force is often a necessary condition for any punishment even if it’s not corporal. “Little Johnny, your grounded for punching your sister” “screw you mom I’m just going to walk outside and you can’t stop me” “ oh darn if I restrain you then I’m abusing you.....” Therfore physical coercion is not necessarily abusive.

Also how about in my example of the baseball pitcher? Let’s say the parents say “you have to finish the season and run or you are grounded and we will take away your driving privileges”. There obviously a degree of physical coercion in that the parents take away the keys and don’t let the kid have them.

Furthermore what if the kid is remorseful for the wrong they have done and freely accepts the punishment? It’s not often but it happens.

Going on a retreat this week so I’m probably done after tonight with this conversation.

Sheldon's picture
"The thing is with other

"The thing is with other punishments especially for younger kids you MUST physically force them to do something. You must force them to go in time out or not to go outside or not to get a treat or force them to come inside for this or that ect. Hence, physical force is often a necessary condition for any punishment even if it’s not corporal. "

Your first analogy made a spurious connection using pain but ignoring force, and now you've finally grasped this, you're making a second spurious analogy citing force but ignoring pain? I have no problem with disciplining children, but if you have to use physical force then you either have a child that is exceptional, or you have failed to properly teach them in the first place. Most children respond to adults when they talk to them, hitting them is just wrong for all the reasons mentioned.

Your second paragraph again focuses on pain, but there is no force in the sense of striking or beating a child. Coercion and force are not the same. You also wrongly assume I am ok with what to me appears to be little more than bullying a child into a physical activity it doesn't wish to participate in.
"Furthermore what if the kid is remorseful for the wrong they have done and freely accepts the punishment? It’s not often but it happens."

I give up what about it?

Sheldon's picture
"Furthermore, it’s not lazy

"Furthermore, it’s not lazy parenting. Lazy and stupid parenting is trying to discipline a two year by soul means of reasoning with them, which is often what parents do today who don’t spank."

You think resorting immediately to hitting a child by lashing out to vent frustration or anger is more difficult than trying to reason with a two year old? That's so obviously and stupidly wrong I'm not sure whether you're being serious. You do realise you just claimed reasoning was stupid right? I mean in writing for every one to see?

Can someone tell me why so many theists can't abbreviate you are?


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